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Last active December 22, 2020 01:56
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Parallel parse json files (Cloudtrail Logs)
# --line-buffer to prevent json from accidentally getting split in the middle
# -n 128 cat-ing large quantities of files is faster since the programs aren't re-invoked as often (too high and you risk not using all the threads in the final batches)
# -P 125% slightly over subscribe the CPU to lessen the chance of wasting cycles if something becomes blocked
# -q -m 4M make a small file buffer to smooth out I/O (don't make it too large as a single cat process could starve the other threads)
# -rc for single line per json object and "raw" output
# final jq is just to format and colorize the results
# zcat can be used to read json.gz files. This examples read off zfs compressing with zstd
# takes ~1m15s to run with 3.4GiB of logs (~370mb/s) on Ryzen 2700x (cpu appears to bottleneck)
find . -name "*.json" \
| parallel --line-buffer -n 128 -P 125% \
"cat {} | mbuffer -q -m 4M | jq -rc '.Records[] | select(.eventSource == \"\")'" \
| jq
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