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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save nicroto/9407322 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PhantomJS crash when using node-phantom (report, code reproducing the issue)
'use strict';
var pathUtils = require("path"),
http = require("http"),
nodePhantom = require('node-phantom'),
should = require('should'),
phantomPath = pathUtils.resolve( pathUtils.join( __dirname, "../bin/phantomjs" ) ),
var server = http.createServer( function(request,response) {
response.writeHead( 200, { "Content-Type": "text/html" } );
response.end( '<html><head></head><body></body></html>' );
} ).listen();
var pageAddress = "http://localhost:" + server.address().port,
someScript = "(function(){var a = 'success';});";
var beforeAllFunc = function(done) {
nodePhantom.create( function(error, ph) {
var originalCreate = ph.createPage;
ph.createPage = function() {
originalCreate.apply( ph, arguments );
phantom = ph;
}, {
phantomPath: phantomPath
} )
var afterAllFunc = function() {
var pages = [],
pagesCount = 3;
var createPage = function(callback) {
phantom.createPage( function(error, page) {
callback( page );
} );
var getFreshPage = function(callback) {
createPage( function(page) {
pages.push( page ); pageAddress, function(error, status) {
page.evaluate( someScript, function(error) {
callback( page );
} );
} );
} );
var getPage = function() {
return pages.splice(0,1)[0];
describe( "node-phantom", function() {
before( beforeAllFunc );
after( afterAllFunc );
it( "doesnt work in this case", function(done) {
var asyncCount = pagesCount;
// create a pool of n pages
// having a preloaded page and injected script
for ( var i = 0; i < pagesCount; i++ ) {
getFreshPage(function(page) {
pages.push( page );
if ( --asyncCount === 0 ) {
var step2 = function() {
var page = getPage();
getFreshPage(function(page) {
getFreshPage(function(page) {
pages.push( page );
var step3 = function() {
var page = getPage();
page.evaluate( someScript, function(error) {
var inner = getPage(); "", function() {
// should've blown already
} );
} );
} );
after( afterAllFunc );
} );
var webpage=require('webpage'),
someScript = "function(){var a = 'success';}",
pages = [],
pagesCount = 3;
var createPage = function() {
var page = webpage.create();
return page;
var getPage = function() {
return pages.splice(0,1)[0];
var getFreshPage = function(callback) {
var page = createPage(); "", function() {
page.evaluate( someScript );
callback( page );
} );
// create a pool of n pages
// having a preloaded page and injected script
var async = pagesCount;
for ( var i = 0; i < pagesCount; i++ ) {
getFreshPage( function(page) {
pages.push( page );
if ( --async === 0 ) {
} );
var main = function() {
// step 2
var page = getPage();
getFreshPage( function(page) {
getFreshPage( function(page) {
pages.push( page );
// step 3
page = getPage();
page.evaluate( someScript );
var inner = getPage(); "", function() {
} );
} );
} );
Operating system: Mac OS X
10.9.1 13B42
CPU: x86
GenuineIntel family 6 model 58 stepping 9
8 CPUs
Crash address: 0xffffffffffffffe8
Thread 0 (crashed)
0 0xa51f414
eip = 0x0a51f414 esp = 0xbfffc9c0 ebp = 0xbfffca08 ebx = 0x0a51f783
esi = 0x00000200 edi = 0x09ef7358 eax = 0x0a5261a0 ecx = 0x00000020
edx = 0xfffffffb efl = 0x00210246
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 phantomjs + 0xd75d5
eip = 0x000d85d6 esp = 0xbfffca10 ebp = 0xbfffca98
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
2 phantomjs + 0x14f388
eip = 0x00150389 esp = 0xbfffcaa0 ebp = 0xbfffcac8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
3 phantomjs + 0x223661
eip = 0x00224662 esp = 0xbfffcad0 ebp = 0xbfffcc58
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
4 phantomjs + 0x220647
eip = 0x00221648 esp = 0xbfffcc60 ebp = 0xbfffcc88
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
5 phantomjs + 0x11ea38e
eip = 0x011eb38f esp = 0xbfffcc90 ebp = 0xbfffcd38
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
6 phantomjs + 0x5b7f7
eip = 0x0005c7f8 esp = 0xbfffcd40 ebp = 0xbfffce98
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
7 phantomjs + 0x11ea472
eip = 0x011eb473 esp = 0xbfffcea0 ebp = 0xbfffcf48
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
8 phantomjs + 0x5e9c0
eip = 0x0005f9c1 esp = 0xbfffcf50 ebp = 0xbfffcf78
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
9 phantomjs + 0x244f6
eip = 0x000254f7 esp = 0xbfffcf80 ebp = 0xbfffd1a8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
10 phantomjs + 0x107dad8
eip = 0x0107ead9 esp = 0xbfffd1b0 ebp = 0xbfffd1d8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
11 phantomjs + 0x69149e
