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Last active June 28, 2020 09:40
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  • Save nigjo/c0f672fba7374f43118f1cc96748e602 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nigjo/c0f672fba7374f43118f1cc96748e602 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Vanilla Minecraft Plot Builder - A windows batch file to generate all commands for a "user build plot" on a vanilla minecraft server. Generated Commands can be pasted to the server console or send via RCON or as .mcfunction
@echo off
REM (c) 2020 by Jens Hofschröer. Use at your own risk!
REM Licence: (CC BY-SA 4.0)
REM Source:
REM to create a plot relative to current player (for datapack functions)
REM run this file with parameters
REM "11+halfx" 1 "11+halfz"
REM replace with regex in resultfile:
REM /^fill (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (.*)/
REM => fill ~$1 ~$2 ~$3 ~$4 ~$5 ~$6 $7
REM /^setblock (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (.*)/ => setblock ~$1 ~$2 ~$3 $4
REM copy to <world>\datapacks\plotmaker\data\nigjode\functions\plot<x>x<z>.mcfunction
REM Run Function at location. Plot will be generated in position x and z direction.
chcp 65001 >nul
title %~nx0
if "%~1" == "init" (
set pb_printinit=true
set "infile=%~1"
if not defined infile set infile=~%~n0.tiles
set outmethod=type "%infile%"
if not exist "%infile%" (
if not "%~2" == "" (
set "outfile=%~n0.mcfunction"
set infile=
set outmethod=echo %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
) else (
echo --- Unable to find input file: "%infile%"
goto :eof
) else (
echo infile=%infile%
for %%O in ('echo "%infile%"') do set "outfile=%%~dpnO.mcfunction"
echo outfile=%outfile%
if defined pb_printinit (
echo gamerule sendCommandFeedback false
echo say §2--- running §a%~nx0§2 build...
echo say §2--- §7generated §3%DATE%, %TIME%
if defined pb_printinit (
echo say §2--- initialize configuration
echo gamerule doWeatherCycle false
echo gamerule doFireTick false
echo gamerule doEntityDrops false
echo gamerule doTileDrops false
echo gamerule doMobLoot false
echo gamerule keepInventory true
echo gamerule mobGriefing false
if not defined pb_autolight set pb_autolight=true
if not defined pb_light if "%pb_autolight%" == "true" (
set pb_light=redstone_lamp
) else (
set pb_light=sea_lantern
if not defined pb_foundation set pb_foundation=stone
if not defined pb_base set pb_base=grass_block
if not defined pb_border set pb_border=stone_bricks
if not defined pb_fence set pb_fence=oak_fence
if not defined pb_asphalt set pb_asphalt=black_wool
if not defined pb_marks set pb_marks=white_wool
if not defined pb_curb set pb_curb=light_gray_wool
if not defined pb_sidewalk set pb_sidewalk=smooth_stone_slab
if defined infile echo say §2--- §7using plots from §3"%infile%">>"%outfile%"
for /F "eol=# delims=*" %%T in ('%outmethod%') do call :buildTile %%T
echo say §2--- §7done.>>"%outfile%"
goto :eof
set centerx=%~1
set centery=%~2
set centerz=%~3
set halfx=%~4
set halfz=%~5
echo generate commands to build plot at %centerx% %centery% %centerz% >&2
echo say §2--- §7generate plot at §3%centerx% %centery% %centerz%
call :addPlain
echo say §2--- §7streets:
call :addStreet
goto :eof
set /a koordx%~1=%~2
set /a koordy%~1=%~3
set /a koordz%~1=%~4
goto :eof
call :koords from "%centerx% - %halfx%" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% - %halfz%"
call :koords to "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_border%
call :addPlainQuadrant -%halfx% -%halfz%
call :addPlainQuadrant "+%halfx% - 1" "+%halfz% -1"
call :addPlainQuadrant "+%halfx% - 1" -%halfz%
call :addPlainQuadrant -%halfx% "+%halfz% - 1"
call :addFence
goto :eof
set minheight=%6
if not defined minheight set minheight=0
set /a nextheight=%5 - 10
if /i %nextheight% LSS %minheight% set nextheight=%minheight%
call :koords from %1 "%centery% + %5" %2
call :koords to %3 "%centery% + %nextheight%" %4
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:air
if /I %nextheight% GTR %minheight% call :freeSpace %1 %2 %3 %4 %nextheight% %minheight%
goto :eof
set /a addx=(%~1) / ~(%~1)
set /a addz=(%~2) / ~(%~2)
call :freeSpace "%centerx% + %addx% + 1" "%centerz% + %addz% + 1" "%centerx% + %~1 + (%addx%*2) + 2" "%centerz% + %~2 + (%addz%*2) + 2" 40
call :koords from "%centerx% + %addx% + 1" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% + %addz% + 1"
call :koords to "%centerx% + %~1 + 1" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% + %~2 +1"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_base%
call :koords from "%centerx% + %~1 + (%addx%*2) + 2" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% + %~2 + (%addz%*2) + 2"
call :koords to "%centerx% + %addx% + 1" "%centery% - 6" "%centerz% + %addz% + 1"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_foundation%
goto :eof
call :koords from "%centerx% - %halfx%" "%centery%" "%centerz% - %halfz%"
call :koords to "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1" "%centery%" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_fence%
call :koords from "%centerx% - %halfx% + 1" "%centery%" "%centerz% - %halfz% + 1"
call :koords to "%centerx% + %halfx%" "%centery%" "%centerz% + %halfz%"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:air
goto :eof
echo say §2--- §7- junctions
call :addStreetCorner - %halfx% - %halfz%
call :addStreetCorner - %halfx% + "%halfz% + 1"
call :addStreetCorner + "%halfx% + 1" - %halfz%
call :addStreetCorner + "%halfx% + 1" + "%halfz% + 1"
echo say §2--- §7- street nord
call :addStreetZ - %halfz%
echo say §2--- §7- street east
call :addStreetX + "%halfx% + 1"
echo say §2--- §7- street south
call :addStreetZ + "%halfz% + 1"
echo say §2--- §7- street west
call :addStreetX - %halfx%
goto :eof
REM echo say §2--- §7Ecke %1%halfx% %3%halfz%
