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Created October 17, 2010 08:21
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Save niepi/630660 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
php ofx parser
// Session control
if(!session_is_registered(login)) {
header("Location: ../login/login.htm");
else {
include ('../../lib/lib.php');
connectDB(); //connect to database
function paragraphe($code) {
global $data, $paragraphe ;
$debut = strpos($data, '<'.$code.'>') ;
if ($debut>0) {
$fin = strpos($data, '</'.$code.'>')+strlen($code)+3 ;
$paragraphe = substr($data, $debut, $fin-$debut) ;
$data = substr($data, $fin) ;
} else $paragraphe = '' ;
function valeur($parametre) {
global $paragraphe ;
$debut = strpos($paragraphe, '<'.$parametre.'>') ;
if ($debut>0) {
$debut = $debut+strlen($parametre)+2 ;
$fin = strpos($paragraphe, '<',$debut+1) ;
return trim(substr($paragraphe, $debut, $fin-$debut)) ;
} else return '' ;
//function to get values stored between STMTTRN flags in OFX files
function get_stmttrn_value($tag){
global $trn_str;
return substr($trn_str,strpos($trn_str,'<'.$tag.'>') + strlen('<'.$tag.'>'),strpos($trn_str,'<',(strpos($trn_str,'<'.$tag.'>') + strlen('<'.$tag.'>'))) - (strpos($trn_str,'<'.$tag.'>') + strlen('<'.$tag.'>')));
//function to get values from QIF file
function get_qif_value($tag){
global $trn_str;
return substr($trn_str,strpos($trn_str,"\n" .$tag) + 2,(strpos($trn_str,"\n",strpos($trn_str,"\n" .$tag)+2) - (strpos($trn_str,"\n" .$tag) + 2)));
$created = date("Y-m-d");
$affected_rows = "";// initialize affected rows
$creator = $_SESSION[login];
$_file_ = $_FILES['bank_file'];
if(is_uploaded_file($_file_['tmp_name']) && $_file_['error'] == 0){
$ofx_msg = "";
if($_file_['size'] > 3200000) $ofx_msg = "Erreur: le fichier est trop gros (max 3MO)";
$file_name = $_file_['tmp_name'];
//test if file opens correctly
$file = fopen($file_name, "r");
$data = fread( $file, filesize($file_name) );
//test OFX format
if(strpos($data,'</OFX>') - strpos($data,'<OFX>') > 0){
// OFX version checking, this script is able to read scripts up to version 211
$max_version = 211;
$ofxver = substr($data,strpos($data,'VERSION:') +8,strpos($data,"\n",strpos($data,'VERSION:')) - strpos($data,'VERSION:') -8);
if($ofxver <= $max_version){
$BANKID = valeur('BANKID') ;
$BRANCHID = valeur('BRANCHID') ;
$ACCTID = valeur('ACCTID') ;
$ACCTKEY = valeur('ACCTKEY');
." FROM account"
." WHERE account_id=" .$_POST[account_id]
." AND bank_id='" .$BANKID ."'"
." AND branch_id='" .$BRANCHID ."'"
." AND account_no='" .$ACCTID ."'"
