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Created December 14, 2021 13:26
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import cv2
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy as cp
class Node:
def __init__(self, f, p, isLeaf=0):
self.freq = f # For storing intensity
self.prob = p # For storing Probability
self.word = "" # For coded word ex : '100101'
# Pointers for children, C[0] for left child, c[1] for right child
self.c = [None, None]
self.isLeaf = isLeaf # Flag for Leaf-Nodes
class Image:
def __init__(self):
self.path_in = "" # Input file Location
self.path_out = "" # Output file Location = np.zeros(1) # Input Image
self.out = np.zeros(1) # Output Image
self.image_data = np.zeros(1) # List of Intensities and dimensions
self.r = 0 # Rows
self.c = 0 # Coloums
self.d = 0 # Depth / channels
# histogram, ie frequency count of each data value
self.hist = np.zeros(1)
self.freqs = np.zeros(1) # For Non-zero frequency
# Dictionary with key as freqs and values as Probailities
self.prob_dict = {}
self.allNodes = [] # Container for All created Nodes
self.leafNodes = {} # Container for Leaf Nodes
self.root = Node(-1, -1) # Root Node with Probability = 1
# Encoded String of Image,form: "01001010101011......", interpretation : [r,c,d,[..pxls]]
self.encodedString = ""
# Decoded List of integers when read from .bin file, form : [456,342,3,34,2,120,44, ...... ], interpretation : [r,c,d,[..pxls]]
self.decodeList = []
# Binary from file in for of integers ie [0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,......]
self.binaryFromFile = []
def checkCoding(self):
return np.all( == self.out)
def readImage(self, path):
self.path_in = path
try: = cv2.imread(path)
print("Error in reading image")
def initialise(self):
self.r, self.c, self.d =
# Pushing r,c,d to encode into image_data list
temp_list =
temp_list = np.append(temp_list, self.r)
temp_list = np.append(temp_list, self.c)
temp_list = np.append(temp_list, self.d)
self.image_data = temp_list
# Creating historgram from image_data to create frequencies.
self.hist = np.bincount(
self.image_data, minlength=max(256, self.r, self.c, self.d))
total = np.sum(self.hist)
# Extracting the non-zero frequencies
self.freqs = [i for i, e in enumerate(self.hist) if e != 0]
self.freqs = np.array(self.freqs)
# Creatn=ing a dict of propabilities , with keys are intensities and value as propabilities
for i, e in enumerate(self.freqs):
self.prob_dict[e] = self.hist[e]/total
# Function to write output image
def outImage(self, path):
self.path_out = path
cv2.imwrite(self.path_out, self.out)
print("Error in writing the image")
# Creating Nodes for intensities
def buildNodes(self):
for key in self.prob_dict:
leaf = Node(key, self.prob_dict[key], 1)
# comparator function for sorting
def prob_key(self, e):
return e.prob
# Creating UPTREE
def upTree(self):
import heapq
self.buildNodes() # Creating Nodes
# Sorting all Nodes in workspace to create uptree
workspace = sorted(cp(self.allNodes), key=self.prob_key)
c1 = workspace[0]
c2 = workspace[1]
# Creating A new node from two smallest propability intensities
new_node = Node(-1, c1.prob+c2.prob)
new_node.c[0] = c1
new_node.c[1] = c2
workspace = list(heapq.merge(
workspace, [new_node], key=self.prob_key)) # Pushing the created Node into Workspace
# Break if probability of prepared node is 1, indicating preparing upTree is completed
if(new_node.prob == 1.0):
self.root = new_node # And storing it as root Node
# Creating Down Tree ie assigning words to Leaf Nodes from Root
def downTree(self, root, word):
root.word = word
self.leafNodes[root.freq] = root.word
if(root.c[0] != None):
self.downTree(root.c[0], word+'0')
if(root.c[1] != None):
self.downTree(root.c[1], word+'1')
def huffmanAlgo(self):
self.upTree() # Creating UpTree
self.downTree(self.root, "") # Creating DownTree
dicti = {} # Storing the prob_dict in new variable dicti