rem call :freeSpace "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 1" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 1"
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 1" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 1"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 11" "%centery% + 30" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 11"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:air
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 1" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 1"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 11" "%centery% -2" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 11"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_curb%
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 1" "%centery% - 3" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 1"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 11" "%centery% - 6" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 11"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_foundation%
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 4" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 1"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 8" "%centery% -2" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 11"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_asphalt%
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 1" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 4"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 11" "%centery% -2" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 8"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_asphalt%
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 1" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 1"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 2" "%centery% -1" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 2"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_sidewalk%
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 1" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 10"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 2" "%centery% -1" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 11"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_sidewalk%
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 10" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 1"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 11" "%centery% -1" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 2"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_sidewalk%
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 10" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 10"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 11" "%centery% -1" "%centerz% %~3 %~4 %~3 11"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_sidewalk%
goto :eof
REM echo say §2--- §7Bulldozer
call :freeSpace "%centerx% - %halfx%" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 11" "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 1" 30 -2
call :koords from "%centerx% - %halfx% - 11" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 12"
call :koords to "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1 + 11" "%centery% + 30" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 12"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:glass replace minecraft:water
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:air replace #minecraft:logs
REM echo say §2--- §7Asphalt
call :koords from "%centerx% - %halfx%" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 11"
call :koords to "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1" "%centery% - 6" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 1"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_foundation%
call :koords from "%centerx% - %halfx%" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 8"
call :koords to "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 4"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_asphalt%
REM echo say §2--- §7Bürgersteige
call :koords from "%centerx% - %halfx%" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 2"
call :koords to "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 1"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_sidewalk%
call :koords from "%centerx% - %halfx%" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 11"
call :koords to "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 10"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_sidewalk%
REM echo say §2--- §7Randstreifen
call :koords from "%centerx% - %halfx%" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 3"
call :koords to "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 3"
rem replace !minecraft:sea_lantern
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_curb%
call :koords from "%centerx% - %halfx%" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 9"
call :koords to "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 9"
rem replace !minecraft:sea_lantern
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_curb%
REM echo say §2--- §7Mittelstreifen
call :koords from "%centerx% - %halfx%" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 6"
call :koords to "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 6"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_marks%
call :koords from "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 6"
call :koords to "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 6 + 2"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_marks%
call :koords from "%centerx% - %halfx%" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 6"
call :koords to "%centerx% - %halfx%" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 6 - 2"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_marks%
