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Print double precision value to stdout using x86 Assembly Language (NASM Assembler for Linux).
; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
;| |
;| Print floating-point number to stdout |
;| |
;| This example shows how to print double value from FPU register |
;| to stdout. |
;| |
;| This assembly program is equivalent to the C program below: |
;| |
;| #include <stdio.h> |
;| int main(void) |
;| { |
;| double sample = 2147483647.12345678; |
;| printf("%.8f\n",sample); |
;| return 0; |
;| } |
;| |
;| The limitations of this example are the program cannot print |
;| 9 to 16 decimal places, and cannot operate for double_sample |
;| value larger than 2^32. This program can only prints up to |
;| 8 decimal places only. |
;| |
;| However, the most accurate precision is up to 7 decimal places |
;| only. You will see the problem when using more than 7 decimal |
;| places in this program. |
;| |
;| decimal part |
;| ^ |
;| | |
;| +--+---+ |
;| | | |
;| Given double_sample: 2147483647.12345678 |
;| | | |
;| +---+----+ |
;| | |
;| V |
;| integer part |
;| |
;| the program will print the double_sample to stdout. |
;| |
;| If you want to manually set the value of double_sample, make |
;| sure to set within this range: |
;| |
;| -2147483648.000000000 <= double_sample <= 2147483647.99999999 |
;| |
;| ::IMPORTANT:: |
;| |
;| Although if you set the double_sample to 2147483647.12345678, |
;| but the program will prints 2147483647.12345672 because |
;| of precision problems. FPU always operate in extended float, |
;| so the new value of double_sample when loaded into FPU is: |
;| |
;| 2147483647.1234567165374755859375 |
;| |
;| But, since we want to print only 8 decimal places, the FPU |
;| rounds to the nearest and becomes: |
;| |
;| 2147483647.12345672 |
;| |
;| |
;| Use these commands to assemble this code: |
;| |
;| $ nasm _start.asm -f elf32 -o _start.o |
;| $ ld _start.o -m elf_i386 -o exe |
;| |
;| AUTHOR: Nik Mohamad Aizuddin bin Nik Azmi |
;| EMAIL: |
;| DATE CREATED: 26/OCT/2014 |
;| LANGUAGE: x86 Assembly Language |
;| SYNTAX: Intel |
;| KERNEL: Linux 32-bit |
;| FORMAT: ELF32 |
;| |
;| Rev # | Date | Description |
;| -------+-------------+--------------------------------------------- |
;| 0.9.0 | 27/OCT/2014 | First release. |
;| |
;| Do whatever you want with this source code :) |
[bits 32] ;generate 32-bit codes
cpu 386 ;assemble instructions up to 386 instruction sets
;---- section uninitialized data ---------------------------------------
section .bss noexec write align=4
fpu_controlword: resw 1 ;used for modifying fpu rounding control
integer_part: resd 1 ;stores integer part of double
decimal_part: resq 1 ;stores decimal part of double
temp: resq 1 ;general purpose memory
;---- section read only data -------------------------------------------
section .rdata noexec nowrite align=4
double_sample: dq 2147483647.12345678
decimal_places: dq 100000000 ;take 8 decimal places only
dot_character: dd 2eH
newline_character: dd 0aH
;---- section instruction codes ----------------------------------------
section .text exec nowrite align=16
global _start:
;| Get 2147483647 from 2147483647.12345678 |
;| |
;| Technique used: |
;| Convert double to integer and store to memory. |
;| The FPU will round the integer depends on RC bits. |