eip = 0x0069249f esp = 0xbfffd1e0 ebp = 0xbfffd2b8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12 phantomjs + 0x6900f9
eip = 0x006910fa esp = 0xbfffd2c0 ebp = 0xbfffd2f8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
13 phantomjs + 0x68f9c0
eip = 0x006909c1 esp = 0xbfffd300 ebp = 0xbfffd318
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
14 phantomjs + 0x690439
eip = 0x0069143a esp = 0xbfffd320 ebp = 0xbfffd358
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
15 phantomjs + 0x68d206
eip = 0x0068e207 esp = 0xbfffd360 ebp = 0xbfffd3b8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
16 phantomjs + 0x57fa54
eip = 0x00580a55 esp = 0xbfffd3c0 ebp = 0xbfffd3e8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
17 phantomjs + 0x4ce5cc
eip = 0x004cf5cd esp = 0xbfffd3f0 ebp = 0xbfffd4e8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
18 phantomjs + 0x4ce74c
eip = 0x004cf74d esp = 0xbfffd4f0 ebp = 0xbfffd698
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
19 phantomjs + 0x4af0d9
eip = 0x004b00da esp = 0xbfffd6a0 ebp = 0xbfffd6e8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
20 phantomjs + 0x4c4079
eip = 0x004c507a esp = 0xbfffd6f0 ebp = 0xbfffd718
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
21 phantomjs + 0x5290f1
eip = 0x0052a0f2 esp = 0xbfffd720 ebp = 0xbfffd738
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
22 phantomjs + 0x52e6e3
eip = 0x0052f6e4 esp = 0xbfffd740 ebp = 0xbfffd758
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
23 phantomjs + 0x4f2582
eip = 0x004f3583 esp = 0xbfffd760 ebp = 0xbfffd7d8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
24 phantomjs + 0x5013d4
eip = 0x005023d5 esp = 0xbfffd7e0 ebp = 0xbfffd7f8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
25 phantomjs + 0x9a6cde
eip = 0x009a7cdf esp = 0xbfffd800 ebp = 0xbfffd848
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
26 0x9d58da0
eip = 0x09d58da1 esp = 0xbfffd850 ebp = 0xbfffd8a8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
27 phantomjs + 0xd75d5
eip = 0x000d85d6 esp = 0xbfffd8b0 ebp = 0xbfffd938
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
28 phantomjs + 0x14f388
eip = 0x00150389 esp = 0xbfffd940 ebp = 0xbfffd968
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
29 phantomjs + 0x1e8540
eip = 0x001e9541 esp = 0xbfffd970 ebp = 0xbfffdab8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
30 phantomjs + 0x2f1cff
eip = 0x002f2d00 esp = 0xbfffdac0 ebp = 0xbfffdaf8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
31 phantomjs + 0x2f1deb
eip = 0x002f2dec esp = 0xbfffdb00 ebp = 0xbfffdb28
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
32 phantomjs + 0x2f15bd
eip = 0x002f25be esp = 0xbfffdb30 ebp = 0xbfffdb48
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
33 phantomjs + 0x85325d
eip = 0x0085425e esp = 0xbfffdb50 ebp = 0xbfffdba8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
34 phantomjs + 0x8530ea
eip = 0x008540eb esp = 0xbfffdbb0 ebp = 0xbfffdbb8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
35 phantomjs + 0x854857
eip = 0x00855858 esp = 0xbfffdbc0 ebp = 0xbfffdbf8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
36 phantomjs + 0x854c27
eip = 0x00855c28 esp = 0xbfffdc00 ebp = 0xbfffdc18
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
37 phantomjs + 0x85b300
eip = 0x0085c301 esp = 0xbfffdc20 ebp = 0xbfffdc48
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
38 phantomjs + 0x85a9d1
eip = 0x0085b9d2 esp = 0xbfffdc50 ebp = 0xbfffdce8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
39 phantomjs + 0x11ea472
eip = 0x011eb473 esp = 0xbfffdcf0 ebp = 0xbfffdd98
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
40 phantomjs + 0x122524e
eip = 0x0122624f esp = 0xbfffdda0 ebp = 0xbfffddb8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
41 phantomjs + 0x10cd248
eip = 0x010ce249 esp = 0xbfffddc0 ebp = 0xbfffde58
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
42 phantomjs + 0x10e03c5
eip = 0x010e13c6 esp = 0xbfffde60 ebp = 0xbfffde68
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
43 phantomjs + 0x10bdc90
eip = 0x010bec91 esp = 0xbfffde70 ebp = 0xbfffde78
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
44 phantomjs + 0x10d1779
eip = 0x010d277a esp = 0xbfffde80 ebp = 0xbfffde88
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
45 phantomjs + 0xbe97b3
eip = 0x00bea7b4 esp = 0xbfffde90 ebp = 0xbfffdea8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
46 phantomjs + 0xbe9a6c
eip = 0x00beaa6d esp = 0xbfffdeb0 ebp = 0xbfffe208
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
47 phantomjs + 0x11d81fb
eip = 0x011d91fc esp = 0xbfffe210 ebp = 0xbfffe238
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
