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Created April 1, 2020 16:33
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BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.0, OS=Windows 10.0.17763.1039 (1809/October2018Update/Redstone5)
Intel Core i7-8700 CPU 3.20GHz (Coffee Lake), 1 CPU, 12 logical and 6 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=5.0.100-preview.1.20155.7
  [Host]     : .NET Core 3.1.2 (CoreCLR 4.700.20.6602, CoreFX 4.700.20.6702), X64 RyuJIT
  DefaultJob : .NET Core 3.1.2 (CoreCLR 4.700.20.6602, CoreFX 4.700.20.6702), X64 RyuJIT

Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio Gen 0 Gen 1 Gen 2 Allocated
OrderBy 1,316.0 ns 3.98 ns 3.73 ns 1.00 0.0992 - - 632 B
SortInPlaceMethodGroup 409.7 ns 0.98 ns 0.92 ns 0.31 0.0391 - - 248 B
SortInPlaceLambda 400.1 ns 0.93 ns 0.82 ns 0.30 0.0291 - - 184 B
IntroSortInPlaceLambda 339.5 ns 0.51 ns 0.45 ns 0.26 0.0238 - - 152 B
IntroSortInPlaceStruct 329.2 ns 1.00 ns 0.94 ns 0.25 0.0238 - - 152 B
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using DotNetCross.Sorting;
namespace DotNetCross.Sorting.Benchmarks
public class SortDictionary
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "DestinationSubPath", "ICSharpCode.Decompiler.dll" },
{ "NuGetPackageId", "ICSharpCode.Decompiler" },
{ "AssetType", "runtime" },
{ "PackageVersion", "" },
{ "PackageName", "ICSharpCode.Decompiler" },
{ "NuGetPackageVersion", "" },
{ "CopyLocal", "true" },
{ "PathInPackage", "lib/netstandard2.0/ICSharpCode.Decompiler.dll" },
[Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
public void OrderBy()
var result = dictionary.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key);
foreach (var item in result)
private int Comparer((string, string) left, (string, string) right)
return StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(left.Item1, right.Item1);
public void SortInPlaceMethodGroup()
var list = new List<(string key, string value)>(dictionary.Count);
foreach (var kvp in dictionary)
list.Add((kvp.Key, kvp.Value));
foreach (var kvp in list)
public void SortInPlaceLambda()
var list = new List<(string key, string value)>(dictionary.Count);
foreach (var kvp in dictionary)
list.Add((kvp.Key, kvp.Value));
list.Sort((l, r) => StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(l.key, r.key));
foreach (var kvp in list)
public void IntroSortInPlaceLambda()
Span<(string key, string value)> array = new (string key, string value)[dictionary.Count];
int i = 0;
foreach (var kvp in dictionary)
array[i] = (kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
// DotNetCross.Sorting preview :)
array.IntroSort((l, r) => StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(l.key, r.key));
foreach (var kvp in array)
public void IntroSortInPlaceStruct()
Span<(string key, string value)> array = new (string key, string value)[dictionary.Count];
int i = 0;
foreach (var kvp in dictionary)
array[i] = (kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
// DotNetCross.Sorting preview :)
array.IntroSort(new OrdinalComparer());
foreach (var kvp in array)
public readonly struct OrdinalComparer : IComparer<(string key, string value)>
public int Compare((string key, string value) x, (string key, string value) y) =>
string.Compare(x.key, y.key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
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