Value | Before | After |
API version | 10.9.11 | 10.10.0 |
Jellyfin version | 10.9.11 | 10.10.0 |
- 🆕 getItemSegments
GET /MediaSegments/\{itemId\}
⚠ getAudioStream
GET /Audio/\{itemId\}/stream
key before after TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getAudioStreamByContainer
GET /Audio/\{itemId\}/stream\.\{container\}
key before after TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getDevices
GET /Devices
key before after Return type org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.DeviceInfoQueryResult org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.DeviceInfoDtoQueryResult TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getDeviceInfo
GET /Devices/Info
key before after Return type org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.DeviceInfo org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.DeviceInfoDto TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getDeviceOptions
GET /Devices/Options
key before after Return type org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.DeviceOptions org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.DeviceOptionsDto TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getHlsAudioSegment
GET /Audio/\{itemId\}/hls1/\{playlistId\}/\{segmentId\}\.\{container\}
key before after TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getVariantHlsAudioPlaylist
GET /Audio/\{itemId\}/main\.m3u8
key before after TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getMasterHlsAudioPlaylist
GET /Audio/\{itemId\}/master\.m3u8
key before after TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getHlsVideoSegment
GET /Videos/\{itemId\}/hls1/\{playlistId\}/\{segmentId\}\.\{container\}
key before after TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getLiveHlsStream
GET /Videos/\{itemId\}/live\.m3u8
key before after TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getVariantHlsVideoPlaylist
GET /Videos/\{itemId\}/main\.m3u8
key before after TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getMasterHlsVideoPlaylist
GET /Videos/\{itemId\}/master\.m3u8
key before after TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getItems
GET /Items
key before after TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getThemeMedia
GET /Items/\{itemId\}/ThemeMedia
key before after TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getThemeSongs
GET /Items/\{itemId\}/ThemeSongs
key before after TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getThemeVideos
GET /Items/\{itemId\}/ThemeVideos
key before after TODO: Add parameters
⚠ openLiveStream
POST /LiveStreams/Open
key before after TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getSessions
GET /Sessions
key before after Return type kotlin.collections.List<org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.SessionInfo> kotlin.collections.List<org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.SessionInfoDto> TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getUniversalAudioStream
GET /Audio/\{itemId\}/universal
key before after TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getVideoStream
GET /Videos/\{itemId\}/stream
key before after TODO: Add parameters
⚠ getVideoStreamByContainer
GET /Videos/\{itemId\}/stream\.\{container\}
key before after TODO: Add parameters
🆕 DeinterlaceMethod
Enum containing deinterlace methods.
🆕 DeviceInfoDto
A DTO representing device information.
🆕 DeviceInfoDtoQueryResult
Query result container.
🆕 EncoderPreset
Enum containing encoder presets.
🆕 HardwareAccelerationType
Enum containing hardware acceleration types.
🆕 MediaSegmentDto
Api model for MediaSegment's.
🆕 MediaSegmentDtoQueryResult
Query result container.
🆕 MediaSegmentType
Defines the types of content an individual Jellyfin.Data.Entities.MediaSegment represents.
🆕 SessionInfoDto
Session info DTO.
🆕 TonemappingAlgorithm
Enum containing tonemapping algorithms.
🆕 TonemappingMode
Enum containing tonemapping modes.
🆕 TonemappingRange
Enum containing tonemapping ranges.
⚠ ActivityLogEntryQueryResult
key before after Description null Query result container. -
⚠ items
Value Before After Nullable true false
⚠ AuthenticationInfoQueryResult
key before after Description null Query result container. -
⚠ items
Value Before After Nullable true false
⚠ AuthenticationResult
key before after Description null A class representing an authentication result. -
⚠ user
Value Before After Description Class UserDto. Gets or sets the user. -
⚠ sessionInfo
Value Before After Description Class SessionInfo. Gets or sets the session info. Type org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.SessionInfo org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.SessionInfoDto -
⚠ accessToken
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the access token. -
⚠ serverId
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the server id.
⚠ BaseItemDtoQueryResult
key before after Description null Query result container. -
⚠ items
Value Before After Nullable true false
⚠ ClientCapabilitiesDto
⚠ deviceProfile
Value Before After Description A MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.DeviceProfile represents a set of metadata which determines which content a certain device is able to play.
