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Last active December 3, 2021 17:33
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Time Series Plot (leeoniya/uPlot) with brush and selection option
import React, {useEffect, useRef, useState} from 'react';
import { Switch, Flex, Text } from '@chakra-ui/react';
import UplotReact from 'uplot-react';
import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
import 'uplot/dist/uPlot.min.css';
const colors = [
const root = document.querySelector("#root");
export default function SelectBrushTimeSeries(props) {
let uBrush = null;
let uGraph = null;
const doc = document;
function debounce(fn) {
let raf;
return (...args) => {
if (raf)
raf = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
raf = null;
function placeDiv(par, cls) {
let el = doc.createElement("div");
return el;
function on(ev, el, fn) {
el.addEventListener(ev, fn);
function off(ev, el, fn) {
el.removeEventListener(ev, fn);
let x0;
let lft0;
let wid0;
const lftWid = {left: null, width: null};
const minMax = {min: null, max: null};
function update(newLft, newWid) {
let newRgt = newLft + newWid;
let maxRgt = uBrush.bbox.width / devicePixelRatio;
if (newLft >= 0 && newRgt <= maxRgt) {
select(newLft, newWid);
zoom(newLft, newWid);
function select(newLft, newWid) {
lftWid.left = newLft;
lftWid.width = newWid;
// initXmin = minMax.min;
uBrush.setSelect(lftWid, false);
function zoom(newLft, newWid) {
minMax.min = uBrush.posToVal(newLft, 'x');
minMax.max = uBrush.posToVal(newLft + newWid, 'x');
uGraph.setScale('x', minMax);
function bindMove(e, onMove) {
x0 = e.clientX;
lft0 =;
wid0 =;
const _onMove = debounce(onMove);
on("mousemove", doc, _onMove);
const _onUp = e => {
off("mouseup", doc, _onUp);
off("mousemove", doc, _onMove);
// viaGrip = false;
on("mouseup", doc, _onUp);
// 'state'
const [addMode, setAddMode] = useState(true);
const signals = 10;
// Select X & Y axis
let data =, signals + 1);
// Data values
const cols = data.length;
const len = data[0].length;
let yMin = null;
let yMax = null;
let initXmin = useRef([0][0]);
let initXmax = useRef([0][Math.floor(len / 10)]);
const setXmin = (v) => initXmin.current = v;
const setXmax = (v) => initXmax.current = v;
// Add sequence
// Annotation values
let annotation = false;
let annotStartIdx = null;
let annotEndIdx = null;
// Create Series
let series = [
...Array(signals).fill(1).map((_, i) => ({
stroke: colors[i],
label: props.cols[i]
fill: '#e53e3e',
spanGaps: false,
alpha: 0.2,
fillTo: yMin,
// Chart Options
const opts = {
width: 1800,
height: 600,
cursor: {
bind: {
mousedown: (u, target, handler) => {
return e => {
if (e.button === 0) {
if (e.shiftKey) {
annotStartIdx = u.valToIdx(u.cursor.sync.values[0]);
annotation = true;
} else {
mouseup: (self, target, handler) => {
return e => {
if (e.button == 0) {
if (annotation) {
annotEndIdx = uGraph.valToIdx(uGraph.cursor.sync.values[0]);
const _setScale = uGraph.cursor.drag.setScale;
const _setScaleR = uBrush.cursor.drag.setScale;
uGraph.cursor.drag.setScale = false;
uBrush.cursor.drag.setScale = false;
uGraph.cursor.drag.setScale = _setScale;
uBrush.cursor.drag.setScale = _setScaleR;
} else {
dblclick: (self, target, handler) => {
return e => {
if (e.button == 0) {
let left = Math.round(uBrush.valToPos(initXmin.current, 'x'));
let width = Math.round(uBrush.valToPos(initXmax.current, 'x')) - left;
let height = uBrush.bbox.height / devicePixelRatio;
uBrush.setSelect({left, width, height}, false);
sync: {
key: 'moo',
hooks: {
ready: [
u => {
uGraph = u;
yMax = Math.max([cols]) === 0 ? u.scales.y.max : Math.max([cols]);
yMin = Math.min([cols]) === 0 ? u.scales.y.min : Math.min([cols]);
setSelect: [
u => {
if (annotation) {
annotation = false;
if (annotStartIdx === null) toast.error('Annotation start lost.')
else if (annotEndIdx === null) toast.error('Annotation End lost')
else {
// If props.annot = 'add'
let s = Math.min(annotStartIdx, annotEndIdx);
let e = Math.max(annotStartIdx, annotEndIdx) + 1;
if (addMode) {
data[cols] = [[cols].slice(0, s), ...Array(e - s).fill(yMax),[cols].slice(e)];
} else {
data[cols] = [[cols].slice(0, s), ...Array(e - s).fill(null),[cols].slice(e)];
annotStartIdx = null;
annotEndIdx = null;
uGraph.setData(data, false);
uBrush.setData(data, false);
uGraph.redraw(true, false);
uBrush.redraw(true, false);
} else {
setTimeout(()=> {
let left = Math.round(uBrush.valToPos(initXmin.current, 'x'));
let width = Math.round(uBrush.valToPos(initXmax.current, 'x')) - left;
let height = uBrush.bbox.height / devicePixelRatio;
uBrush.setSelect({left, width, height}, false);
}, 100);
scales: {
x: {
time: false,
min: initXmin.current,
max: initXmax.current,
series: series,
const brushOpts = {
width: 1800,
height: 150,
legend: {
show: false
cursor: {
y: false,
points: {
show: false,
drag: {
setScale: false,
x: true,
y: false,
sync: {
key: 'noo',
bind: {
mousedown: (u, target, handler) => {
return e => {
if (e.button === 0) {
// initXmin = u.cursor.sync.values[0];
mouseup: (u, target, handler) => {
return e => {
if (e.button == 0) {
dblclick: (self, target, handler) => {
return e => {
if (e.button == 0) {
setXmax(data[0][data[0].length - 1]);
uGraph.setScale('x', {min: initXmin.current, max: initXmax.current});
scales: {
x: {
time: false,
min: data[0][0],
max: data[0][data[0].length-1]
hooks: {
ready: [
u => {
uBrush = u;
let left = Math.round(uBrush.valToPos(initXmin.current, 'x'));
let width = Math.round(uBrush.valToPos(initXmax.current, 'x')) - left;
let height = uBrush.bbox.height / devicePixelRatio;
uBrush.setSelect({left, width, height}, false);
const sel = uBrush.root.querySelector(".u-select");
on("mousedown", sel, e => {
bindMove(e, e => update(lft0 + (e.clientX - x0), wid0));
on("mousedown", placeDiv(sel, "u-grip-l"), e => {
bindMove(e, e => update(lft0 + (e.clientX - x0), wid0 - (e.clientX - x0)));
on("mousedown", placeDiv(sel, "u-grip-r"), e => {
bindMove(e, e => update(lft0, wid0 + (e.clientX - x0)));
// setScale: [
// u => uGraph.setScale('y', {min: yMin, max: yMax}),
// ],
setSelect: [
u => {
const left = Math.round(uBrush.valToPos(initXmin.current, 'x'));
const width = Math.round(uBrush.valToPos(initXmax.current, 'x')) - left;
zoom(left, width);
}, 100);
series: series,
<Flex flexDir='row' alignContent='center'>
<Text fontSize={18} mx={4}>Delete Sequences</Text>
<Switch size='lg' isChecked={addMode} onChange={()=>setAddMode(!addMode)}/>
<UplotReact options={opts} data={data}/>
<UplotReact options={brushOpts} data={data}/>
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