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Created November 30, 2011 22:21
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// copied from StyledStringElement, I think.
// mostly just gets the cell, puts a background on it (which also gets rid of the default
// rounded corners etc) and sets the colours on the _existing_ cell.TextLabel and cell.DetailTextLabel
public class BackgroundStringElement : StyledStringElement, IElementSizing
//if you make a new element, you NEED to put in a unique identifier, and use it in the DequeueReusableCell.
static NSString skey = new NSString("BackgroundStringElement");
public BackgroundStringElement(string caption) : base(caption) {}
public BackgroundStringElement(string caption, string @value) : base(caption, @value)
readonly float cellHeight = 25f;
public float GetHeight (UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
return cellHeight;
public UIFont DetailFont;
public UIColor DetailTextColor;
public override UITableViewCell GetCell (UITableView tv)
var cell = tv.DequeueReusableCell (skey);
if (cell == null){
cell = new UITableViewCell (Value == null ? UITableViewCellStyle.Default : UITableViewCellStyle.Value1, skey);
cell.SelectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyle.None;
cell.BackgroundView = new UIImageView(Resources.InvoiceBackground);
/*cell.BackgroundView = new UIView(cell.Frame) {
BackgroundColor = UIColor.White
cell.Accessory = Accessory;
var tl = cell.TextLabel;
tl.Text = Caption;
tl.TextAlignment = Alignment;
tl.TextColor = TextColor == null ? UIColor.Black : TextColor;
tl.BackgroundColor = BackgroundColor == null ? UIColor.Clear : BackgroundColor;
tl.Font = Font == null ? UIFont.SystemFontOfSize (14) : Font;
tl.LineBreakMode = LineBreakMode;
tl.Lines = 0;
// The check is needed because the cell might have been recycled.
if (cell.DetailTextLabel != null)
cell.DetailTextLabel.Text = Value == null ? "" : Value;
cell.DetailTextLabel.Font = DetailFont == null ? UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(14) : DetailFont;
cell.DetailTextLabel.TextColor = DetailTextColor == null ? UIColor.Black : DetailTextColor;
return cell;
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