<br />
Specifically, it defines the supported <see cref="P:MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.DeviceProfile.ContainerProfiles">containers</see> and
<see cref="P:MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.DeviceProfile.CodecProfiles">codecs</see> (video and/or audio, including codec profiles and levels)
the device is able to direct play (without transcoding or remuxing),
as well as which <see cref="P:MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.DeviceProfile.TranscodingProfiles">containers/codecs to transcode to</see> in case it isn't.Gets or sets the device profile. -
❌ supportsContentUploading
❌ supportsSync
⚠ CodecProfile
key before after Description null Defines the MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.CodecProfile. -
🆕 subContainer
⚠ type
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.CodecType which this container must meet. -
⚠ conditions
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the list of MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.ProfileCondition which this profile must meet. Nullable true false -
⚠ applyConditions
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the list of MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.ProfileCondition to apply if this profile is met. Nullable true false -
⚠ codec
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the codec(s) that this profile applies to. -
⚠ container
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the container(s) which this profile will be applied to.
⚠ ContainerProfile
key before after Description null Defines the MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.ContainerProfile. -
🆕 subContainer
⚠ type
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.DlnaProfileType which this container must meet. -
⚠ conditions
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the list of MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.ProfileCondition which this container will be applied to. -
⚠ container
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the container(s) which this container must meet. Nullable false true
⚠ DeviceProfile
⚠ name
Value Before After Description Gets or sets the name of this device profile. Gets or sets the name of this device profile. User profiles must have a unique name. -
⚠ id
Value Before After Description Gets or sets the Id. Gets or sets the unique internal identifier. Type kotlin.String org.jellyfin.sdk.model.UUID -
⚠ containerProfiles
Value Before After Description Gets or sets the container profiles. Gets or sets the container profiles. Failing to meet these optional conditions causes transcoding to occur.
⚠ DirectPlayProfile
key before after Description null Defines the MediaBrowser.Model.Dlna.DirectPlayProfile. -
⚠ container
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the container. Nullable true false -
⚠ audioCodec
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the audio codec. -
⚠ videoCodec
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the video codec. -
⚠ type
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the Dlna profile type.
⚠ DownMixStereoAlgorithms
key before after Description An enum representing an algorithm to downmix 6ch+ to stereo. Algorithms sourced from An enum representing an algorithm to downmix surround sound to stereo. - 🆕 Rfc7845
- 🆕 Ac4
⚠ EncodingOptions
🆕 qsvDevice
🆕 enableDecodingColorDepth10HevcRext
🆕 enableDecodingColorDepth12HevcRext
⚠ hardwareAccelerationType
Value Before After Type kotlin.String org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.HardwareAccelerationType Nullable true false -
⚠ tonemappingAlgorithm
Value Before After Type kotlin.String org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.TonemappingAlgorithm Nullable true false -
⚠ tonemappingMode
Value Before After Type kotlin.String org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.TonemappingMode Nullable true false -
⚠ tonemappingRange
Value Before After Type kotlin.String org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.TonemappingRange Nullable true false -
⚠ encoderPreset
Value Before After Type kotlin.String org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.EncoderPreset -
⚠ deinterlaceMethod
Value Before After Type kotlin.String org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.DeinterlaceMethod Nullable true false
⚠ ExternalIdInfo
⚠ urlFormatString
Value Before After Deprecated false true
⚠ GetProgramsDto
⚠ channelIds
Value Before After Nullable false true -
⚠ minStartDate
Value Before After Description Gets or sets the minimum premiere start date.
Optional.Gets or sets the minimum premiere start date. -
⚠ hasAired
Value Before After Description Gets or sets filter by programs that have completed airing, or not.
Optional.Gets or sets filter by programs that have completed airing, or not. -
⚠ isAiring
Value Before After Description Gets or sets filter by programs that are currently airing, or not.
Optional.Gets or sets filter by programs that are currently airing, or not. -
⚠ maxStartDate
Value Before After Description Gets or sets the maximum premiere start date.
Optional.Gets or sets the maximum premiere start date. -
⚠ minEndDate
Value Before After Description Gets or sets the minimum premiere end date.
Optional.Gets or sets the minimum premiere end date. -
⚠ maxEndDate
Value Before After Description Gets or sets the maximum premiere end date.
Optional.Gets or sets the maximum premiere end date. -
⚠ isMovie
Value Before After Description Gets or sets filter for movies.
Optional.Gets or sets filter for movies. -
⚠ isSeries
Value Before After Description Gets or sets filter for series.
Optional.Gets or sets filter for series. -
⚠ isNews
Value Before After Description Gets or sets filter for news.
Optional.Gets or sets filter for news. -
⚠ isKids
Value Before After Description Gets or sets filter for kids.
