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Last active July 21, 2017 10:54
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data_simple = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]'
using StatsBase
function kmeans_simple(X, k, max_iter = 100, threshold = 0.001)
# Let's pick k points from X without replacment
centroids = X[:, sample(1:size(X,2), k, replace = false)]
# create a copy. This is used to check if the centroids are moving or not.
new_centroids = copy(centroids)
# start an empty array for our cluster ids. This will hold the cluster assignment
# for each point in X
cluster_ids = Array{Int32}(size(X,2))
for i in 1:max_iter # I use _ here as we're not using this variable inside the loop
for col_idx in 1:size(X, 2) # iterate over each point
# let's index the ponts one by one
p = X[:, col_idx]
# calculate the distance between the point and each centroid
point_difference = mapslices(x -> x - p, centroids, 1)
# we calculate the squared Euclidian distance
distances = mapslices(sum, point_difference .^ 2, 1)
# now find the index of the closest centroid
cluster_ids[col_idx] = findmin(distances)[2]
# this gives the index of the minimum
# you can uncomment this line to see how the loop progresses
# println("p: $p diff: $point_difference dist: $distances $cluster_ids")
# you can uncomment this line to see the internal workings of the funtion
# println("old: $centroids new: $new_centroids")
# Iterate over each centroid
for cluster_id in 1:size(centroids, 2)
# find the mean of the assigned points for that particluar cluster
new_centroids[:, cluster_id] = mapslices(mean, X[:, cluster_id .== cluster_ids], 2)
# You can uncomment this line to see how the centers move after each update
# println("old_centroids: $centroids new_centroids: $new_centroids point assignemnts: $cluster_ids")
# now measure the total distance that the centroids moved
center_change = sum(mapslices(x -> sum(x.^2), new_centroids .- centroids, 2))
centroids = copy(new_centroids)
# if the centroids move negligably, then we're done
if center_change < threshold
# println(i)
# we'll send back both the location of the centroids as well as the cluster ids for each point
return centroids, cluster_ids
kmeans_simple(data_simple, 2)
data_complex = [0.1 0.1; 0.1 0.2; 0.2 0.1; # our first designed cluster
0.4 0.4; 0.5 0.3; 0.5 0.4; # second cluster
0.9 1.0]' # third cluster
complex_result = kmeans_simple(data_complex, 3)
# let's visualise the points
using Plots
scatter(data_complex[1, :], data_complex[2, :])
# and add the cluster centroids - red points
scatter!(complex_result[1][1, :], complex_result[1][2, :])
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