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Last active January 10, 2019 08:10
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Use of SKOS-XL in TNC; my take on @baskaufs 's example in
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix skosxl: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix foaf: <http://smlns.foaf/0.1/> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix dwc: <> .
@prefix tnu: <> .
@prefix ex: <> .
@prefix voc: <>
ex:name-usages/1 a tnu:TaxonomicNameUsage ;
tnu:nameUsageType voc:nameUsageType#protonym ;
tnu:taxonomicName :resource2 ;
dcterms:source :resource3 .
ex:names/2 a tnu:TaxonomicName ;
dwc:scientificName "Dicranum braunii" ;
dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bosch & Sande Lac." ;
dwc:nomenclaturalCode <> ;
dwc:nomenclaturalStatus <> ;
dwc:namePublishedInTear "1858"^^xsd:integer ;
dcterms:title "Dicranum braunii Bosch & Sande Lac." ;
dwc:genus "Dicranoloma" ;
dwc:specificEpithet "braunii" ;
tnu:authorship "Bosch & Sande Lac." ; # I prefer the ABCD way over the TCS way
tnu:exAuthorship "Müll.Hal." ;
tnu:protonym ex:resource1 ; # hasn't actually been discussed yet
skosxl:prefLabel ex:b33b1235-b22c-5ddb-98e3-122547c63982 ; # name string without the 'ex' author
skosxl:altLabel ex:7a74c523-abf3-5176-84bf-9e85ac09497f, # name string with 'ex' author
ex:1275919d-bb4c-5d1b-a55e-34a126f2ad8d ; # name string without authorship
skosxl:hiddenLabel ex:60b5d31d-90ca-5e4d-a56e-e74fe9adb684 . # name string with incorrect attribution, according to ICBN
ex:references/3 a dcterms:BibliographicResource ;
dcterms:creator ex:agents/4 ;
dcterms:bibliographicCitation """Bosch, R.B. van der & C.M. van der Sande Lacoste (1858).
Fasc. 13–14: pp. 61–70 , in: F. Dozy & J.H. Molkenboer, Bryologia javanica seu descriptio
muscorum frondosorum Archipelagi indici iconibus illustrata. A.W. Sythof, Leiden,
1855-1870, 2 vols.""" .
ex:agents/4 a foaf:Group ;
foaf:member ex:agents/5, ex:agents/6 ;
skosxl:altLabel ex:resource14, ex:resource15 .
ex:agents/5 a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "Roelof Benjamin van den Bosch" ;
foaf:familyName "Van den Bosch" ;
foaf:givenName "Roelof Benjamin" ;
skosxl:altLabel ex:labels/7, ex:labels/8, ex:labels/9 .
ex:agents/6 a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "Cornelius Marinus van der Sande Lacoste" ;
foaf:familyName "Van der Sande Lacoste" ;
foaf:givenName "Cornelius Marinus" ;
skosxl:altLabel ex:labels/10, ex:labels/11, ex:labels/12 ;
skosxl:hiddenLabel ex:labels/13 .
ex:labels/7 a skosxl:Label ;
skosxl:literalForm "Roelof Benjamin van den Bosch" ;
rdfs:comment "Full name"@en .
ex:labels/8 a skosxl:Label ;
skosxl:literalForm "Bosch" ;
dcterms:source <> ;
rdfs:comment "IPNI standard form, preferred for use in authorship of taxonomic names"@en .
ex:labels/9 a skosxl:Label ;
skosxl:literalForm "Bosch, R.G. van der" ;
rdfs:comment "Form preferred for use in bibliographic citations"@en .
ex:labels/10 a skosxl:Label ;
skosxl:literalForm "Cornelius Marinus van der Sande Lacoste" ;
rdfs:comment "Full name" .
ex:labels/11 a skosxl:Label ;
skosxl:literalForm "Sande Lac." ;
dcterms:source <> ;
rdfs:comment "IPNI standard form, preferred for use in authorship of taxonomic names"@en .
ex:labels/12 a skosxl:Label ;
skosxl:literalForm "Sande Lacoste, C.M. van der" ;
rdfs:comment "Form preferred for use in bibliographic citations"@en .
ex:labels/13 a skosxl:Label ;
skosxl:literalForm "Lac." ;
dcterms:source <> ;
rdfs:comment "Often used in older literature; reference is to Index Muscorum"@en .
ex:labels/14 a skosxl:Label ;
skosxl:literalForm "Bosch, R.G. van der & C.M. van der Sande Lacoste"@en ;
rdsfs:comment "For use in bibliographic citation"@en .
ex:labels/15 a skosxl:Label ;
skosxl:literalForm "Bosch & Sande Lac." ;
rdfs:comment "For use in authorship of botanical names"@en .
ex:b33b1235-b22c-5ddb-98e3-122547c63982 a skosxl:Label ;
dcterms:identifier "b33b1235-b22c-5ddb-98e3-122547c63982" ;
skosxl:literalForm "Dicranum braunii Bosch & Sande Lac." .
ex:7a74c523-abf3-5176-84bf-9e85ac09497f a skosxl:Label ;
dcterms:identifier "7a74c523-abf3-5176-84bf-9e85ac09497f" ;
skosxl:literalForm "Dicranum braunii Müll.Hal. ex Bosch & Sande Lac." ;
rdfs:comment "Includes 'ex' authorship"@en .
ex:1275919d-bb4c-5d1b-a55e-34a126f2ad8d a skos:Label ;
dcterms:identifier "1275919d-bb4c-5d1b-a55e-34a126f2ad8d" ;
skosxl:literalForm "Dicranum braunii" ;
rdfs:comment "Name without authorship" .
ex:60b5d31d-90ca-5e4d-a56e-e74fe9adb684 a skosxl:Label ;
dcterms:identifier "60b5d31d-90ca-5e4d-a56e-e74fe9adb684" ;
skosxl:literalForm "Dicranum braunii Müll.Hal." ;
dcterms:source <> ;
rdfs:comment "Tropicos incorrectly attributes Dicranum braunii to C. Müller (Müll.Hal.)"@en .
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