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Created August 29, 2021 19:17
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Genrule with external executable binary
# _ ______ ____ __ _______ ____ ___ ____________
# | | / / __ \/ __ \/ //_/ ___// __ \/ | / ____/ ____/
# | | /| / / / / / /_/ / ,< \__ \/ /_/ / /| |/ / / __/
# | |/ |/ / /_/ / _, _/ /| |___/ / ____/ ___ / /___/ /___
# |__/|__/\____/_/ |_/_/ |_/____/_/ /_/ |_\____/_____/
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_file")
name = "kubectl",
urls = [""],
sha256 = "78178a8337fc6c76780f60541fca7199f0f1a2e9c41806bded280a4a5ef665c9",
executable = True,
# ____ __ ________ ____
# / __ )/ / / / _/ / / __ \
# / __ / / / // // / / / / /
# / /_/ / /_/ // // /___/ /_/ /
# /_____/\____/___/_____/_____/
name = "ns",
outs = ["ns.yaml"],
cmd = "$(location @kubectl//file) create ns foo --dry-run=client -oyaml > $@",
srcs = ["@kubectl//file"],
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