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Forked from radubogdan/gist:f1c9899048bbc79e10f1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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  • Save nightsh/b77e0ca6852c4b4641da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nightsh/b77e0ca6852c4b4641da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require 'mechanize'
base = ''
route = 'me/feed?since=06.04.2015'
access_token = {'access_token' => ENV['ACCESS_TOKEN']}
variations = %w(happy bday birthday mulți multi ani trăiești traiesti)
agent =
response = JSON.parse(agent.get(base + route, access_token).body)
response["data"].each do |res|
msg = res["message"]!{ |s| s.downcase!; s.gsub(/\p{^Alnum}/, ''); }
if (msg & variations).count != 0
id = res["id"]
like_url = base + id + "/likes"
comment_url = base + id + "/comments"
file = agent.get(comment_url, access_token)
thanks_not_given = JSON.parse(file.body)["data"].find { |hash| hash["message"] == "Thanks!" && hash["from"]["name"] == "Radu Croitoru" }.nil?, access_token), access_token.merge!("message" => "Thanks!")) if thanks_not_given
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