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Created April 2, 2020 12:13
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Benchmark of a recursive function that prevent data breach
import statistics
import collections
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from bench_data import DEFAULT_KEYS_TO_CLEAN
from bench_data import large_payload
from bench_data import small_payload
from bench_data import very_large_payload
def mask_suffix_asterisk(value, number=2):
value = str(value)
value_len = len(value)
if number <= 0:
return value_len * '*'
return value[:number] + (value_len - number) * '*'
def hide_sensitive_data(message, keys_to_clean=None):
payload = {}
if not keys_to_clean:
keys_to_clean = DEFAULT_KEYS_TO_CLEAN
for key, value in message.items():
if isinstance(value, collections.Mapping):
message_updated = hide_sensitive_data(value)
payload.update({key: message_updated})
key_normalized = key.lower()
if key_normalized in keys_to_clean:
caracters_limit = keys_to_clean.get(key_normalized)
value = mask_suffix_asterisk(value, caracters_limit)
payload.update({key: value})
return payload
first_time = timer()
logs_per_request_up_to = 11
number_of_requests = 500
for logs_per_request in range(1, logs_per_request_up_to):
snapshots = []
for x in range(number_of_requests):
snapshot = timer()
for x in range(logs_per_request):
snapshots.append(round(timer() - snapshot, 5))
print('Média', logs_per_request * 3, round(statistics.mean(snapshots), 6))
print('Final time time: {}s'.format(round(timer() - first_time, 3)))
"profiletoken": 3,
"cardtoken": 3,
"phone": 3,
"password": 0,
"username": 10,
# Random keys
'grateful': 3,
'subtract': 3,
'extend': 3,
'shoes': 3,
'crowded': 3,
'energetic': 3,
'land': 3,
'battle': 3,
'combative': 3,
'seat': 3,
'annoy': 3,
'oil': 3,
'queen': 3,
'sink': 3,
'sister': 3,
'strap': 3,
'fence': 3,
'worthless': 3,
'abortive': 3,
'glow': 3,
'omniscient': 3,
'disapprove': 3,
'rabbit': 3,
'eyes': 3,
'bizarre': 3,
'fall': 3,
'title': 3,
'anger': 3,
'abaft': 3,
'pie': 3,
'badge': 3,
'sisters': 3,
'board': 3,
'gun': 3,
'full': 3,
'shelter': 3,
'foregoing': 3,
'competition': 3,
'partner': 3,
'credit': 3,
'offbeat': 3,
'vulgar': 3,
'hellish': 3,
'flock': 3,
'fold': 3,
'habitual': 3,
'sound': 3,
'feeble': 3,
'suit': 3,
'unkempt': 2,
'billingZipcode': 3,
small_payload = {
"python_logger": "tem_api_buy_plan_log",
"logger_name": "tem_api_buy_plan_log",
"request_id": "b6f7ca10-28e3-4c44-9124-a8f1ac0fce4b",
"user_id": 209,
"environment": "development",
"level": "INFO",
"path": "/home/work/workspace/work/general/temapi/financial/views/",
"@timestamp": "2020-04-01T17:55:51.153Z",
"message": "Input Buy Plan Payload",
"email": "",
"payload": {
"stack_info": None,
"voucher": "",
"credit_card": 58,
"payment_type": 4,
"auto_renew": True,
"plan": "77"
"tracker_id": "b6f7ca10-28e3-4c44-9124-a8f1ac0fce4b",
"host": "work-notebook"
large_payload = {
"python_logger": "tem_api_buy_plan_log",
"message": {
"user_id": 209,
"environment": "development",
"level": "INFO",
"path": "/home/work/workspace/work/general/temapi/lib/pbsc/",
"@timestamp": "2020-04-01T17:55:51.177Z",
"message": "Buy Plan Payload Send To PBSC",
"payload": {
"phone": "551**********",
"password": "********************",
"nbBikes": 1,
"autoRenew": True,
"details": {
"phone": "55119963*****",