48 phantomjs + 0xbac6d7
eip = 0x00bad6d8 esp = 0xbfffe240 ebp = 0xbfffe268
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
49 CoreFoundation + 0xc98f4
eip = 0x9b1ed8f5 esp = 0xbfffe270 ebp = 0xbfffe2d8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
50 CoreFoundation + 0x85e3e
eip = 0x9b1a9e3f esp = 0xbfffe2e0 ebp = 0xbfffe2e8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
51 CoreFoundation + 0x76cca
eip = 0x9b19accb esp = 0xbfffe2f0 ebp = 0xbfffe338
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
52 CoreFoundation + 0x763cd
eip = 0x9b19a3ce esp = 0xbfffe340 ebp = 0xbffff0e8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
53 CoreFoundation + 0x75d59
eip = 0x9b199d5a esp = 0xbffff0f0 ebp = 0xbffff198
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
54 CoreFoundation + 0x75bba
eip = 0x9b199bbb esp = 0xbffff1a0 ebp = 0xbffff1c8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
55 HIToolbox + 0x2be2c
eip = 0x9b870e2d esp = 0xbffff1d0 ebp = 0xbffff1f8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
56 HIToolbox + 0x2bbb1
eip = 0x9b870bb2 esp = 0xbffff200 ebp = 0xbffff278
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
57 HIToolbox + 0x2b98c
eip = 0x9b87098d esp = 0xbffff280 ebp = 0xbffff2a8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
58 AppKit + 0x275a8
eip = 0x90ee35a9 esp = 0xbffff2b0 ebp = 0xbffff678
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
59 AppKit + 0x26acf
eip = 0x90ee2ad0 esp = 0xbffff680 ebp = 0xbffff948
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
60 AppKit + 0x1935b
eip = 0x90ed535c esp = 0xbffff950 ebp = 0xbffffa18
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
61 phantomjs + 0xbab4f9
eip = 0x00bac4fa esp = 0xbffffa20 ebp = 0xbffffa78
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
62 phantomjs + 0x11d5c82
eip = 0x011d6c83 esp = 0xbffffa80 ebp = 0xbffffab8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
63 phantomjs + 0x11d8872
eip = 0x011d9873 esp = 0xbffffac0 ebp = 0xbffffae8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
64 phantomjs + 0x1e4c7
eip = 0x0001f4c8 esp = 0xbffffaf0 ebp = 0xbffffbe8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
65 phantomjs + 0x47e8
eip = 0x000057e9 esp = 0xbffffbf0 ebp = 0xbffffc18
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
66 phantomjs + 0x4707
eip = 0x00005708 esp = 0xbffffc20 ebp = 0xbffffc30
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
67 0x2
eip = 0x00000003 esp = 0xbffffc38 ebp = 0x00000000
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
Thread 1
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib + 0x18992
eip = 0x9acfa992 esp = 0xb001067c ebp = 0xb00106f8 ebx = 0xb00106a0
esi = 0x9741b7dd edi = 0xb00106a0 eax = 0x00000171 ecx = 0xb001067c
edx = 0x9acfa992 efl = 0x00000286
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 libdispatch.dylib + 0x3555
eip = 0x9741b556 esp = 0xb0010700 ebp = 0xb0010f08
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
Thread 2
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib + 0x18046
eip = 0x9acfa046 esp = 0xb0114f9c ebp = 0xb0114fc8 ebx = 0x00001c03
esi = 0xb0115000 edi = 0x98513c69 eax = 0x00100170 ecx = 0xb0114f9c
edx = 0x9acfa046 efl = 0x00000282
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x6ccd
eip = 0x98517cce esp = 0xb0114fd0 ebp = 0xb0114fec
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
Thread 3
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib + 0x18046
eip = 0x9acfa046 esp = 0xb0196f9c ebp = 0xb0196fc8 ebx = 0x00002807
esi = 0xb0197000 edi = 0x98513c69 eax = 0x00100170 ecx = 0xb0196f9c
edx = 0x9acfa046 efl = 0x00000282
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x6ccd
eip = 0x98517cce esp = 0xb0196fd0 ebp = 0xb0196fec
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
Thread 4
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib + 0x18046
eip = 0x9acfa046 esp = 0xb0218f9c ebp = 0xb0218fc8 ebx = 0x00003313
esi = 0xb0219000 edi = 0x98513c69 eax = 0x00100170 ecx = 0xb0218f9c
edx = 0x9acfa046 efl = 0x00000282
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x6ccd
eip = 0x98517cce esp = 0xb0218fd0 ebp = 0xb0218fec
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
Thread 5
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib + 0x18046
eip = 0x9acfa046 esp = 0xb029af9c ebp = 0xb029afc8 ebx = 0x00003b03
esi = 0xb029b000 edi = 0x98513c69 eax = 0x00100170 ecx = 0xb029af9c
edx = 0x9acfa046 efl = 0x00000282
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x6ccd
eip = 0x98517cce esp = 0xb029afd0 ebp = 0xb029afec
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
Thread 6
0 0x0
eip = 0x00000000 esp = 0x00000000 ebp = 0x00000000 ebx = 0x00000000
