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Created February 19, 2012 00:43
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Decoding JPEG 2000 files to UIImage
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
extern UIImage * UIImageWithJPEG2000Data( NSData * data ) ;
#import "UIImage+JPEG2000.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import "openjpeg.h"
static UIImage * UIImageWithJPEG2000File( id self, SEL selector, NSString * name ) ;
@implementation NSObject (UIImage_JPEG2000)
static UIImage * (*old_UIImage_imageNamed)(id target, SEL selector, NSString * name ) = NULL ;
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[ NSAutoreleasePool alloc ] init ] ;
Method m = class_getClassMethod( [ UIImage class ], @selector( imageNamed: )) ;
old_UIImage_imageNamed = (UIImage *(*)(id, SEL, NSString*))method_setImplementation( m, (IMP)UIImageWithJPEG2000File ) ;
DebugAssert( old_UIImage_imageNamed ) ;
[ pool release ] ;
static CGImageRef CGImageCreateWithJPEG2000Image( opj_image_t * image )
long w = image->comps[0].w ;
long h = image->comps[0].h ;
DebugAssert( w > 0 && h > 0 ) ;
CGColorSpaceRef cs = NULL ;
BOOL hasAlpha = NO ;
if ( image->numcomps == 1 )
cs = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray() ;
// only support 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA) component images
DebugAssert( image->numcomps == 3 || image->numcomps == 4 ) ;
hasAlpha = image->numcomps == 4 ;
cs = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB() ;
DebugAssert( cs ) ;
for( int index=0; index < image->numcomps; ++index )
DebugAssert( image->comps[ index ].prec == 8 &&
w == image->comps[index].w
&& h == image->comps[index].h ) ;
size_t bitmapNumBytes = w * h * 4;//image->numcomps ;
CFMutableDataRef bitmapCFData = CFDataCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0 ) ;
CFDataSetLength( bitmapCFData, bitmapNumBytes ) ;
DebugAssert( bitmapCFData ) ;
CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo = kCGBitmapByteOrder32Big ;
if ( image->numcomps == 1 )
uint8_t * p = (uint8_t*)CFDataGetMutableBytePtr( bitmapCFData ) ;
uint32_t * s = (uint32_t*)image->comps[0].data ;
for( int index=0, count = w * h; index < count; ++index )
*p = *s ;
++p ;
++s ;
uint8_t * p = (uint8_t*)CFDataGetMutableBytePtr( bitmapCFData ) ;
uint32_t * r = (uint32_t *)image->comps[0].data ;
uint32_t * g = (uint32_t *)image->comps[1].data ;
uint32_t * b = (uint32_t *)image->comps[2].data ;
if ( hasAlpha )
bitmapInfo |= kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast ;
uint32_t * a = (uint32_t *)image->comps[3].data ;
for( int index=0, count = w * h; index < count; ++index )
*p++ = *r++ ;
*p++ = *g++ ;
*p++ = *b++ ;
*p++ = *a++ ;
bitmapInfo |= kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast ;
for( int index=0, count = w * h; index < count; ++index )
*p++ = *r++ ;
*p++ = *g++ ;
*p++ = *b++ ;
*p++ = 0xFF ;
CGDataProviderRef dataProvider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData( bitmapCFData ) ;
if ( bitmapCFData ) { CFRelease( bitmapCFData ) ; }
DebugAssert( dataProvider ) ;
int bpc = image->comps[0].prec ; // bits per component
int bpp = image->numcomps == 1 ? bpc : (4 * bpc) ; // bits per pixel
int bpr = bpp * w / 8 ; // bytes per row
CGImageRef cgImage = CGImageCreate(w, h, bpc, bpp, bpr, cs, bitmapInfo, dataProvider, NULL, false, kCGRenderingIntentDefault ) ;
CGDataProviderRelease( dataProvider ) ;
CGColorSpaceRelease( cs ) ;
DebugAssert( cgImage ) ;
return cgImage ;
UIImage * UIImageWithJPEG2000Data( NSData * data )
if ( data.length == 0 )
DebugLog(@"%s data is empty\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ) ;
return nil ;
opj_dinfo_t * decompressor = opj_create_decompress(CODEC_JP2) ; // CODEC_JP2? Just a guess.
DebugAssert( decompressor ) ;
opj_dparameters_t params ;