;| RC = truncate means the FPU don't round the integer. |
;| |
;| NOTE: Make sure to set FPU rounding control to truncate, by |
;| modifying its controlword value. Make sure bit 10 = 1 and |
;| bit 11 = 1. Ignore other bits, and DON'T TOUCH THEM! if you |
;| don't know what you are doing! |
;| |
;| See the table below about modifying control word: |
;| |
;| +-----+ |
;| BIT 0 | IM | --> Invalid operation Mask |
;| +-----+ |
;| BIT 1 | DM | --> Denormalized operand Mask |
;| +-----+ |
;| BIT 2 | ZM | --> Zero divide Mask |
;| +-----+ |
;| BIT 3 | OM | --> Overflow Mask |
;| +-----+ |
;| BIT 4 | UM | --> Underflow Mask |
;| +-----+ |
;| BIT 5 | PM | --> Precision Mask |
;| +-----+ |
;| BIT 6 | | |
;| +-----+ |
;| BIT 7 | IEM | --> Interrupt Enable Mask |
;| +-----+ |
;| BIT 8 | PC | --> Precision Control |
;| BIT 9 | | |
;| +-----+ |
;| BIT 10 | RC | --> Rounding Control, 11B = truncate |
;| BIT 11 | | |
;| +-----+ |
;| BIT 12 | IC | --> Infinity control |
;| +-----+ |
;| BIT 13 | | |
;| +-----+ |
;| BIT 14 | | |
;| +-----+ |
;| BIT 15 | | |
;| +-----+ |
;| |
;| reference: |
;| fpuchap1.htm |
finit ;initialize fpu
fstcw word [fpu_controlword] ;get fpu controlword
mov ax, [fpu_controlword]
or eax, 110000000000B ;rounding control := truncate
mov [fpu_controlword], ax
fldcw word [fpu_controlword] ;use modified fpu controlword
fld qword [double_sample] ;st0 := double_sample
fist dword [integer_part] ;store int from real
;| Get 0.12345678 from 2147483647.12345678 |
;| |
;| Technique used: |
;| 0.12345678 = 2147483647.12345678 - 2147483647.00000000 |
finit ;initialize fpu
fld qword [double_sample] ;push double_sample to st1
fild dword [integer_part] ;push integer_part to st0
fsub ;st0 := st1 - st0
fstp qword [temp] ;temporarily store subtract result
;| Convert 0.12345678 to 12345678 |
;| |
;| Technique used: |
;| Multipy 0.12345678 with 8. But, if you multiply it with 7, you'll |
;| get 7 decimal places only. |
;| |
;| If the program is set to 6 decimal places, the program will convert |
;| 0.12345678 to 123457. |
finit ;reset fpu
fld qword [temp] ;st1 := temp
fild dword [decimal_places] ;st0 := decimal_places
fmul ;st0 := st1 * st0
fistp qword [decimal_part] ;save decimal_part
;| Print 2147483647 |
sub esp, 8 ;reserve 8 bytes
mov eax, [integer_part] ;get integer_part
mov ebx, 1 ;flag=1 (signed int)
mov [esp ], eax ;arg1: integer_part
mov [esp + 4], ebx ;arg2: flag=1 (signed int)
call print_int2stdout
add esp, 8 ;restore 8 bytes
;| Print "dot" |
mov eax, 04H ;systemcall write
mov ebx, 01H ;write to stdout
mov ecx, dot_character ;src := address dot_character
mov edx, 1 ;len := 1
int 80H
;| Print 12345678 |
;| |
;| If the value is -12345678, first we have to convert the |
;| two's complement form to get the actual value. |
sub esp, 8 ;reserve 8 bytes
mov eax, [decimal_part] ;get decimal_part
mov ebx, eax ;if negative
and ebx, 0x80000000
cmp ebx, 0
je .positive
not eax ;decode two's complement
add eax, 1
mov ebx, 0 ;flag=0 (unsigned int)
mov [esp ], eax ;arg1: decimal_part
mov [esp + 4], ebx ;arg2: flag=0 (unsigned int)
call print_int2stdout
add esp, 8 ;restore 8 bytes
;| Print newline |
mov eax, 04H ;systemcall write
mov ebx, 01H ;write to stdout
mov ecx, newline_character ;src := address newline_character
mov edx, 1 ;len := 1
int 80H
mov eax, 01H ;systemcall exit
xor ebx, ebx ;return 0
int 80H
; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