esi = 0x00000000 edi = 0x00000000 eax = 0x00000000 ecx = 0x00000000
edx = 0x00000000 efl = 0x00000200
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
Thread 7
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib + 0x130a6
eip = 0x9acf50a6 esp = 0xb039eecc ebp = 0xb039ef18 ebx = 0x000000d4
esi = 0x000000d4 edi = 0xf8f75a75 eax = 0xffffffa6 ecx = 0xb039eecc
edx = 0x9acf50a6 efl = 0x00000206
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 libsystem_c.dylib + 0x8279f
eip = 0x908d27a0 esp = 0xb039ef20 ebp = 0xb039ef48
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
2 phantomjs + 0x88852
eip = 0x00089853 esp = 0xb039ef50 ebp = 0xb039ef78
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
3 phantomjs + 0x88888
eip = 0x00089889 esp = 0xb039ef80 ebp = 0xb039ef88
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
4 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x15fa
eip = 0x985125fb esp = 0xb039ef90 ebp = 0xb039efa8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
5 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x1484
eip = 0x98512485 esp = 0xb039efb0 ebp = 0xb039efc8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
6 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x6cf1
eip = 0x98517cf2 esp = 0xb039efd0 ebp = 0xb039efec
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
Thread 8
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib + 0x17aea
eip = 0x9acf9aea esp = 0xb0420cec ebp = 0xb0420d18 ebx = 0x018599a0
esi = 0x04293b08 edi = 0x04293d1c eax = 0x00140197 ecx = 0xb0420cec
edx = 0x9acf9aea efl = 0x00000246
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 phantomjs + 0x11f8707
eip = 0x011f9708 esp = 0xb0420d20 ebp = 0xb0420d68
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
2 phantomjs + 0x11f98a0
eip = 0x011fa8a1 esp = 0xb0420d70 ebp = 0xb0420d88
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
3 phantomjs + 0x11fa7b7
eip = 0x011fb7b8 esp = 0xb0420d90 ebp = 0xb0420e78
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
4 phantomjs + 0x11fabc5
eip = 0x011fbbc6 esp = 0xb0420e80 ebp = 0xb0420eb8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
5 phantomjs + 0x11d5c82
eip = 0x011d6c83 esp = 0xb0420ec0 ebp = 0xb0420ef8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
6 phantomjs + 0x1100fc6
eip = 0x01101fc7 esp = 0xb0420f00 ebp = 0xb0420f38
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
7 phantomjs + 0x11036e6
eip = 0x011046e7 esp = 0xb0420f40 ebp = 0xb0420f88
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x15fa
eip = 0x985125fb esp = 0xb0420f90 ebp = 0xb0420fa8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x1484
eip = 0x98512485 esp = 0xb0420fb0 ebp = 0xb0420fc8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
10 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x6cf1
eip = 0x98517cf2 esp = 0xb0420fd0 ebp = 0xb0420fec
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
Thread 9
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib + 0x17aea
eip = 0x9acf9aea esp = 0xb04a2cec ebp = 0xb04a2d18 ebx = 0x018599a0
esi = 0x0433e908 edi = 0x0433eb1c eax = 0x00140197 ecx = 0xb04a2cec
edx = 0x9acf9aea efl = 0x00000202
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 phantomjs + 0x11f8887
eip = 0x011f9888 esp = 0xb04a2d20 ebp = 0xb04a2d68
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
2 phantomjs + 0x11f98a0
eip = 0x011fa8a1 esp = 0xb04a2d70 ebp = 0xb04a2d88
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
3 phantomjs + 0x11fa7b7
eip = 0x011fb7b8 esp = 0xb04a2d90 ebp = 0xb04a2e78
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
4 phantomjs + 0x11fabc5
eip = 0x011fbbc6 esp = 0xb04a2e80 ebp = 0xb04a2eb8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
5 phantomjs + 0x11d5c82
eip = 0x011d6c83 esp = 0xb04a2ec0 ebp = 0xb04a2ef8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
6 phantomjs + 0x1100fc6
eip = 0x01101fc7 esp = 0xb04a2f00 ebp = 0xb04a2f38
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
7 phantomjs + 0x11036e6
eip = 0x011046e7 esp = 0xb04a2f40 ebp = 0xb04a2f88
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x15fa
eip = 0x985125fb esp = 0xb04a2f90 ebp = 0xb04a2fa8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x1484
eip = 0x98512485 esp = 0xb04a2fb0 ebp = 0xb04a2fc8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
10 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x6cf1
eip = 0x98517cf2 esp = 0xb04a2fd0 ebp = 0xb04a2fec
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
Thread 10
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib + 0x12f7a
eip = 0x9acf4f7a esp = 0xb0523f2c ebp = 0xb0523f68 ebx = 0xb0524048
esi = 0x07000006 edi = 0x00000c00 eax = 0xffffffe1 ecx = 0xb0523f2c