." AND account_key='" .$ACCTKEY ."'";
$req = mysql_query($SQL);
$match_account = mysql_numrows($req);
if($match_account == 1){
$i = 0;
$pos_start_data = strpos($data,'<STMTTRN>');
$len_data = strpos($data,"</BANKTRANLIST>") - $pos_start_data;
$data_str = substr($data,$pos_start_data,$len_data);
$start_trn_str = strpos($data_str,'<STMTTRN>');
$len_trn_str = strpos($data_str,'</STMTTRN>') + 10;
$nb_trn = substr_count($data_str,'<STMTTRN>');
while($i < $nb_trn){
$trn_str = substr($data_str,$start_trn_str,$len_trn_str);
$trntype = get_stmttrn_value('TRNTYPE');
$dtposted = get_stmttrn_value('DTPOSTED');
$trnamt = get_stmttrn_value('TRNAMT');
$fitid = get_stmttrn_value('FITID');
$checknum = "";
if(strpos($trn_str,'<CHECKNUM>') > 0){
$checknum = get_stmttrn_value('CHECKNUM');
$name = "";
if(strpos($trn_str,'<NAME>') > 0){
$name = str_replace("'","''",get_stmttrn_value('NAME'));
$memo = "";
if(strpos($trn_str,'<MEMO>') > 0){
$memo = str_replace("'","''",get_stmttrn_value('MEMO'));
$value .= "('" .$fitid ."_" .$_POST[account_id] ."',"
."'" .$name ."',"
."'" .$memo ."',"
."'" .$trnamt ."',"
."'" .$dtposted ."',"
."'" .$trntype ."',"
."'" .$_POST[account_id] ."',"
."'" .$checknum ."',"
."'" .$created ."',"
."'" .$creator ."')";
if($i + 1 < $nb_trn){$value .= ",";};
$start_trn_str = strpos($data_str,'<STMTTRN>',$start_trn_str + 1);
$len_trn_str = (strpos($data_str,'</STMTTRN>',$start_trn_str) - $start_trn_str) + 10;
$SQL = "INSERT IGNORE INTO transaction"
." (trans_id,title,memo,amount,date,mp_id,account_id,cat_id,u_cat_id,check_no,point,created,creator)"
." VALUES ". $value;
$affected_rows = mysql_affected_rows();
header("Location: index.php?account_id=" .$_POST[account_id] ."&affected_rows=" .$affected_rows);
}else header("Location: import.php?account_id=" .$_POST[account_id] ."&err_no=4");//wrong bank account in OFX file
} else header("Location: import.php?account_id=" .$_POST[account_id] ."&err_no=5");//OFX version not supported
} else;// not an OFX file
if(is_numeric($affected_rows) == 0){ //if no OFX file parsed
//QIF file test
if(substr_count($data,'!Type:Bank') == 1){
//QIF file import
$nb_trn = substr_count($data,"^");
$start_trn_str = strpos($data,"\nD");
$len_trn_str = strpos($data,"^",$start_trn_str) - $start_trn_str;
$i = 0;
while($i < $nb_trn){
$trn_str = substr($data,$start_trn_str,$len_trn_str);
$date = frdate2isodate(get_qif_value('D'));
$amount = get_qif_value('T');
$id = get_qif_value('N');
$title = get_qif_value('M');
$checknum = "";
$trntype = "";
// test if transaction is a check, only valid for "La Bred" bank
if(substr_count($trn_str,'CHEQUE PAIEMENT') == 1){
$checknum = get_qif_value('N');
$trntype = "CHECK";
$value .= "('" .$id ."_" .$_POST[account_id] ."',"
."'" .$title ."',"
."'" .$amount ."',"
."'" .$date ."',"
."'" .$trntype ."',"
."'" .$_POST[account_id] ."',"
."'" .$checknum ."',"
."'" .$created ."',"
."'" .$creator ."')";
if($i + 1 < $nb_trn){$value .= ",";};
$start_trn_str = strpos($data,"\nD",$start_trn_str +2);
$len_trn_str = strpos($data,"^",$start_trn_str) - $start_trn_str;
$SQL = "INSERT IGNORE INTO transaction"
." (trans_id,title,amount,date,mp_id,account_id,cat_id,u_cat_id,check_no,point,created,creator)"
." VALUES ". $value;
// echo $SQL;
$affected_rows = mysql_affected_rows();
header("Location: index.php?account_id=" .$_POST[account_id] ."&affected_rows=" .$affected_rows);
}else header("Location: import.php?account_id=" .$_POST[account_id] ."&err_no=3");//wrong file format, neither an OFX nor a QIF
}else header("Location: index.php?account_id=" .$_POST[account_id] ."&affected_rows=" .$affected_rows);//SQL query ran successfully
} else header("Location: import.php?account_id=" .$_POST[account_id] ."&err_no=2");//not possible to open file
} else header("Location: import.php?account_id=" .$_POST[account_id] ."&err_no=1");//no file uploaded
}// session
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