# So that we need not access ("self.") every time that costs time, we just use dicti in place of self.leafNodes
for key in self.leafNodes:
dicti[key] = self.leafNodes[key]
# Storing the self.encodedString in new variable encodedString
# So that we need not accecess "self." every time,which cost more time
encodedString = ""
encodedString += dicti[self.r]
encodedString += dicti[self.c]
encodedString += dicti[self.d]
# Note we are first encoding dimensions, and later encoding each pxl in 3rd dimension order , later while decoding we decode in the same way
for i in range(self.r):
for j in range(self.c):
for ch in range(self.d):
encodedString += dicti[[i][j][ch]]
self.encodedString = encodedString
def sendBinaryData(self, path):
# Our self.encodedString is just list of strigs with characters char('0') & char('1')
# but we should not directly write char('0') and char('1') , because each of them take 1byte = 8bits, so we are converting the char('0') and char('1') to binary(0) & binary(1)
# To do the above work we are using bitstring from BitArray library
from bitstring import BitArray
file = open(path, 'wb')
obj = BitArray(bin=self.encodedString)
def decode(self, path):
# Now we have a file , we will try to read its contents
# For reading binary from file we are using bitarray library (this is different one from above used BitArray)
import bitarray
self.binaryFromFile = bitarray.bitarray()
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
# Data type of self.binaryFromFile is list of int(0)'s and int(1)'s
decodeList = []
root = self.root
temp_root = cp(self.root)
temp_r = 0
temp_c = 0
temp_d = 0
# Like we encoded r,c,d, we will first retrieve/decode them
for i, c_int in enumerate(self.binaryFromFile):
if(temp_r != 0 and temp_c != 0 and temp_d != 0 and len(decodeList) == (temp_r*temp_c*temp_d + 3)):
if(temp_r == 0 and len(decodeList) >= 1):
temp_r = decodeList[0]
if(temp_c == 0 and len(decodeList) >= 2):
temp_c = decodeList[1]
if(temp_d == 0 and len(decodeList) >= 3):
temp_d = decodeList[2]
# Start at root, if 0 go to left node, if 1 go to right node, if leafnode is found store the intensity in a list
# and follow the same procedure untill you find (r*c*d + 3) values, ie 3 dimensions and r*c*d intensities
temp_root = temp_root.c[c_int]
temp_root = root
self.decodeList = decodeList
def decodeIm(self, path):
# Extracting dimensions values from deocded list, ie its first 3 three
decodeList = self.decodeList
out_r = decodeList[0]
out_c = decodeList[0]
out_d = decodeList[0]
out = np.zeros((out_r, out_c, out_d))
# Filling the out put image
for i in range(len(decodeList)):
id = i//out_d
x = id//out_c
y = id % out_c # Basic parsing mathematics for finding index values
z = i % out_d
out[x][y][z] = decodeList[i]
out = out.astype(dtype=int)
self.out = out
def huffmanCode(self, input_pth, compressed_pth="./compressed.bin", output_pth="./output.png", toCheck=0):
# Just Steps for Execution
import time
print('Initialization Done\n')
s = time.time()
print('Coding Image started\n')
print('Coding Image completed\n')
e = time.time()
print("\nOriginal Size of Image : ", self.r*self.c*self.d*8, " bits")
print("\nCompressed Size : ", len(self.encodedString), " bits")
print("\nCompressed factor : ", self.r *
self.c*self.d*8/(len(self.encodedString)), "\n")
print("Took ", e-s, " sec to encode input image\n")
print('Sending coded data\n')
print('Soded data sent\n')
s = time.time()
print('Started decoding compressed image\n')
print('Completed decoding compressed image ( open output image from the above mentioned path) \n')
e = time.time()
print("Took ", e-s, " sec to decode compressed image\n")
print("Are both images same : ", self.checkCoding())
image = Image()
image.huffmanCode("./frame_1280.png", "./compressed.bin",
"./output.png", toCheck=1)
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