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Last active August 30, 2023 02:28
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Unordered parser
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Data.Dependent.Map qualified as D
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Data.List (permutations)
import GHC.Generics
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Char
import Text.Parsec.String
import Type.Reflection
-- solution
-- | We need to be able to parse the "leaf" elements, hence the need for
-- 'Parseable'. We use this class to bundle the 'Typeable' constraint
class Typeable a => Parseable a where
parseType :: Parser a
-- | An alias for a heteregoeneous map. To a given @typeRep a@ we associate a
-- list of @a@.
type UnorderedResult = D.DMap TypeRep []
-- | How to parse a given @Rep@ type.
class Unordered f where
parseUnordered :: Parser (f p)
-- those two only make sense for :*: and S1, which is a bit inelegant
-- collectParsers builds the list of parsers, and extract builds our result
-- from the heterogeneous map
collectParsers :: [Parser UnorderedResult]
extractResult :: UnorderedResult -> (f p, UnorderedResult)
instance Unordered c => Unordered (D1 m c) where
parseUnordered = M1 <$> parseUnordered @c
collectParsers = undefined
extractResult = undefined
instance Unordered c => Unordered (C1 m c) where
parseUnordered = M1 <$> parseUnordered @c
collectParsers = undefined
extractResult = undefined
instance (Unordered a, Unordered b) => Unordered (a :+: b) where
parseUnordered = choice [L1 <$> parseUnordered @a, R1 <$> parseUnordered @b]
collectParsers = undefined
extractResult = undefined
instance (Unordered a, Unordered b) => Unordered (a :*: b) where
parseUnordered = parseAll @a @b
-- we recursively collect parsers for all selectors
collectParsers = collectParsers @a <> collectParsers @b
-- we build the LHS first, and continue building the RHS with the modified map
extractResult m1 =
let (fa, m2) = extractResult @a m1
(fb, m3) = extractResult @b m2
in (fa :*: fb, m3)
instance Parseable a => Unordered (S1 m (Rec0 a)) where
parseUnordered = M1 . K1 <$> parseType @a
-- we collect just one parser of type @a@
collectParsers = pure $ mkResultParser $ parseType @a
-- we make the assumption that the map will always contain at least one value
-- of our type if the parse was successful, in which case we build the @S1@,
-- and remove the value we used from the map.
extractResult = D.alterF (typeRep @a) \case
Just (x:xs) -> (M1 $ K1 x, Just xs)
-- | Given a generic type, build an unordered parser.
unordered :: (Generic a, Unordered (Rep a)) => Parser a
unordered = to <$> parseUnordered
-- | When encountering a :*:, parse it in any order. We do so by collecting the
-- parsers of all the calls to :*:, then computing all permutations of such
-- parsers, and keeping the first permutation that successfully parses.
parseAll :: forall a b p. (Unordered a, Unordered b) => Parser ((a :*: b) p)
parseAll = choice $ map mkParser $ permutations $ collectParsers @(a :*: b)
mkParser :: [Parser UnorderedResult] -> Parser ((a :*: b) p)
mkParser = fmap postProcess . try . foldlM step D.empty
step :: UnorderedResult -> Parser UnorderedResult -> Parser UnorderedResult
step m = fmap $ D.unionWithKey (\_ v1 v2 -> v1 <> v2) m
postProcess :: UnorderedResult -> (a :*: b) p
postProcess = fst . extractResult @(a :*: b)
-- | From a @Parser a@, create a parser for an 'UnorderedResult'
mkResultParser :: forall a. Typeable a => Parser a -> Parser UnorderedResult
mkResultParser = fmap $ D.singleton (typeRep @a) . pure
-- examples
instance Parseable Int where
parseType = fmap read $ many1 digit <* spaces
instance Parseable Double where
parseType = do
lhs <- many1 digit
rhs <- optionMaybe $ char '.' *> many1 digit
pure $ read $ lhs ++ maybe "" ('.':) rhs
instance Parseable String where
parseType = char '"' *> many parseChar <* (char '"' >> spaces)
parseChar = satisfy (`notElem` invalid)
invalid = "\"\\" :: String
instance Parseable Char where
parseType = char '\'' *> parseChar <* (char '\'' >> spaces)
parseChar = satisfy (`notElem` invalid)
invalid = "\"'" :: String
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Typeable a, Generic a, Unordered (Rep a)) => Parseable a where
parseType = unordered
run :: Parseable a => String -> Either ParseError a
run = parse parseType ""
main = do
print $ run @(Int, String) "42 \"foo\"" -- Right (42,"foo")
print $ run @(String, Int) "42 \"foo\"" -- Right ("foo",42)
print $ run @(Int, Int) "42 21" -- Right (42,21)
print $ run @(Int, Double, Int) "42.0 1 2" -- Right (1,42.0,2)
print $ run @((Int, Char), String) "123 'c' \"s\"" -- Right ((123,'c'),"s")
print $ run @((Int, Char), String) "'c' 123 \"s\"" -- Right ((123,'c'),"s")
print $ run @((Int, Char), String) "\"s\" 123 'c'" -- Right ((123,'c'),"s")
print $ run @((Int, Char), String) "\"s\" 123 'c'" -- Right ((123,'c'),"s")
print $ run @((Int, Char), String) "123 \"s\" 'c'" -- /!\
print $ run @((Int, Char), String) "123 \"s\" 'c'" -- /!\
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