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Nii Amon Dsane niiamon

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niiamon / gist:1160643
Created August 21, 2011 13:58
Ripple on Rails 3.1
Install Ripple:
gem install ripple
gem "curb"
gem "yajl-ruby"
gem "riak-client", :require => "riak"
gem "ripple"
niiamon@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ git clone
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/niiamon/Desktop/hello-twit/.git/
got 60569b3cb521cf20a6dec5a38b71ced16ce0789e
walk 60569b3cb521cf20a6dec5a38b71ced16ce0789e
got 44499d0d30d98bfafad19a81a3d89a52e1cb0430
got 0075703a8d472d73e1e9457b71547dfcc6a69bc2
walk 0075703a8d472d73e1e9457b71547dfcc6a69bc2
Getting alternates list for
got bd1bffcfeb2670b7ba65ae75d8e26b2adb3c9fa8
got 03c27ce2705162c442e7fdbe90f5727a831d94ad