Optional.Gets or sets filter for kids. -
⚠ isSports
Value Before After Description Gets or sets filter for sports.
Optional.Gets or sets filter for sports. -
⚠ startIndex
Value Before After Description Gets or sets the record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results.
Optional.Gets or sets the record index to start at. All items with a lower index will be dropped from the results. -
⚠ limit
Value Before After Description Gets or sets the maximum number of records to return.
Optional.Gets or sets the maximum number of records to return. -
⚠ sortBy
Value Before After Description Gets or sets specify one or more sort orders, comma delimited. Options: Name, StartDate.
Optional.Gets or sets specify one or more sort orders, comma delimited. Options: Name, StartDate. Nullable false true -
⚠ sortOrder
Value Before After Description Gets or sets sort Order - Ascending,Descending. Gets or sets sort order. Nullable false true -
⚠ genres
Value Before After Nullable false true -
⚠ genreIds
Value Before After Nullable false true -
⚠ enableImages
Value Before After Description Gets or sets include image information in output.
Optional.Gets or sets include image information in output. -
⚠ enableTotalRecordCount
Value Before After Default value null Boolean(value=true) -
⚠ imageTypeLimit
Value Before After Description Gets or sets the max number of images to return, per image type.
Optional.Gets or sets the max number of images to return, per image type. -
⚠ enableImageTypes
Value Before After Description Gets or sets the image types to include in the output.
Optional.Gets or sets the image types to include in the output. Nullable false true -
⚠ enableUserData
Value Before After Description Gets or sets include user data.
Optional.Gets or sets include user data. -
⚠ seriesTimerId
Value Before After Description Gets or sets filter by series timer id.
Optional.Gets or sets filter by series timer id. -
⚠ librarySeriesId
Value Before After Description Gets or sets filter by library series id.
Optional.Gets or sets filter by library series id. Nullable false true -
⚠ fields
Value Before After Description Gets or sets specify additional fields of information to return in the output. This allows multiple, comma delimited. Options: Budget, Chapters, DateCreated, Genres, HomePageUrl, IndexOptions, MediaStreams, Overview, ParentId, Path, People, ProviderIds, PrimaryImageAspectRatio, Revenue, SortName, Studios, Taglines.
Optional.Gets or sets specify additional fields of information to return in the output. Nullable false true
⚠ LibraryChangedMessage
⚠ data
Value Before After Description Class LibraryUpdateInfo. Gets or sets the data.
⚠ LibraryOptions
- 🆕 disabledMediaSegmentProviders
- 🆕 mediaSegmentProvideOrder
- 🆕 saveTrickplayWithMedia
- 🆕 disabledLyricFetchers
- 🆕 lyricFetcherOrder
- 🆕 preferNonstandardArtistsTag
- 🆕 useCustomTagDelimiters
- 🆕 customTagDelimiters
- 🆕 delimiterWhitelist
⚠ LibraryOptionsResultDto
- 🆕 lyricFetchers
⚠ MediaPathInfo
- ❌ networkPath
⚠ MediaSourceInfo
- 🆕 useMostCompatibleTranscodingProfile
- 🆕 fallbackMaxStreamingBitrate
- 🆕 hasSegments
⚠ MediaStream
- 🆕 rotation
- 🆕 referenceFrameRate
⚠ OpenLiveStreamDto
- 🆕 alwaysBurnInSubtitleWhenTranscoding
⚠ PlayMessage
⚠ data
Value Before After Description Class PlayRequest. Gets or sets the data.
⚠ PluginInstallationCancelledMessage
⚠ data
Value Before After Description Class InstallationInfo. Gets or sets the data.
⚠ PluginInstallationCompletedMessage
⚠ data
Value Before After Description Class InstallationInfo. Gets or sets the data.
⚠ PluginInstallationFailedMessage
⚠ data
Value Before After Description Class InstallationInfo. Gets or sets the data.
⚠ PluginInstallingMessage
⚠ data
Value Before After Description Class InstallationInfo. Gets or sets the data.
⚠ PluginUninstalledMessage
⚠ data
Value Before After Description This is a serializable stub class that is used by the api to provide information about installed plugins. Gets or sets the data.
⚠ ScheduledTaskEndedMessage
⚠ data
Value Before After Description Class TaskExecutionInfo. Gets or sets the data.
⚠ SessionsMessage
⚠ data
Value Before After Type kotlin.collections.List<org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.SessionInfo> kotlin.collections.List<org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.SessionInfoDto>
⚠ SyncPlayCommandMessage
⚠ data
Value Before After Description Class SendCommand. Gets or sets the data.
