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Forked from egonelbre/astar_nodequeue.go
Created April 14, 2014 08:39
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package astar
import "container/heap"
type NodeQueue []Node
func NewNodeQueue() NodeQueue {
return make(NodeQueue, 0, 1000)
func (q NodeQueue) Empty() bool {
return len(q) == 0
func (q NodeQueue) Len() int {
return len(q)
func (q NodeQueue) Less(i, j int) bool {
return f(q[i].State) < f(q[j].State)
func (q NodeQueue) Swap(i, j int) {
q[i], q[j] = q[j], q[i]
func (q *NodeQueue) Push(n interface{}) {
*q = append(*q, n.(Node))
func (q *NodeQueue) Pop() interface{} {
n := len(*q)
last := (*q)[n-1]
*q = (*q)[0:n-1]
return last
func (q *NodeQueue) Take() Node {
return heap.Pop(q).(Node)
func (q *NodeQueue) Put(n Node) {
heap.Push(q, n)
package astar
type State interface {
Hash() int
Equal(o interface{}) bool
Cost() int
CostToGoal() int
Children() []State
type Node struct {
Parent *Node
State State
type Solution []State
func backtrack(final Node) Solution {
depth := 1
for n := &final; n.Parent != nil; n = n.Parent {
depth += 1
solution := make(Solution, depth)
n := &final
for i := depth - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1 {
solution[i] = n.State
n = n.Parent
return solution
func f(s State) int {
return s.Cost() + s.CostToGoal()
func Search(initial State) (Solution, bool) {
open := NewNodeQueue()
closed := NewStateSet()
open.Put(Node{nil, initial})
for !open.Empty() {
n := open.Take()
if(n.State.CostToGoal() == 0) {
return backtrack(n), true
for _, newstate := range n.State.Children() {
if past, ok := closed.Get(newstate); ok {
if f(past) >= f(newstate) {
open.Put(Node{&n, newstate})
return nil, false
package astar
type StateSet map[int][]State
func NewStateSet() StateSet {
return make(StateSet)
func(set StateSet) Add(v State) {
h := v.Hash()
set[h] = append(set[h], v)
func(set StateSet) Remove(v State) {
h := v.Hash()
items := set[h]
for i, item := range items {
if v.Equal(item) {
set[h] = append(items[0:i], items[i+1:]...)
func(set StateSet) Get(v State) (State, bool) {
h := v.Hash()
items := set[h]
for _, item := range items {
if v.Equal(item) {
return item, true
return nil, false
package main
import (
func main() {
items := []int{5,2,4,3,1}
initial := &Move{items, -1, calchash(items), 0, estimatecost(items)}
solution, _ := astar.Search(initial)
for _, move := range solution {
move := move.(*Move)
fmt.Printf("%v -> %v \n", move.flip, move.Items)
package main
type Move struct {
Items []int
flip int
hash int
flipcount int
costToGoal int
func (s *Move) Hash() int { return s.hash }
func (s *Move) Cost() int { return s.flipcount }
func (s *Move) CostToGoal() int { return s.costToGoal }
func (s *Move) equal(o *Move) bool {
if s.hash != o.hash {
return false
for i, v := range s.Items {
if o.Items[i] != v {
return false
return true
func (s *Move) Equal(o interface{}) bool {
if o, ok := o.(*Move); ok {
return s.equal(o)
return false
func estimatecost(items []int) int {
prev := items[0]
inc := 0
dec := 1
for _, v := range items {
if v < prev {
inc += 1
} else if v > prev {
dec += 1
prev = v
if dec < inc {
return dec
return inc
func calchash(items []int) int {
hash := 17
for _, v := range items {
hash = (hash << 4 + hash) ^ v
return hash
func domove(pre *Move, flip int) *Move {
var move Move
items := make([]int, len(pre.Items))
N := len(pre.Items)
copy(items[:flip], pre.Items)
i := N - 1
for _, v := range pre.Items[flip:] {
items[i] = v
i -= 1
move.Items = items
move.flip = flip
move.hash = calchash(items)
move.flipcount = pre.flipcount + 1
move.costToGoal = estimatecost(items)
return &move
func (s *Move) Children() []State {
N := len(s.Items)
children := make([]State, N-1)
for i := range children {
children[i] = domove(s, i)
return children
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