edx = 0x9acf4f7a efl = 0x00000206
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 CoreFoundation + 0x76f68
eip = 0x9b19af69 esp = 0xb0523f70 ebp = 0xb0523fa8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
2 CoreFoundation + 0x76540
eip = 0x9b19a541 esp = 0xb0523fb0 ebp = 0xb0524d58
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
3 CoreFoundation + 0x75d59
eip = 0x9b199d5a esp = 0xb0524d60 ebp = 0xb0524e08
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
4 CoreFoundation + 0x75bba
eip = 0x9b199bbb esp = 0xb0524e10 ebp = 0xb0524e38
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
5 AppKit + 0x1d0f17
eip = 0x9108cf18 esp = 0xb0524e40 ebp = 0xb0524f88
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
6 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x15fa
eip = 0x985125fb esp = 0xb0524f90 ebp = 0xb0524fa8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x1484
eip = 0x98512485 esp = 0xb0524fb0 ebp = 0xb0524fc8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x6cf1
eip = 0x98517cf2 esp = 0xb0524fd0 ebp = 0xb0524fec
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
Thread 11
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib + 0x17ace
eip = 0x9acf9ace esp = 0xb052daac ebp = 0xb0535f88 ebx = 0x03971bc0
esi = 0xa18be2dc edi = 0x9b1ea951 eax = 0x0014005d ecx = 0xb052daac
edx = 0x9acf9ace efl = 0x00000246
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x15fa
eip = 0x985125fb esp = 0xb0535f90 ebp = 0xb0535fa8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x1484
eip = 0x98512485 esp = 0xb0535fb0 ebp = 0xb0535fc8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
3 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x6cf1
eip = 0x98517cf2 esp = 0xb0535fd0 ebp = 0xb0535fec
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
Thread 12
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib + 0x177ca
eip = 0x9acf97ca esp = 0xb0639dfc ebp = 0xb0639e88 ebx = 0x00000000
esi = 0x00000001 edi = 0x00000100 eax = 0x00000131 ecx = 0xb0639dfc
edx = 0x9acf97ca efl = 0x00000246
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x5fd6
eip = 0x98516fd7 esp = 0xb0639e90 ebp = 0xb0639ea8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
2 phantomjs + 0x1104270
eip = 0x01105271 esp = 0xb0639eb0 ebp = 0xb0639ee8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
3 phantomjs + 0x1103f56
eip = 0x01104f57 esp = 0xb0639ef0 ebp = 0xb0639f08
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
4 phantomjs + 0x10f8a3b
eip = 0x010f9a3c esp = 0xb0639f10 ebp = 0xb0639f38
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
5 phantomjs + 0x11036e6
eip = 0x011046e7 esp = 0xb0639f40 ebp = 0xb0639f88
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
6 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x15fa
eip = 0x985125fb esp = 0xb0639f90 ebp = 0xb0639fa8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x1484
eip = 0x98512485 esp = 0xb0639fb0 ebp = 0xb0639fc8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x6cf1
eip = 0x98517cf2 esp = 0xb0639fd0 ebp = 0xb0639fec
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
Thread 13
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib + 0x17aea
eip = 0x9acf9aea esp = 0xb06bbcec ebp = 0xb06bbd18 ebx = 0x018599a0
esi = 0x02b22b08 edi = 0x02b22d1c eax = 0x00140197 ecx = 0xb06bbcec
edx = 0x9acf9aea efl = 0x00000202
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 phantomjs + 0x11f8887
eip = 0x011f9888 esp = 0xb06bbd20 ebp = 0xb06bbd68
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
2 phantomjs + 0x11f98a0
eip = 0x011fa8a1 esp = 0xb06bbd70 ebp = 0xb06bbd88
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
3 phantomjs + 0x11fa7b7
eip = 0x011fb7b8 esp = 0xb06bbd90 ebp = 0xb06bbe78
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
4 phantomjs + 0x11fabc5
eip = 0x011fbbc6 esp = 0xb06bbe80 ebp = 0xb06bbeb8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
5 phantomjs + 0x11d5c82
eip = 0x011d6c83 esp = 0xb06bbec0 ebp = 0xb06bbef8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
6 phantomjs + 0x1100fc6
eip = 0x01101fc7 esp = 0xb06bbf00 ebp = 0xb06bbf38
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
7 phantomjs + 0x11036e6
eip = 0x011046e7 esp = 0xb06bbf40 ebp = 0xb06bbf88
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x15fa
eip = 0x985125fb esp = 0xb06bbf90 ebp = 0xb06bbfa8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x1484
eip = 0x98512485 esp = 0xb06bbfb0 ebp = 0xb06bbfc8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
10 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x6cf1
eip = 0x98517cf2 esp = 0xb06bbfd0 ebp = 0xb06bbfec
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
