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Created January 7, 2017 00:47
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Standalone test class that sets up a basic API that supports both JSON and XML. It is a single class setup so
that it is easy to follow.
Some quick pointers:
- If a multi line docstring is present in any function, it will be displayed in the Swagger UI as
"Implementation Notes". Use the Markdown syntax to format these notes, see
- Namespaces allow the API operations to be split into separate files, each defining a part of the API with a
different URL prefix.
- For url_for to work with namespaces and blueprints the param "endpoint" must be set on ns.route.
Example: @ns.route('/', endpoint='users')
from flask import Flask, Blueprint, url_for, make_response, jsonify
from flask_restplus import Api, Resource, fields
# needs: pip install python-simplexml
from simplexml import dumps
# Setup application
url_prefix = '/api/v2_0'
version = '2.0'
doc = '/apidoc/'
bp_name = 'api'
app = Flask(__name__)
blueprint = Blueprint(bp_name, __name__, url_prefix=url_prefix)
# Convenience functions
def print_url_for(method, ep_name, **kwargs):
if len(kwargs) == 0:
result = url_for(bp_name + '.' + ep_name)
result = url_for(bp_name + '.' + ep_name, **kwargs)
print ' ---- {method} - url_for={url_for}'.format(method=method, url_for=result)
# Setup DAO
class UserDAO(object):
def __init__(self):
self.counter = 0
self.users = []
def get(self, user_id):
for user in self.users:
if user['id'] == user_id:
return user
api.abort(404, "User {} doesn't exist".format(user_id))
def create(self, data):
user = data
user['id'] = self.counter = self.counter + 1
return user
def update(self, user_id, data):
user = self.get(user_id)
return user
def delete(self, user_id):
user = self.get(user_id)
DAO = UserDAO()
DAO.create({'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Doe'})
DAO.create({'first_name': 'Jane', 'last_name': 'Doe'})
DAO.create({'first_name': 'Scooby', 'last_name': 'Doo'})
# Helper functions
def output_xml(data, code, headers=None):
""" Makes a Flask response with a XML encoded body. """
resp = make_response(dumps({'response': data}), code)
resp.headers.extend(headers or {})
return resp
# Setup API operations
api = Api(blueprint, doc=doc, version=version)
# Enable XML as response content time
api.representations['application/xml'] = output_xml
# Expand the Swagger UI when it is loaded: list or full
app.config['SWAGGER_UI_DOC_EXPANSION'] = 'list'
# Globally enable validating
app.config['RESTPLUS_VALIDATE'] = True
# Enable or disable the mask field, by default X-Fields
app.config['RESTPLUS_MASK_SWAGGER'] = False
# Used to document the user model
# CHeck:
user_model = api.model('User', {
'id': fields.Integer(readOnly=True, description='The users unique identifier'),
'first_name': fields.String(required=True, description='The users first name'),
'last_name': fields.String(required=True, description='The users last name')
ns = api.namespace('users', description='desc')
ep_1 = 'users'
ep_2 = 'user'
# Collection endpoint
@ns.route('/', endpoint=ep_1)
class UserCollection(Resource):
Retrieves a list of all users and creates a new user.
@ns.response(200, 'User found')
def get(self):
Retrieves a list of all users.
print_url_for('GET', ep_1)
return DAO.users, 200
@ns.marshal_with(user_model, code=201)
@ns.response(201, 'User created')
def post(self):
Creates a new user.
print_url_for('POST', ep_1)
return DAO.create(api.payload), 201
# Resource endpoint
@ns.route('/<int:user_id>', endpoint=ep_2)
@ns.response(404, 'User not found')
@ns.param('user_id', 'The user identifier')
class UserResource(Resource):
Retrieves a single user, update a user and delete a user.
@ns.response(200, 'User found')
def get(self, user_id):
Retrieve a single user.
print_url_for('GET', ep_1)
print_url_for('GET', ep_2, user_id=user_id)
return DAO.get(user_id), 200
@ns.response(201, 'User updated')
def put(self, user_id):
Update a user.
Use this method to change the name of an user.
* Specify the unique identifier of the user to modify as user_id parameter in the query string of the URI.
* Send a JSON object with the new first name and last name in the request body.
"first_name": "New first name",
"last_name": "New last name"
print_url_for('PUT', ep_1)
print_url_for('PUT', ep_2, user_id=user_id)
return DAO.update(user_id, api.payload)
@ns.response(204, 'User deleted')
def delete(self, user_id):
Delete a user.
print_url_for('DELETE', ep_1)
print_url_for('DELETE', ep_2, user_id=user_id)
return None, 204
if __name__ == '__main__':
print '>>>>> Starting server at http://localhost:8080{url_prefix}{doc}'. \
format(url_prefix=url_prefix, doc=doc), debug=True)
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