"billingCountryCode": 76,
"address1": "Rua São Cristovam, 112",
"billingCity": "São Paulo",
"countryCode": 76,
"sameBilling": True,
"city": "São Paulo",
"billingZipcode": "02111-090",
"billingState": 329,
"language": "pt",
"birthdate": "1989-12-30",
"gender": 1,
"billingApt": "",
"address2": "Vila Paradoxo",
"apt": "",
"billingAddress": "Rua São Cristovam"
"email": "",
"zipcode": "01222-010",
"redirectUrl": "",
"stack_info": None,
"planId": "1",
"hpp": True,
"lastname": "Test Full",
"paymentInfo": {
"profileToken": "1ab*****************************",
"gatewayprovider": "AdyenECommerce",
"expirationdate": "032020",
"cardholdername": "APPROVED",
"lastfourdigits": "9245",
"cardToken": "841*************"
"firstname": "Dev"
"email": "",
"tracker_id": "b6f7ca10-28e3-4c44-9124-a8f1ac0fce4b",
"host": "work-notebook",
"logger_name": "tem_api_buy_plan_log",
"request_id": "b6f7ca10-28e3-4c44-9124-a8f1ac0fce4b"
very_large_payload = {
"python_logger": "tem_api_buy_plan_log",
"message": {
"@timestamp": "2020-04-01T17:55:54.323Z",
"message": "Response PBSC Payload",
"email": "",
"payload": {
"stack_info": None,
"amount": 0,
"paymentDetail": {
"email": "",
"id": 494606,
"canRent": True,
"agreementDate": "2020-04-01 17:55:53",
"phoneNumber": "5511996******",
"totpSharedSecret": "a5f10876-8115-473e-8484-790f90d55df3",
"card": {
"cardNumberFourDigits": "9245",
"cardName": "APPROVED",
"expiry": "2020-03-31"
"virtualKey": "26510787818C17AC0EB5",
"plan": {
"renewsToAnotherProduct": None,
"endTime": "2030-04-01 17:55:53",
"startTime": "2020-04-01 17:55:53",
"canManuallyRenew": False,
"planId": 1,
"maxBikes": 1,
"planName": "Inscription (with credit Card)",
"type": "TIME_BASED",
"cost": 0,
"prepaidBalance": None,
"subtotal": 0,
"total": 0,
"status": "Active",
"autoRenew": True,
"canAutoRenew": True
"agreementVersion": "1.0",
"requireKey": False,
"token": "d1253c34-58fc-4d3c-9f92-96e90b57545a",
"isUsingCreditCard": True,
"canReserve": True,
"details": {
"address2": "Vila Paradoxo",
"zipcode": "01222-010",
"billingAddress": "Rua São Cristovam",
"optInMarketingSmsLevel": 0,
"optInMarketingEmailsLevel": 0,
"phone2": "5511996******",
"address1": "Rua São Cristovam 256",
"billingCity": "São Paulo",
"billingStateCode": "AL",
"optInAccountEmails": True,
"optInMarketingSms": False,
"phone1": "5511996******",
"city": "São Paulo",
"billingZipcode": "01222-010",
"optInMarketingEmails": False,
"lastname": "Test Full",
"optInAccountSms": True,
"firstname": "Dev",
"billingState": 329,
"language": "pt",
"birthdate": "1989-12-30",
"gender": 1,
"complete": False
"tracker_id": "b6f7ca10-28e3-4c44-9124-a8f1ac0fce4b",
"host": "work-notebook",
"logger_name": "tem_api_buy_plan_log",
"request_id": "b6f7ca10-28e3-4c44-9124-a8f1ac0fce4b",
"user_id": 209,
"environment": "development",
"level": "INFO",
"path": "/home/work/workspace/work/general/temapi/lib/pbsc/"
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nielsonsantana commented Apr 2, 2020

Benchmark graph of hide_sensitive_data exection with three types of paylod(small_payload, large_payload, very_large_payload).
In the extreme case, 30 logs per cycle(a request) can delay in up to 1.8 milliseconds a request.
Benchmark Environment: Ubuntu 18.04, i5-8250U @ 1.60GHz.
Logs por Request _ Millisegundos

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