Thread 14
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib + 0x17aea
eip = 0x9acf9aea esp = 0xb073dcec ebp = 0xb073dd18 ebx = 0x018599a0
esi = 0x02b23308 edi = 0x02b2351c eax = 0x00140197 ecx = 0xb073dcec
edx = 0x9acf9aea efl = 0x00000202
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 phantomjs + 0x11f8887
eip = 0x011f9888 esp = 0xb073dd20 ebp = 0xb073dd68
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
2 phantomjs + 0x11f98a0
eip = 0x011fa8a1 esp = 0xb073dd70 ebp = 0xb073dd88
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
3 phantomjs + 0x11fa7b7
eip = 0x011fb7b8 esp = 0xb073dd90 ebp = 0xb073de78
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
4 phantomjs + 0x11fabc5
eip = 0x011fbbc6 esp = 0xb073de80 ebp = 0xb073deb8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
5 phantomjs + 0x11d5c82
eip = 0x011d6c83 esp = 0xb073dec0 ebp = 0xb073def8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
6 phantomjs + 0x1100fc6
eip = 0x01101fc7 esp = 0xb073df00 ebp = 0xb073df38
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
7 phantomjs + 0x11036e6
eip = 0x011046e7 esp = 0xb073df40 ebp = 0xb073df88
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x15fa
eip = 0x985125fb esp = 0xb073df90 ebp = 0xb073dfa8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x1484
eip = 0x98512485 esp = 0xb073dfb0 ebp = 0xb073dfc8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
10 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x6cf1
eip = 0x98517cf2 esp = 0xb073dfd0 ebp = 0xb073dfec
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
Thread 15
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib + 0x17aea
eip = 0x9acf9aea esp = 0xb05b7cec ebp = 0xb05b7d18 ebx = 0x018599a0
esi = 0x032b7508 edi = 0x032b771c eax = 0x00140197 ecx = 0xb05b7cec
edx = 0x9acf9aea efl = 0x00000202
Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
1 phantomjs + 0x11f8887
eip = 0x011f9888 esp = 0xb05b7d20 ebp = 0xb05b7d68
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
2 phantomjs + 0x11f98a0
eip = 0x011fa8a1 esp = 0xb05b7d70 ebp = 0xb05b7d88
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
3 phantomjs + 0x11fa7b7
eip = 0x011fb7b8 esp = 0xb05b7d90 ebp = 0xb05b7e78
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
4 phantomjs + 0x11fabc5
eip = 0x011fbbc6 esp = 0xb05b7e80 ebp = 0xb05b7eb8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
5 phantomjs + 0x11d5c82
eip = 0x011d6c83 esp = 0xb05b7ec0 ebp = 0xb05b7ef8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
6 phantomjs + 0x1100fc6
eip = 0x01101fc7 esp = 0xb05b7f00 ebp = 0xb05b7f38
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
7 phantomjs + 0x11036e6
eip = 0x011046e7 esp = 0xb05b7f40 ebp = 0xb05b7f88
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x15fa
eip = 0x985125fb esp = 0xb05b7f90 ebp = 0xb05b7fa8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x1484
eip = 0x98512485 esp = 0xb05b7fb0 ebp = 0xb05b7fc8
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
10 libsystem_pthread.dylib + 0x6cf1
eip = 0x98517cf2 esp = 0xb05b7fd0 ebp = 0xb05b7fec
Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
Loaded modules:
0x00001000 - 0x01742fff phantomjs ??? (main)
0x023aa000 - 0x023c5fff csparser ???
0x03e00000 - 0x03eb0fff ColorSyncDeprecated.dylib ???
0x0a576000 - 0x0a59bfff FamilyControls ???
0x0a5b0000 - 0x0a5bbfff CommerceCore ???
0x90024000 - 0x9002ffff NetAuth ???
0x90030000 - 0x9004dfff libresolv.9.dylib ???
0x9004e000 - 0x9011efff libvDSP.dylib ???
0x9011f000 - 0x90157fff MediaKit ???
0x90158000 - 0x90165fff AppleFSCompression ???
0x901c9000 - 0x902c7fff libJP2.dylib ???
0x902c8000 - 0x903d4fff ImageIO ???
0x903d5000 - 0x903d5fff CoreServices ???
0x903d6000 - 0x9063afff CoreData ???
0x9077d000 - 0x90783fff AOSNotification ???
0x90784000 - 0x90804fff OSServices ???
0x90805000 - 0x9080ffff DirectoryService ???
0x90850000 - 0x908e2fff libsystem_c.dylib ???
0x908e3000 - 0x9090efff libsystem_network.dylib ???
0x9090f000 - 0x90912fff Help ???
0x90d39000 - 0x90d41fff libCGCMS.A.dylib ???
0x90d65000 - 0x90d80fff libPng.dylib ???
0x90d81000 - 0x90dbefff libauto.dylib ???
0x90dbf000 - 0x90dfefff Bom ???
0x90e6a000 - 0x90e72fff libcopyfile.dylib ???
0x90e73000 - 0x90ebbfff PerformanceAnalysis ???
0x90ebc000 - 0x91ad7fff AppKit ???
0x91ad8000 - 0x91b15fff libGLImage.dylib ???
0x91b16000 - 0x91b77fff Symbolication ???
0x91b78000 - 0x91c10fff Metadata ???
0x91e77000 - 0x91e80fff libsystem_notify.dylib ???
0x91e81000 - 0x91e93fff libbsm.0.dylib ???
0x91e94000 - 0x91e95fff libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib ???
0x91e96000 - 0x91f35fff libCoreStorage.dylib ???
0x91f36000 - 0x9236afff FaceCore ???