opj_set_default_decoder_parameters( & params );
opj_setup_decoder( decompressor, & params ) ;
opj_cio_t * cio = opj_cio_open( (opj_common_struct_t*)decompressor, (unsigned char *)data.bytes, data.length ) ;
DebugAssert( cio ) ;
// opj_set_event_mgr( (opj_common_ptr)decompressor, & (opj_event_mgr_t){ error_handler, warning_handler, info_handler }, NULL ) ;
opj_image_t * image = opj_decode( decompressor, cio ) ;
CGImageRef cgImage = nil ;
if ( image )
cgImage = CGImageCreateWithJPEG2000Image( image ) ;
opj_image_destroy( image ) ;
opj_cio_close( cio ) ;
opj_destroy_decompress( decompressor ) ;
if ( !cgImage )
return nil ;
UIImage * result = [ UIImage imageWithCGImage:cgImage ] ;
CGImageRelease( cgImage ) ;
return result ;
static UIImage * UIImageWithJPEG2000File( id self, SEL selector, NSString * name )
UIImage * result = (*old_UIImage_imageNamed)( self, selector, name ) ;
if ( !result )
NSError * error = nil ;
NSString * baseName = [ name stringByDeletingPathExtension ] ;
NSString * extension = [ name pathExtension ] ;
NSString * path = [ [ NSBundle mainBundle ] pathForResource:baseName ofType:extension ] ;
if ( path )
NSData * data = [ NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:path options:NSDataReadingMapped error:&error ] ;
DebugAssert( data ) ;
result = UIImageWithJPEG2000Data( data ) ;
return result ;
#import "UIImage+JPEG2000.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import "openjpeg.h"
static UIImage * UIImageWithJPEG2000File( id self, SEL selector, NSString * name ) ;
@implementation NSObject (UIImage_JPEG2000)
static UIImage * (*old_UIImage_imageNamed)(id target, SEL selector, NSString * name ) = NULL ;
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[ NSAutoreleasePool alloc ] init ] ;
Method m = class_getClassMethod( [ UIImage class ], @selector( imageNamed: )) ;
old_UIImage_imageNamed = (UIImage *(*)(id, SEL, NSString*))method_setImplementation( m, (IMP)UIImageWithJPEG2000File ) ;
DebugAssert( old_UIImage_imageNamed ) ;
[ pool release ] ;
static CGImageRef CGImageCreateWithJPEG2000Image( opj_image_t * image )
long w = image->comps[0].w ;
long h = image->comps[0].h ;
DebugAssert( w > 0 && h > 0 ) ;
CGColorSpaceRef cs = NULL ;
BOOL hasAlpha = NO ;
if ( image->numcomps == 1 )
cs = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray() ;
// only support 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA) component images
DebugAssert( image->numcomps == 3 || image->numcomps == 4 ) ;
hasAlpha = image->numcomps == 4 ;
cs = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB() ;
DebugAssert( cs ) ;
for( int index=0; index < image->numcomps; ++index )
DebugAssert( image->comps[ index ].prec == 8 &&
w == image->comps[index].w
&& h == image->comps[index].h ) ;
size_t bitmapNumBytes = w * h * 4;//image->numcomps ;
CFMutableDataRef bitmapCFData = CFDataCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0 ) ;
CFDataSetLength( bitmapCFData, bitmapNumBytes ) ;
DebugAssert( bitmapCFData ) ;
CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo = kCGBitmapByteOrder32Big ;
if ( image->numcomps == 1 )
uint8_t * p = (uint8_t*)CFDataGetMutableBytePtr( bitmapCFData ) ;
uint32_t * s = (uint32_t*)image->comps[0].data ;
for( int index=0, count = w * h; index < count; ++index )
*p = *s ;
++p ;
++s ;
uint8_t * p = (uint8_t*)CFDataGetMutableBytePtr( bitmapCFData ) ;
uint32_t * r = (uint32_t *)image->comps[0].data ;
uint32_t * g = (uint32_t *)image->comps[1].data ;
uint32_t * b = (uint32_t *)image->comps[2].data ;
if ( hasAlpha )
bitmapInfo |= kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast ;
uint32_t * a = (uint32_t *)image->comps[3].data ;
for( int index=0, count = w * h; index < count; ++index )
*p++ = *r++ ;
*p++ = *g++ ;
*p++ = *b++ ;
*p++ = *a++ ;
bitmapInfo |= kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast ;