⚠ SyncPlayGroupUpdateCommandMessage
⚠ data
Value Before After Description Group update without data. Gets or sets the data.
⚠ UserDataChangedMessage
⚠ data
Value Before After Description Class UserDataChangeInfo. Gets or sets the data.
⚠ UserUpdatedMessage
⚠ data
Value Before After Description Class UserDto. Gets or sets the data.
⚠ PlaybackInfoDto
- 🆕 alwaysBurnInSubtitleWhenTranscoding
⚠ SeriesTimerInfoDtoQueryResult
key before after Description null Query result container. -
⚠ items
Value Before After Nullable true false
⚠ ServerConfiguration
- ❌ metadataNetworkPath
⚠ SubtitleProfile
key before after Description null A class for subtitle profile information. -
⚠ format
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the format. -
⚠ method
Value Before After Description Delivery method to use during playback of a specific subtitle format. Gets or sets the delivery method. -
⚠ didlMode
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the DIDL mode. -
⚠ language
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the language. -
⚠ container
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the container.
⚠ ThemeMediaResult
⚠ items
Value Before After Nullable true false
⚠ TimerInfoDtoQueryResult
key before after Description null Query result container. -
⚠ items
Value Before After Nullable true false
⚠ TranscodeReason
- 🆕 VideoCodecTagNotSupported
⚠ TranscodingInfo
key before after Description null Class holding information on a runnning transcode. -
⚠ audioCodec
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the thread count used for encoding. -
⚠ videoCodec
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the thread count used for encoding. -
⚠ container
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the thread count used for encoding. -
⚠ isVideoDirect
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets a value indicating whether the video is passed through. -
⚠ isAudioDirect
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets a value indicating whether the audio is passed through. -
⚠ bitrate
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the bitrate. -
⚠ framerate
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the framerate. -
⚠ completionPercentage
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the completion percentage. -
⚠ width
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the video width. -
⚠ height
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the video height. -
⚠ audioChannels
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the audio channels. -
⚠ hardwareAccelerationType
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the hardware acceleration type. Type org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.HardwareEncodingType org.jellyfin.sdk.model.api.HardwareAccelerationType -
⚠ transcodeReasons
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the transcode reasons.
⚠ TranscodingProfile
key before after Description null A class for transcoding profile information. -
🆕 enableAudioVbrEncoding
⚠ container
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the container. -
⚠ type
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the DLNA profile type. -
⚠ videoCodec
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the video codec. -
⚠ audioCodec
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the audio codec. -
⚠ protocol
Value Before After Description Media streaming protocol.
Lowercase for backwards compatibility.Gets or sets the protocol. -
⚠ estimateContentLength
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets a value indicating whether the content length should be estimated. -
⚠ enableMpegtsM2TsMode
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets a value indicating whether M2TS mode is enabled. -
⚠ transcodeSeekInfo
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the transcoding seek info mode. -
⚠ copyTimestamps
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets a value indicating whether timestamps should be copied. -
⚠ context
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the encoding context. -
⚠ enableSubtitlesInManifest
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets a value indicating whether subtitles are allowed in the manifest. -
⚠ maxAudioChannels
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the maximum audio channels. -
⚠ minSegments
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the minimum amount of segments. -
⚠ segmentLength
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the segment length. -
⚠ breakOnNonKeyFrames
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets a value indicating whether breaking the video stream on non-keyframes is supported. -
⚠ conditions
Value Before After Description null Gets or sets the profile conditions.
⚠ TrickplayOptions
- 🆕 enableKeyFrameOnlyExtraction
⚠ TunerHostInfo
- 🆕 allowFmp4TranscodingContainer
- 🆕 allowStreamSharing
- 🆕 fallbackMaxStreamingBitrate
⚠ UserDataChangeInfo
⚠ userId
Value Before After Type kotlin.String org.jellyfin.sdk.model.UUID Nullable true false -
⚠ userDataList
Value Before After Nullable true false
⚠ UserItemDataDto
⚠ key
Value Before After Nullable true false -
⚠ itemId
Value Before After Type kotlin.String org.jellyfin.sdk.model.UUID Nullable true false
❌ ClientCapabilities
❌ DeviceInfo
❌ DeviceInfoQueryResult
❌ DeviceOptions
An entity representing custom options for a device.
❌ HardwareEncodingType
Enum HardwareEncodingType.
❌ SessionInfo
Class SessionInfo.