0x9236b000 - 0x9236cfff libunc.dylib ???
0x9236d000 - 0x92404fff Ink ???
0x92405000 - 0x9240dfff libsystem_dnssd.dylib ???
0x9240f000 - 0x92571fff CFNetwork ???
0x92572000 - 0x925c2fff libcorecrypto.dylib ???
0x9262a000 - 0x92780fff libBLAS.dylib ???
0x92781000 - 0x92781fff Carbon ???
0x92782000 - 0x9286dfff DiskImages ???
0x9286e000 - 0x9287efff LangAnalysis ???
0x9287f000 - 0x9294cfff Backup ???
0x9294d000 - 0x92975fff libRIP.A.dylib ???
0x9329d000 - 0x932b7fff GenerationalStorage ???
0x932b8000 - 0x9330bfff HTMLRendering ???
0x9330c000 - 0x93319fff Librarian ???
0x9331a000 - 0x93325fff CrashReporterSupport ???
0x9337c000 - 0x933b2fff IconServices ???
0x933b3000 - 0x93426fff SearchKit ???
0x93427000 - 0x93458fff GSS ???
0x934b7000 - 0x934effff LDAP ???
0x934f0000 - 0x934f1fff libsystem_blocks.dylib ???
0x934f2000 - 0x935b5fff CoreText ???
0x935b6000 - 0x935b9fff LoginUICore ???
0x935ba000 - 0x935cdfff ImageCapture ???
0x93601000 - 0x93643fff libGLU.dylib ???
0x944e0000 - 0x94510fff CoreServicesInternal ???
0x94548000 - 0x94638fff libiconv.2.dylib ???
0x9463c000 - 0x94660fff libxpc.dylib ???
0x947d2000 - 0x947d5fff TCC ???
0x94b53000 - 0x94c3ffff libxml2.2.dylib ???
0x94c9f000 - 0x94d30fff ColorSync ???
0x94d31000 - 0x94da6fff ATS ???
0x95702000 - 0x95afafff CoreGraphics ???
0x95c36000 - 0x95c40fff SpeechSynthesis ???
0x95c41000 - 0x95f33fff CoreImage ???
0x95f34000 - 0x95f40fff libbz2.1.0.dylib ???
0x961da000 - 0x96226fff libcups.2.dylib ???
0x96a65000 - 0x96a77fff libsystem_asl.dylib ???
0x96a78000 - 0x96a93fff OpenScripting ???
0x96a9f000 - 0x96dcafff Foundation ???
0x96dcb000 - 0x96dd9fff libxar.1.dylib ???
0x96e06000 - 0x96e07fff liblangid.dylib ???
0x96e08000 - 0x96e2bfff libc++abi.dylib ???
0x96e2c000 - 0x96e3afff OpenGL ???
0x96e3b000 - 0x96e4ffff MultitouchSupport ???
0x96e50000 - 0x96e50fff Accelerate ???
0x96e51000 - 0x96ea6fff libc++.1.dylib ???
0x96ed4000 - 0x96eecfff CFOpenDirectory ???
0x96eed000 - 0x96f05fff libsystem_malloc.dylib ???
0x96f06000 - 0x96f2afff libJPEG.dylib ???
0x96f2b000 - 0x96f2ffff libcache.dylib ???
0x96f30000 - 0x970f6fff libicucore.A.dylib ???
0x970f7000 - 0x9722efff DesktopServicesPriv ???
0x9722f000 - 0x97234fff libcompiler_rt.dylib ???
0x97235000 - 0x97237fff SecurityHI ???
0x97242000 - 0x97246fff libmacho.dylib ???
0x972f3000 - 0x973e7fff libFontParser.dylib ???
0x97418000 - 0x97430fff libdispatch.dylib ???
0x97431000 - 0x9745ffff DebugSymbols ???
0x97460000 - 0x97467fff NetFS ???
0x97468000 - 0x974c1fff libTIFF.dylib ???
0x974da000 - 0x975b5fff LaunchServices ???
0x975b6000 - 0x975befff liblaunch.dylib ???
0x975ca000 - 0x97653fff CoreSymbolication ???
0x97654000 - 0x9793efff vImage ???
0x9793f000 - 0x97943fff IOSurface ???
0x9794b000 - 0x97abdfff AudioToolbox ???
0x97b14000 - 0x97b63fff OpenCL ???
0x97b64000 - 0x97b93fff SystemAdministration ???
0x97bb3000 - 0x97bb6fff libCGXType.A.dylib ???
0x98125000 - 0x98125fff ApplicationServices ???
0x984d4000 - 0x98510fff RemoteViewServices ???
0x98511000 - 0x98518fff libsystem_pthread.dylib ???
0x9870e000 - 0x98710fff libRadiance.dylib ???
0x98779000 - 0x9877bfff libsystem_configuration.dylib ???
0x98783000 - 0x98b48fff libLAPACK.dylib ???
0x98ece000 - 0x98f0cfff NavigationServices ???
0x98f0d000 - 0x98fd4fff DiscRecording ???
0x99081000 - 0x9911dfff QD ???