for( int index=0, count = w * h; index < count; ++index )
*p++ = *r++ ;
*p++ = *g++ ;
*p++ = *b++ ;
*p++ = 0xFF ;
CGDataProviderRef dataProvider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData( bitmapCFData ) ;
if ( bitmapCFData ) { CFRelease( bitmapCFData ) ; }
DebugAssert( dataProvider ) ;
int bpc = image->comps[0].prec ; // bits per component
int bpp = image->numcomps == 1 ? bpc : (4 * bpc) ; // bits per pixel
int bpr = bpp * w / 8 ; // bytes per row
CGImageRef cgImage = CGImageCreate(w, h, bpc, bpp, bpr, cs, bitmapInfo, dataProvider, NULL, false, kCGRenderingIntentDefault ) ;
CGDataProviderRelease( dataProvider ) ;
CGColorSpaceRelease( cs ) ;
DebugAssert( cgImage ) ;
return cgImage ;
UIImage * UIImageWithJPEG2000Data( NSData * data )
if ( data.length == 0 )
DebugLog(@"%s data is empty\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ) ;
return nil ;
opj_dinfo_t * decompressor = opj_create_decompress(CODEC_JP2) ; // CODEC_JP2? Just a guess.
DebugAssert( decompressor ) ;
opj_dparameters_t params ;
opj_set_default_decoder_parameters( & params );
opj_setup_decoder( decompressor, & params ) ;
opj_cio_t * cio = opj_cio_open( (opj_common_struct_t*)decompressor, (unsigned char *)data.bytes, data.length ) ;
DebugAssert( cio ) ;
// opj_set_event_mgr( (opj_common_ptr)decompressor, & (opj_event_mgr_t){ error_handler, warning_handler, info_handler }, NULL ) ;
opj_image_t * image = opj_decode( decompressor, cio ) ;
CGImageRef cgImage = nil ;
if ( image )
cgImage = CGImageCreateWithJPEG2000Image( image ) ;
opj_image_destroy( image ) ;
opj_cio_close( cio ) ;
opj_destroy_decompress( decompressor ) ;
if ( !cgImage )
return nil ;
UIImage * result = [ UIImage imageWithCGImage:cgImage ] ;
CGImageRelease( cgImage ) ;
return result ;
static UIImage * UIImageWithJPEG2000File( id self, SEL selector, NSString * name )
UIImage * result = (*old_UIImage_imageNamed)( self, selector, name ) ;
if ( !result )
NSError * error = nil ;
NSString * baseName = [ name stringByDeletingPathExtension ] ;
NSString * extension = [ name pathExtension ] ;
NSString * path = [ [ NSBundle mainBundle ] pathForResource:baseName ofType:extension ] ;
if ( path )
NSData * data = [ NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:path options:NSDataReadingMapped error:&error ] ;
DebugAssert( data ) ;
result = UIImageWithJPEG2000Data( data ) ;
return result ;
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I added it--but as you can see there is nothing there. :)

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Thanks a lot for your quick turnaround.

We can't find a method like "UIImageWithJPEG2000File" OpenJpeg.h file we have.

So Can you please kindly guide us in how to call the method.

Is there any file like "UIImageWithJPEG2000File.h" so that we can call those methods.

Hoping for your help.

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Hi I am still waiting for your reply. When we added these files and tried to compile following errors occured:

ld: duplicate symbol _UIImageWithJPEG2000Data in /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ImageDecoder-cdbtscpixkufnxdtohvztbkldnzd/Build/Intermediates/ and /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ImageDecoder-cdbtscpixkufnxdtohvztbkldnzd/Build/Intermediates/ for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

I couldn't figure out where it went wrong. Hope you got a solution in handy and will show up with it. :)

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nielsbot commented May 30, 2012 via email

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Sorry for that comment. Removed it now. That was completely my mistake! It works like a gem!! Apologies! Memory was loosing on my end, and instrument pointed it to your code :-)

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