call :koords from "%centerx% - %halfx% + 4" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 6"
for /L %%X in (%koordxfrom%, 4, %centerx%) do (
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% minecraft:%pb_asphalt%
call :koords from "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1 - 4" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 6"
for /L %%X in (%koordxfrom%, -4, %centerx%) do (
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% minecraft:%pb_asphalt%
REM echo say §2--- §7Lampen
set /a "otherside=%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 9"
if "%pb_autolight%" == "true" goto :generateLampsWithRedstoneZ
call :koords from "%centerx% - %halfx% " "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 3"
for /L %%X in (%koordxfrom%, 8, %centerx%) do (
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% minecraft:%pb_light%
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %otherside% minecraft:%pb_light%
call :koords from "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 3"
for /L %%X in (%koordxfrom%, -8, %centerx%) do (
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% minecraft:%pb_light%
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %otherside% minecraft:%pb_light%
goto :eof
REM echo say §2--- §7Bulldozer
call :freeSpace "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 11" "%centerz% - %halfz%" "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 1" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1" 30 -2
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 12" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% - %halfz% - 11"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 12" "%centery% + 30" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1 + 11"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:glass replace minecraft:water
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:air replace #minecraft:logs
REM echo say §2--- §7Asphalt
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 11" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% - %halfz%"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 1" "%centery% - 6" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_foundation%
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 8" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% - %halfz%"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 4" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_asphalt%
REM echo say §2--- §7Bürgersteige
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 2" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% - %halfz%"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 1" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_sidewalk%
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 11" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% - %halfz%"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 10" "%centery% - 1" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_sidewalk%
REM echo say §2--- §7Randstreifen
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 3" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% - %halfz%"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 3" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_curb%
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 9" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% - %halfz%"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 9" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_curb%
REM echo say §2--- §7Mittelstreifen
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 6" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% - %halfz%"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 6" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_marks%
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 6" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 6 - 2" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_marks%
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 6" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% -%halfz%"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 6 + 2" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% -%halfz%"
echo fill %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:%pb_marks%
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 6" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% - %halfz% + 4"
for /L %%Z in (%koordzfrom%, 4, %centerz%) do (
echo setblock %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:%pb_asphalt%
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 6" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1 - 4"
for /L %%Z in (%koordzfrom%, -4, %centerz%) do (
echo setblock %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:%pb_asphalt%
REM echo say §2--- §7Lampen
set /a "otherside=%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 9"
if "%pb_autolight%" == "true" goto :generateLampsWithRedstoneX
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 3" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% -%halfz%"
for /L %%Z in (%koordzfrom%, 8, %centerz%) do (
echo setblock %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:%pb_light%
echo setblock %otherside% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:%pb_light%
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 3" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1"
for /L %%Z in (%koordzfrom%, -8, %centerz%) do (
echo setblock %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:%pb_light%
echo setblock %otherside% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:%pb_light%
goto :eof
REM Readstoneleitungen
call :koords strom1 "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 2" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% - %halfz%"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 2" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1"
