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Created November 2, 2013 13:51
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Save nihemak/7279107 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. 練習問題(行列計算/ピボット選択まで)をHaskellで書いてみた
- 練習問題(行列計算/ピボット選択まで)をHaskellで書いてみた
import Data.Array
{- 目的:行列aとbの和を求める -}
mat_add :: Num a => Array (Int, Int) a -> Array (Int, Int) a
-> Array (Int, Int) a
mat_add a b = array bs [((i,j),a!(i,j)+b!(i,j))|i<-range(l1,l2),j<-range(m1,m2)]
where ((l1,m1),(l2,m2)) = bounds a
bs = if ((l1,m1),(l2,m2)) == bounds b
then ((l1,m1),(l2,m2)) else error "行列の型の不一致"
test_mat_add = (mat_add a b) == r
where a = array ((0,0),(1,2)) [((0,0),1),((0,1),2),((0,2),3),
b = array ((0,0),(1,2)) [((0,0),2),((0,1),1),((0,2),4),
r = array ((0,0),(1,2)) [((0,0),3),((0,1),3),((0,2),7),
{- 目的:行列aのk倍を求める -}
mat_scale :: Num a => a -> Array (Int, Int) a -> Array (Int, Int) a
mat_scale k a = array bs [((i,j),k*a!(i,j))|i<-range(l1,l2),j<-range(m1,m2)]
where ((l1,m1),(l2,m2)) = bounds a
bs = ((l1,m1),(l2,m2))
test_mat_scale = (mat_scale 2 a) == r
where a = array ((0,0),(1,2)) [((0,0),1),((0,1),2),((0,2),3),
r = array ((0,0),(1,2)) [((0,0),2),((0,1),4),((0,2),6),
{- 目的:行列aとbの積を求める -}
mat_mul :: Num a => Array (Int, Int) a -> Array (Int, Int) a
-> Array (Int, Int) a
mat_mul a b = accumArray (+) 0 bs [((i,j),a!(i,k)*b!(k,j))|i<-range(l1,l2),
where ((l1,m1),(l2,m2)) = bounds a
((m1',n1),(m2',n2)) = bounds b
bs = if (m1,m2) == (m1',m2')
then ((l1,n1),(l2,n2)) else error "行列の型の不整合"
test_mat_mul = (mat_mul a b) == r
where a = array ((0,0),(1,2)) [((0,0),1),((0,1),2),((0,2),3),
b = array ((0,0),(2,2)) [((0,0),2),((0,1),1),((0,2),4),
r = array ((0,0),(1,2)) [((0,0),12),((0,1), 8),((0,2),15),
{- 目的:フィボナッチ数列の第n番目を行列を用いて求める -}
fib :: Int -> Int
fib n = (if n < 1 then a else foldr1 mat_mul $ take n $ repeat a)!(1,0)
where a = array ((0,0),(1,1)) [((0,0),1),((0,1),1),
test_fib = (fib 50) == 12586269025
{- 目的:ガウス消去法を用いて連立一次方程式を解く -}
solve :: Array (Int, Int) Double -> Array (Int, Int) Double
solve = backward_substitution . forward_elimination
test_solve = r!(0,3) > 2.5999 && r!(0,3) <= 2.6 && r!(1,3) == 3.4 && r!(2,3) == -2.8
where a = array ((0,0),(2,3)) [((0,0),1),((0,1),2),((0,2),3),((0,3),1),
r = solve a
{- 目的:行列aを前進消去する -}
forward_elimination a = snd $ (iterate f (0,a))!!l2
where ((l1,m1),(l2,m2)) = bounds a
f (n,b) = let (l,m) = (l1+n,m1+n)
g i j = if i<=l||j<m then b!(i,j)
else b!(i,j)-b!(l,j)*b!(i,m)/b!(l,m)
in (n+1,array ((l1,m1),(l2,m2))
[((i,j),g i j)|i<-range(l1,l2),j<-range(m1,m2)])
{- 目的:行列aを後退代入する -}
backward_substitution a = snd $ (iterate f (0,a))!!(l2+1)
where ((l1,m1),(l2,m2)) = bounds a
f (n,b) = let (l,m) = (l2-n,m2-n-1)
g i j = if i==l&&j==m2 then b!(i,j)/b!(i,m)
else if i==l&&j==m then 1
else if j==m then 0
else if j==m2 then b!(i,j)-b!(i,m)*b!(l,m2)/b!(l,m)
else b!(i,j)
in (n+1,array ((l1,m1),(l2,m2))
[((i,j),g i j)|i<-range(l1,l2),j<-range(m1,m2)])
{- 目的:ガウス消去法(部分ピボット選択)を用いて連立一次方程式を解く -}
solve' :: Array (Int, Int) Double -> Array (Int, Int) Double
solve' = backward_substitution . forward_elimination'
test_solve' = r!(0,3) == 1 && r!(1,3) > 3.332 && r!(1,3) < 3.334 && r!(2,3) == 7
where a = array ((0,0),(2,3)) [((0,0),2),((0,1),3),((0,2),-1),((0,3),5),
r = solve' a
{- 目的:行列aを前進消去(部分ピボット選択)する -}
forward_elimination' a = snd $ (iterate (f.h) (0,a))!!l2
where ((l1,m1),(l2,m2)) = bounds a
f (n,b) = let (l,m) = (l1+n,m1+n)
g i j = if i<=l||j<m then b!(i,j)
else b!(i,j)-b!(l,j)*b!(i,m)/b!(l,m)
in (n+1, array ((l1,m1),(l2,m2))
[((i,j),g i j)|i<-range(l1,l2),j<-range(m1,m2)])
h (n,b) = let (max_i,_) = foldr1 (\p@(_,x) q@(_,y) -> if x>y&&x/=0 then p else q)
g i j = if i==l1+n then b!(max_i,j)
else if i==max_i then b!(l1+n,j)
else b!(i,j)
in (n,array ((l1,m1),(l2,m2))
[((i,j),g i j)|i<-range(l1,l2),j<-range(m1,m2)])
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