0x9911e000 - 0x9916cfff HIServices ???
0x9916d000 - 0x9916ffff EFILogin ???
0x99170000 - 0x9917ffff libGL.dylib ???
0x99180000 - 0x99190fff libsasl2.2.dylib ???
0x99191000 - 0x991e6fff CoreAudio ???
0x992c1000 - 0x992c2fff TrustEvaluationAgent ???
0x992c3000 - 0x992eefff ChunkingLibrary ???
0x99509000 - 0x9950afff libremovefile.dylib ???
0x9950b000 - 0x9961dfff libsqlite3.dylib ???
0x9961e000 - 0x9961ffff libsystem_sandbox.dylib ???
0x99620000 - 0x99629fff SpeechRecognition ???
0x9962a000 - 0x9962afff libodfde.dylib ???
0x9965d000 - 0x9965dfff vecLib ???
0x9965e000 - 0x9966afff OpenDirectory ???
0x9966b000 - 0x9966bfff Cocoa ???
0x99e4d000 - 0x99e52fff Print ???
0x99e53000 - 0x99e61fff libz.1.dylib ???
0x9a3e4000 - 0x9a6e5fff CarbonCore ???
0x9a6e6000 - 0x9a6eafff CommonPanels ???
0x9a6eb000 - 0x9a6effff libpam.2.dylib ???
0x9a6f0000 - 0x9a95dfff Security ???
0x9a95e000 - 0x9a960fff libCVMSPluginSupport.dylib ???
0x9a967000 - 0x9a970fff CarbonSound ???
0x9a971000 - 0x9a974fff libutil.dylib ???
0x9a975000 - 0x9aa21fff libvMisc.dylib ???
0x9aa22000 - 0x9aa2cfff ServiceManagement ???
0x9ab22000 - 0x9ab23fff libSystem.B.dylib ???
0x9ab24000 - 0x9ab2dfff DiskArbitration ???
0x9ab2e000 - 0x9ab2efff libkeymgr.dylib ???
0x9ab2f000 - 0x9ab80fff libstdc++.6.dylib ???
0x9acb7000 - 0x9ace1fff libxslt.1.dylib ???
0x9ace2000 - 0x9acfffff libsystem_kernel.dylib ???
0x9ad00000 - 0x9ad1cfff Ubiquity ???
0x9ad33000 - 0x9ad9cfff DataDetectorsCore ???
0x9ad9d000 - 0x9adc4fff CoreVideo ???
0x9adc5000 - 0x9adcafff libsystem_platform.dylib ???
0x9adcb000 - 0x9adcdfff libquarantine.dylib ???
0x9af96000 - 0x9af9ffff CommonAuth ???
0x9afa0000 - 0x9b016fff SecurityFoundation ???
0x9b02b000 - 0x9b071fff libFontRegistry.dylib ???
0x9b072000 - 0x9b09afff libsystem_info.dylib ???
0x9b09b000 - 0x9b09efff libdyld.dylib ???
0x9b09f000 - 0x9b0d4fff libssl.0.9.8.dylib ???
0x9b0d5000 - 0x9b0dbfff libunwind.dylib ???
0x9b0dc000 - 0x9b108fff DictionaryServices ???
0x9b10f000 - 0x9b11afff libcommonCrypto.dylib ???
0x9b11b000 - 0x9b123fff libGFXShared.dylib ???
0x9b124000 - 0x9b326fff CoreFoundation ???
0x9b348000 - 0x9b379fff libsystem_m.dylib ???
0x9b37a000 - 0x9b45dfff libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib ???
0x9b45e000 - 0x9b4c7fff SystemConfiguration ???
0x9b57d000 - 0x9b5c3fff libcurl.4.dylib ???
0x9b69c000 - 0x9b844fff libobjc.A.dylib ???
0x9b845000 - 0x9bbbafff HIToolbox ???
0x9bbc5000 - 0x9bc21fff PrintCore ???
0x9bc22000 - 0x9bc26fff libGIF.dylib ???
0x9bc7d000 - 0x9bc88fff libcsfde.dylib ???
0x9bc89000 - 0x9bca2fff Kerberos ???
0x9bca3000 - 0x9bca3fff libOpenScriptingUtil.dylib ???
0x9bca4000 - 0x9bd0ffff Heimdal ???
0x9bd19000 - 0x9bec5fff QuartzCore ???
0x9bec6000 - 0x9becafff libheimdal-asn1.dylib ???
0x9becb000 - 0x9bf29fff AE ???
0x9bf55000 - 0x9bf55fff AudioUnit ???
0x9bf56000 - 0x9bfacfff ScalableUserInterface ???
0x9c0b8000 - 0x9c0c4fff libkxld.dylib ???
0x9c105000 - 0x9c1ebfff CoreUI ???
0x9c1ec000 - 0x9c1f0fff libCoreVMClient.dylib ???
0x9c1f1000 - 0x9c20dfff libCRFSuite.dylib ???
0x9c20e000 - 0x9c283fff IOKit ???
0x9c284000 - 0x9c292fff Sharing ???
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