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Last active May 4, 2021 12:25
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lazy var persistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer = {
let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "app container name")
guard let fileContainer = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "your") else {
fatalError("Shared file container could not be created.")
let groupStoreUrl = fileContainer.appendingPathComponent("app container name.sqlite")
let hasOldStore = FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: container.persistentStoreDescriptions.first?.url?.path ?? "")
let needsMigration = hasOldStore && container.persistentStoreDescriptions.first?.url?.absoluteString != groupStoreUrl.absoluteString
if !hasOldStore {
let description = NSPersistentStoreDescription(url: groupStoreUrl)
container.persistentStoreDescriptions = [description]
container.loadPersistentStores { (storeDescription, error) in
guard error == nil else {
print("Error loading persistent store", error!.localizedDescription)
guard needsMigration else {
print("Store migration not needed")
guard let oldStoreUrl = storeDescription.url,
let oldStore = container.persistentStoreCoordinator.persistentStore(for: oldStoreUrl) else {
print("Cannot locate old store")
do {
try container.persistentStoreCoordinator.migratePersistentStore(oldStore, to: groupStoreUrl, options: nil, withType: NSSQLiteStoreType)
var error: NSError?
NSFileCoordinator().coordinate(writingItemAt: oldStoreUrl, options: .forDeleting, error: &error) { (urlForModifying) in
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: urlForModifying)
} catch let error {
print("Error deleting old store file", error.localizedDescription)
if error != nil {
print("Error coordinating deleting old store", error!.localizedDescription)
} catch let error {
print("Error migrating store", error.localizedDescription)
return container
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niczyja commented May 4, 2021

Migrate core data persistent store from app container to security application group identifier for use with app extensions and so on.

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