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Created April 15, 2019 07:09
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Class function.
# Python 3.6.5.
# Numpy 1.16.0.
# Matplotlib 3.0.2.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def sortnode(val):
return val[2]
# Builds a K-dimensional tree.
# Functions with inputs & outputs:
# __init__ Initializes the model.
# leafsize (int): Determines maximum datapoints in leaf.
# kdim (int): Amount of dimensions over which the tree is separated
# random (bool): Whether or not dimension is chosen random.
# pc_sort (bool): Whether or not the algo is projected on its principle components
# sort_algo: Sorting algorithm {'quicksort','mergesort','heapsort','stable'}
# savedata (bool): Whether the tree saves all data or just the indices
# Output: Model of tree
# fit Splits the dataset into branches until each branch contains less datapoints
# than the specified leaf size.
# data (n x m) Data for tree (n samples, m features)
# Output: Actual Tree as list. [(Data, indices, node, split dimension, split value)]
# plot Plots tree (in 2D only)
# Self
# leaf_dist Plots a boxplot of the average distance within a leaf. Can be of great
# help to determine radius size for Radius Nearest Neighbor.
# Self
# exact_r_nn Calculates the exact Radius Nearest Neighbors.
# eps: Radius for radius nearest neighbors
# point: Startpoint for NN
# bin_r_nn Calculates the Radius Nearest Neighbors within the same leaf.
# eps: Radius for radius nearest neighbors
# point: Startpoint for NN
# todo: implement multiple splitting algo's (now median)
# todo: make predict function? for buckets
# todo: make insert function
# todo: make delete function
class KDTree(object):
def __init__(self, leafsize=10, kdim=None, random=False, pc_sort=False, sort_algo='quicksort', savedata=True):
if sort_algo not in {'quicksort', 'mergesort', 'heapsort', 'stable'}:
raise ValueError('Select sorting algo of numpy.argsort v1.16.0.')
# Pass settings
self._leafs = leafsize
self._rk = random
self._kdim = kdim
self._sort_algo = sort_algo
self._sort = pc_sort
self._sd = savedata
# Generate empties
self._data = []
self._n = []
self._m = []
self._tree = []
self._stack = []
self._sdim = []
def fit(self, data):
self._data = data.copy()
self._n, self._m = np.shape(self._data)
if self._kdim is None:
self._kdim = self._m
if self._sort:
u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(self._data, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=True)
self._data =, v)
if self._rk:
self._sdim = np.arange(self._kdim)
ind = self._sdim[np.random.randint(0, self._kdim)]
ind = 0
idx = np.argsort(data[:, ind], kind=self._sort_algo)
data = data[idx, :]
# Tree: data, data index, node, splitdim, splitval
self._tree = [(None, idx, 0, ind, data[int(self._n/2), ind])]
# Stack: data, data index, node, leaf, depth
self._stack.append((data[:int(self._n/2), :], idx[:int(self._n/2)], 1, int(self._n / 2) < self._leafs, 0))
self._stack.append((data[int(self._n/2):, :], idx[int(self._n/2):], 2, int(self._n / 2) < self._leafs, 0))
while self._stack:
data, idx, node, leaf, depth = self._stack.pop()
if leaf:
if self._sd:
self._tree.append((data, idx, node, None, None))
self._tree.append((1, idx, node, None, None))
if self._rk:
ind = self._sdim[np.random.randint(0, self._kdim)]
ind = np.remainder(depth + 1, self._m)
tidx = np.argsort(data[:, ind], kind=self._sort_algo)
data = data[tidx, :]
idx = idx[tidx]
ndata, ndim = np.shape(data)
self._stack.append((data[:int(ndata / 2), :], idx[:int(ndata / 2)], node * 2 + 1, int(ndata / 2)
< self._leafs, depth + 1))
self._stack.append((data[int(ndata / 2):, :], idx[int(ndata / 2):], node * 2 + 2, int(ndata / 2)
< self._leafs, depth + 1))
self._tree.append((None, idx, node, ind, data[int(ndata / 2), ind]))
return self._tree
def exact_r_nn(self, eps, point, maxeval=None):
i = 0
tidx = []
stack = [self._tree[0]]
while stack:
data, idx, node, sdim, sval = stack.pop()
if data is not None:
i += 1
distance = np.sqrt(np.sum((self._data[idx, :] - point) ** 2, 1))
tidx = np.unique(np.hstack((tidx, idx[np.where(distance < eps)])))
# print('Exact Radius Nearest Neighbor expanded to %.0f samples' % np.size(tidx))
if maxeval is not None:
if i >= maxeval:
return tidx.astype(int)
if point[sdim] > sval - eps:
stack.append(self._tree[node * 2 + 2])
if point[sdim] < sval + eps:
stack.append(self._tree[node * 2 + 1])
return tidx.astype(int)
def bin_r_nn(self, eps, point):
stack = [self._tree[0]]
while stack:
data, idx, node, sdim, sval = stack.pop()
if data is not None:
distance = np.sqrt(np.sum((self._data[idx, :] - point) ** 2, 1))
return idx[np.where(distance < eps)]
if point[sdim] > sval:
stack.append(self._tree[node * 2 + 2])
stack.append(self._tree[node * 2 + 1])
def plot(self):
xmi = min(1.5 * np.min(self._data[:, 0]), 0.5 * np.min(self._data[:, 0]))
xma = 1.5 * np.max(self._data[:, 0])
ymi = min(1.5 * np.min(self._data[:, 1]), 0.5 * np.min(self._data[:, 1]))
yma = 1.5 * np.max(self._data[:, 1])
hrect = [(0, xmi, xma, ymi, yma)]
while hrect:
parent, pxmi, pxma, pymi, pyma = hrect.pop()
data, idx, node, sdim, sval = self._tree[parent]
if data is not None:
plt.scatter(self._data[idx, 0], self._data[idx, 1], s=4)
if sdim == 1:
hrect.append((2 * parent + 2, pxmi, pxma, sval, pyma))
hrect.append((2 * parent + 1, pxmi, pxma, pymi, sval))
plt.plot([pxmi, pxma], [sval, sval])
hrect.append((2 * parent + 1, pxmi, sval, pymi, pyma))
hrect.append((2 * parent + 2, sval, pxma, pymi, pyma))
plt.plot([sval, sval], [pymi, pyma])
def leaf_dist(self):
Z = []
Y = []
for branch in self._tree:
if branch[0] is not None:
if branch[0] == 1:
data = self._data[branch[1], :]
data = branch[0]
leafSize = np.size(branch[1])
dist = np.zeros(leafSize)
for i in range(leafSize):
dist[i] = np.mean(np.sum((data-data[i, :])**2, 1))
plt.suptitle('Boxplot of average distance within leaf')
plt.suptitle('Boxplot of all distances within leaf')
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