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Last active September 2, 2018 17:08
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Image recognition using Python
def createExamples():
createFile = open('exFile.txt','a')
numberEx = range(0,10) #0.1,1.1,2.1
numberVer = range(1,10) #0.1,0.2,0.3
for eachNum in numberEx:
for eachVer in numberVer:
imgFilePath = 'images/numbers/'+str(eachNum)+'.'+str(eachVer)+'.png' #create image path
i =
iar = np.array(i)
iar = str(iar.tolist())
lineToWrite = str(eachNum) +'::'+iar+'\n' #generating liine to write in file
createFile.write(lineToWrite) # writing to file
#createExamples() //function call
def whatNumberIsThis(imgFilePath):
matchedAr = []
loadExmp = open('exFile.txt','r').read()
loadExmp = loadExmp.split('\n')
exImage =
eIAr = np.array(exImage)
eIAr = threshold(eIAr)
eiArL = eIAr.tolist()
imgToFind = str(eiArL)
for eachExmp in loadExmp:
if len(eachExmp) > 3 :
eachExmp = eachExmp.split('::')
numExmp = eachExmp[0]
numAr = eachExmp[1]
eachPix = numAr.split('],')
eachPix_imgToFind = imgToFind.split('],')
while(x < len(eachPix)):
if eachPix[x] == eachPix_imgToFind[x]:
x += 1
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
#(pil is pillow module)
i ='images/dot.png')
iar = np.asarray(i)
install python and pip (as pip contains all the required modules like numpy,matplotlib and pillow or pil)
* start python using terminal and import numpy matplotlib and PIL
* import Images from PIL(run 'from PIL import Image')
So each pixel is measured in RBGA, so an example row is [255, 255, 255, 255], what does that mean?
This means we're looking at a 256-color image, since programming starts with a 0 rather than a 1.
This color means 255 red, 255 green, 255 blue, and then 255 Alpha.
this will print an array of RGB-A(red,green,blue and alpha )pixels on the screen.
Alpha is a measure of how opaque an image is. The higher the number, the more solid the color is,
the lower the number, the more transparent it is.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
from PIL import Image
def threshold(imageArray):
balAr = []
newAr = imageArray
from statistics import mean
for eachRow in imageArray:
for eachPix in eachRow:
avg = mean(eachPix[:3])
balance = mean(balAr)
for eachRow in newAr:
for eachPix in eachRow:
if mean(eachPix[:3]) > balance :
eachPix[0] = 255
eachPix[1] = 255
eachPix[2] = 255
eachPix[3] = 255
eachPix[0] = 0
eachPix[1] = 0
eachPix[2] = 0
eachPix[3] = 255
return newAr
i1 ='images/dot.png')
i1_ar = np.array(i1)
i1_ar = threshold(i1_ar)
i2 ='images/numbers/0.1.png')
i2_ar = np.array(i2)
i2_ar = threshold(i2_ar)
i3 ='images/numbers/y0.5.png')
i3_ar = np.array(i3)
i3_ar = threshold(i3_ar)
i4 ='images/dotndot.png')
i4_ar = np.array(i4)
i4_ar = threshold(i4_ar)
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((8,6),(0,0),rowspan = 4,colspan = 3)
ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((8,6),(4,0),rowspan = 4,colspan = 3)
ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((8,6),(0,3),rowspan = 4,colspan = 3)
ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((8,6),(4,3),rowspan = 4,colspan = 3)
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