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Bypass 750 GB daily copying limit in Google Drive

Google drive has extremely generous limitations:

  • 750GB upload per 24 hours
  • 10TB download per 24 hours


Getting around these limits with service accounts on a team drive you bought from ebay and loading it up with 400TB of encrypted data is not financially viable for google to do. Paying $12 is not financially viable for google. The entire thing is a numbers game and once it is not financially viable we will lose our one unlimited provider and be back to industry standard pricing of $5/TB.

Also believe it or not, its not a storage problem for google. Its a electrical one. Google has the ability to rent time on machinery leased from a HDD manufacturer, plural. They can print as many hdds as they want, and considering the raw materials a hdd is not terribly expensive. The power to keep them spinning is. It is also the electrical requirement to dissipate the heat they generate, as a data-center spends nearly half their electrical budget on cooling.

while [ $COUNTER -lt 100 ]; do
echo Using service account $COUNTER
/usr/bin/rclone sync -vv \
--tpslimit 7 -c --checkers=20 \
--transfers=5 --fast-list \
--max-transfer 500G --stats 5s \
--drive-service-account-file=/opt/sa-json/service$COUNTER@whatever.json \
--log-file=/root/sync.log $SOURCE $DESTINATION
rclone move --drive-stop-on-upload-limit encrypted: unencrypted:
docker run -d --name=rutorrent
-v ~/config:/config
-v ~/downloads:/downloads
-v ~/downloads/watch:/downloads/watch
-v ~/downloads/completed:/downloads/completed
-e PGID=0 -e PUID=0 -e TZ=Europe/Madrid
-p 9443:443
-p 8080:80
-p 51415:51415
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