;| NAME: |
;| |
;| print_int2stdout -- Print signed or unsigned int to stdout. |
;| |
;| |
;| procedure print_int2stdout(integer_x: Longword, flag: Longword ) |
;| |
;| |
;| |
;| |
;| |
;| |
;| |
sub esp, 4 ;reserve 4 bytes
mov [esp], ebp ;store ebp to stack
mov ebp, esp ;store stack pointer to ebp
add ebp, 8 ;+8 offset, to get arguments
mov eax, [ebp ] ;get integer_x
mov ebx, [ebp + 4] ;get flag
sub esp, 52 ;reserve 52 bytes
mov [esp ], eax ;integer_x
mov [esp + 4], ebx ;flag
mov dword [esp + 8], 0 ;integer_x_len
mov dword [esp + 12], 0 ;integer_x_quo
mov dword [esp + 16], 0 ;integer_x_rem
mov dword [esp + 20], 0 ;decimal_x_b0
mov dword [esp + 24], 0 ;decimal_x_b1
mov dword [esp + 28], 0 ;ascii_char
mov dword [esp + 32], 0 ;ascii_x_b0
mov dword [esp + 36], 0 ;ascii_x_b1
mov dword [esp + 40], 0 ;ascii_x_b2
mov dword [esp + 44], 0 ;ascii_x_len
mov dword [esp + 48], 0 ;is_negative
;| integer_x_len := calculate_integer_length(integer_x, flag); |
; integer_x_len := calculate_integer_length(integer_x, flag)
sub esp, 8 ;reserve 8 bytes
mov eax, [esp + 8 + 0] ;get integer_x
mov ebx, [esp + 8 + 4] ;get flag
mov [esp ], eax ;arg1: integer_x
mov [esp + 4], ebx ;arg2: flag
call calculate_integer_length
add esp, 8 ;restore 8 bytes
mov [esp + 8], eax ;save return value
;| If flag = 1 Then |
;| If (integer_x & 0x80000000) <> 0 Then |
;| integer_x := (not integer_x) + 1; |
;| is_negative := 1; |
; If flag = 1 Then continue to .signed_int
mov eax, [esp + 4] ;eax := flag
cmp eax, 1 ;compare eax with 1
jne .unsigned_int ;if <>, goto .unsigned_int
; If (integer_x & 0x80000000) <> 0 Then continue to .negative_value
mov eax, [esp] ;eax := integer_x
and eax, 0x80000000 ;eax := eax and 0x80000000
cmp eax, 0 ;compare eax with 0
je .positive_value ;if =, goto .positive_value
; integer_x := (not integer_x) + 1
mov eax, [esp] ;eax := integer_x
not eax ;eax := not eax
add eax, 1 ;eax := eax + 1
mov [esp], eax ;integer_x := eax
; is_negative := 1
mov eax, 1 ;eax := 1
mov [esp + 48], eax ;is_negative := eax
;| If integer_x_len > 8 Then |
;| integer_x_quo := integer_x / 100000000; |
;| integer_x_rem := remainder from the division; |
;| decimal_x_b0 := formula_hex2dec(integer_x_rem); |
;| decimal_x_b1 := formula_hex2dec(integer_x_quo); |
;| write_dec2string(@decimal_x_b0, 2, @ascii_x_b0, |
;| @ascii_x_len); |
; If integer_x_len > 8 Then continue to .more_than_8
mov eax, [esp + 8] ;eax := integer_x_len
cmp eax, 8 ;compare eax with 8
jbe .less_than_8 ;if <=, goto .less_than_8
; integer_x_quo := integer_x / 100000000
mov eax, [esp] ;eax := integer_x
mov ebx, 100000000 ;ebx := 100000000
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
div ebx ;eax := eax / ebx
mov [esp + 12], eax ;integer_x_quo := eax
; integer_x_rem := remainder from the division
mov [esp + 16], edx ;integer_x_rem := edx
; decimal_x_b0 := formula_hex2dec(integer_x_rem)
sub esp, 4 ;reserve 4 bytes
mov eax, [esp + 4 + 16] ;get integer_x_rem
mov [esp], eax ;arg1: integer_x_rem
call formula_hex2dec
add esp, 4 ;restore 4 bytes
mov [esp + 20], eax ;save return value
; decimal_x_b1 := formula_hex2dec(integer_x_quo)
sub esp, 4 ;reserve 4 bytes
mov eax, [esp + 4 + 12] ;get integer_x_quo
mov [esp], eax ;arg1: integer_x_quo
call formula_hex2dec
add esp, 4 ;restore 4 bytes
mov [esp + 24], eax ;save return value
; write_dec2string(@decimal_x_b0, 2, @ascii_x_b0, @ascii_x_len)
