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Created March 8, 2018 18:19
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Bash Module System
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# load our module system:
source "${SCRIPT_DIR}/"
# below command imports module ./ and run its 'greet' function with the following arguments:
module greeter greet tterranigma
module greeter greet niieani
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# this variable is local to this module:
# function is "exported" as a part of this module
__module__.greet() {
echo Greetings "$@" "(invocation ${__module__invocationCount})"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
declare -a __moduleCache=()
module() {
local path="${1}"
local export="${2}"
shift; shift;
local filename
if [[ "${path:0:2}" == "./" ]]
filename="$( cd "${BASH_SOURCE[1]%/*}" && pwd )/${path#\./}"
# for absolute path we assume it's relative to "SCRIPT_DIR"
load "${filename}.sh" "${export}" "$@"
load() {
local filename="${1}"
local export="${2}"
shift; shift;
local moduleName="_moduleId_${filename//[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_}"
local moduleId="${!moduleName}"
if [[ -z "${moduleId}" ]]
# module not yet loaded
local moduleId="${#__moduleCache[@]}"
local moduleContents
local moduleMemberPrefix="__module__${moduleId}"
local prefixedModule="${moduleContents//__module__/$moduleMemberPrefix}"
# declares reference to ID in global scope:
eval ${moduleName}=${moduleId}
# execute the module:
eval "$prefixedModule"
# module already loaded, execute
__module__${moduleId}.${export} "$@"
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