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2018/02/16 09:58:07.546061 storageobligations.go:392: Failed to add storage obligation, transaction set was not accepted: consensus conflict: provided transaction set is standalone and invalid: transaction spends a nonexisting siacoin output
2018/02/16 09:58:22.615701 storageobligations.go:392: Failed to add storage obligation, transaction set was not accepted: consensus conflict: provided transaction set is standalone and invalid: transaction spends a nonexisting siacoin output
2018/02/16 09:58:37.677680 storageobligations.go:392: Failed to add storage obligation, transaction set was not accepted: consensus conflict: provided transaction set is standalone and invalid: transaction spends a nonexisting siacoin output
2018/02/16 09:58:52.709397 storageobligations.go:392: Failed to add storage obligation, transaction set was not accepted: consensus conflict: provided transaction set is standalone and invalid: transaction spends a nonexisting siacoin output
2018/02/16 09:59:07.778991 storageobligations.go:392: Fa