echo fill %koordxstrom1% %koordystrom1% %koordzstrom1% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:redstone_wire
call :koords strom2 "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 10" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% - %halfz%"
call :koords to "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 10" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% + %halfz% + 1"
echo fill %koordxstrom2% %koordystrom2% %koordzstrom2% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:redstone_wire
REM Lampen und Steine
call :koords from "%centerx% %~1 %~2 %~1 3" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% -%halfz%"
set /a "compstart=%centerz% -%halfz%"
for /L %%Z in (%compstart%, 8, %centerz%) do (
echo setblock %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:%pb_light%
echo setblock %koordxstrom1% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:%pb_foundation%
echo setblock %otherside% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:%pb_light%
echo setblock %koordxstrom2% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:%pb_foundation%
set /a "compstart=%centerz% -%halfz% - 1 + 8"
for /L %%Z in (%compstart%, 8, %centerz%) do (
echo setblock %koordxstrom1% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:repeater[facing=north,delay=2]
echo setblock %koordxstrom2% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:repeater[facing=north,delay=2]
set /a "compstart=%centerz% + %halfz% + 1"
for /L %%Z in (%compstart%, -8, %centerz%) do (
echo setblock %koordxfrom% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:%pb_light%
echo setblock %koordxstrom1% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:%pb_foundation%
echo setblock %otherside% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:%pb_light%
echo setblock %koordxstrom2% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:%pb_foundation%
set /a "compstart=%centerz% + %halfz% + 2 - 8"
for /L %%Z in (%compstart%, -8, %centerz%) do (
echo setblock %koordxstrom1% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:repeater[facing=south,delay=2]
echo setblock %koordxstrom2% %koordyfrom% %%Z minecraft:repeater[facing=south,delay=2]
REM Sensoren
call :koords sensor "0" "%centery% -1" "%centerz% + %halfz% - 2"
echo setblock %koordxstrom1% %koordysensor% %koordzsensor% minecraft:daylight_detector[inverted=true]
echo setblock %koordxstrom2% %koordysensor% %koordzsensor% minecraft:daylight_detector[inverted=true]
call :koords sensor "0" "%centery% -1" "%centerz% - %halfz% + 3"
echo setblock %koordxstrom1% %koordysensor% %koordzsensor% minecraft:daylight_detector[inverted=true]
echo setblock %koordxstrom2% %koordysensor% %koordzsensor% minecraft:daylight_detector[inverted=true]
goto :eof
REM Readstoneleitungen
call :koords strom1 "%centerx% - %halfx%" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 2"
call :koords to "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 2"
echo fill %koordxstrom1% %koordystrom1% %koordzstrom1% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:redstone_wire
call :koords strom2 "%centerx% - %halfx%" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 10"
call :koords to "%centerx% + %halfx% + 1" "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 10"
echo fill %koordxstrom2% %koordystrom2% %koordzstrom2% %koordxto% %koordyto% %koordzto% minecraft:redstone_wire
REM Lampen und Steine
call :koords from "%centerx% - %halfx% " "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 3"
set /a "compstart=%centerx% - %halfx%"
for /L %%X in (%compstart%, 8, %centerx%) do (
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% minecraft:%pb_light%
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %koordzstrom1% minecraft:%pb_foundation%
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %otherside% minecraft:%pb_light%
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %koordzstrom2% minecraft:%pb_foundation%
set /a "compstart=%centerx% - %halfx% - 1 + 8"
for /L %%X in (%compstart%, 8, %centerx%) do (
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %koordzstrom1% minecraft:repeater[facing=west,delay=2]
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %koordzstrom2% minecraft:repeater[facing=west,delay=2]
call :koords from "%centerx% - %halfx% " "%centery% - 2" "%centerz% %~1 %~2 %~1 3"
set /a "compstart=%centerx% + %halfx% + 1"
for /L %%X in (%compstart%, -8, %centerx%) do (
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %koordzfrom% minecraft:%pb_light%
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %koordzstrom1% minecraft:%pb_foundation%
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %otherside% minecraft:%pb_light%
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %koordzstrom2% minecraft:%pb_foundation%
set /a "compstart=%centerx% + %halfx% + 2 - 8"
for /L %%X in (%compstart%, -8, %centerx%) do (
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %koordzstrom1% minecraft:repeater[facing=east,delay=2]
echo setblock %%X %koordyfrom% %koordzstrom2% minecraft:repeater[facing=east,delay=2]
REM Sensoren
call :koords sensor "%centerx% + %halfx% - 2" "%centery% -1" 0
echo setblock %koordxsensor% %koordysensor% %koordzstrom1% minecraft:daylight_detector[inverted=true]
echo setblock %koordxsensor% %koordysensor% %koordzstrom2% minecraft:daylight_detector[inverted=true]
call :koords sensor "%centerx% - %halfx% + 3" "%centery% -1" 0
echo setblock %koordxsensor% %koordysensor% %koordzstrom1% minecraft:daylight_detector[inverted=true]
echo setblock %koordxsensor% %koordysensor% %koordzstrom2% minecraft:daylight_detector[inverted=true]
goto :eof
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