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nidrissi / letter.tex
Last active September 5, 2021 02:15
LaTeX letter template. See for more information.
\documentclass[foldmarks=false, backaddress=false, fromemail, fromlogo, fromrule]{scrlttr2}
% Fonts can be customized here.
\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Pagella}
\setmathfont{TeX Gyre Pagella Math}[Scale=MatchLowercase]
%%% Dark magic
\def\font@loop#1{% define a loop
\ifx\relax#1% if we get to \relax, do nothing
\else% otherwise...
% define \cA=\mathcal{A}, etc
\expandafter\def\csname c#1\endcsname{\mathcal{#1}}
% define \sA=\mathsf{A}, etc
\expandafter\def\csname s#1\endcsname{\mathsf{#1}}
% define \bA=\mathbf{A}, etc
Splits a PDF file containing multiple exams along ranges specified in a CSV file, to be used with Moodle.
Given a CSV file named "exams.csv" with the following content:
John Doe;1234;1;2
Jane Doe;5678;3;4