sub esp, 16 ;reserve 16 bytes
mov eax, esp
add eax, (16+20) ;get @decimal_x_b0
mov ebx, 2 ;get number of blocks
mov ecx, esp
add ecx, (16+32) ;get @ascii_x_b0
mov edx, esp
add edx, (16+44) ;get @ascii_x_len
mov [esp ], eax ;arg1: @decimal_x_b0
mov [esp + 4], ebx ;arg2: num_of_blocks
mov [esp + 8], ecx ;arg3: @ascii_x_b0
mov [esp + 12], edx ;arg4: @ascii_x_len
call write_dec2string
add esp, 16 ;restore 16 bytes
; skip .less_than_8
jmp .print_value
;| Else |
;| decimal_x_b0 := formula_hex2dec(integer_x); |
;| write_dec2string(@decimal_x_b0, 1, @ascii_x_b0, |
;| @ascii_x_len); |
; decimal_x_b0 := formula_hex2dec(integer_x)
sub esp, 4 ;reserve 4 bytes
mov eax, [esp + 4 + 0] ;get integer_x
mov [esp], eax ;arg1: integer_x
call formula_hex2dec
add esp, 4 ;restore 4 bytes
mov [esp + 20], eax ;save return value
; write_dec2string(@decimal_x_b0, 1, @ascii_x_b0, @ascii_x_len)
sub esp, 16 ;reserve 16 bytes
mov eax, esp
add eax, (16+20) ;get @decimal_x_b0
mov ebx, 1 ;get number of blocks
mov ecx, esp
add ecx, (16+32) ;get @ascii_x_b0
mov edx, esp
add edx, (16+44) ;get @ascii_x_len
mov [esp ], eax ;arg1: @decimal_x_b0
mov [esp + 4], ebx ;arg2: num_of_blocks
mov [esp + 8], ecx ;arg3: @ascii_x_b0
mov [esp + 12], edx ;arg4: @ascii_x_len
call write_dec2string
add esp, 16 ;restore 16 bytes
;| If is_negative = 1 Then |
;| ascii_char := 0x2d; |
;| Write(stdout, @ascii_char, 1); |
;| |
;| Write(stdout, @ascii_x_b0, ascii_x_len); |
;| |
;| ascii_char := 0x0a; |
;| Write(stdout, @ascii_char, 1); |
; If is_negative = 1 Then continue below
mov eax, [esp + 48] ;eax := is_negative
cmp eax, 1 ;compare eax with 1
jne .print_the_value ;if <>, goto .print_the_value
; ascii_char := 0x2d;
; Write(stdout, @ascii_char, 1);
mov eax, 0x2d ;eax := 0x2d
mov [esp + 28], eax ;ascii_char := eax
mov eax, 0x04 ;systemcall write
mov ebx, 0x01 ;write to stdout
mov ecx, esp
add ecx, 28 ;@ascii_char
mov edx, 1 ;print 1 character
int 0x80
; Write(stdout, @ascii_x_b0, ascii_x_len);
mov eax, 0x04 ;systecmcall write
mov ebx, 0x01 ;write to stdout
mov ecx, esp
add ecx, 32 ;@ascii_x_b0
mov edx, [esp + 44] ;ascii_x_len
int 0x80
sub ebp, 8 ;-8 offset
mov esp, ebp ;restore esp to its initial value
mov ebp, [esp] ;restore ebp to its initial value
add esp, 4 ;restore 4 bytes
; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
;| NAME: |
;| |
;| calculate_integer_length -- Find the number of digits |
;| from an integer number. |
;| |
;| |
;| function calculate_integer_length(integer_x: Longword, |
;| flag: Longword ): Longword; |
;| |
;| |
;| integer_x |
;| The integer number, can be data type of Longword or Longint. |
;| flag |
;| Specify whether the integer_x is Longword or Longint |
;| |
;| |
;| Length of integer, which is the number of digits from integer_x. |
;| |
;| |
;| The specifications of the flag value are as follows: |
;| |
;| flag = 0b00000000000000000000000000000000 |
;| The integer_x is Longword (unsigned int 32-bit) |
;| flag = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001 |
;| The integer_x is Longint (signed int 32-bit) |
;| |
sub esp, 4 ;reserve 4 bytes of stack
mov [esp], ebp ;save ebp to stack memory
mov ebp, esp ;save current stack ptr to ebp
add ebp, 8 ;+8 bytes offsets to ebp, to get arguments
mov eax, [ebp ] ;get integer_x
mov ebx, [ebp + 4] ;get flag
sub esp, 16 ;reserve 16 bytes of stack
mov [esp ], eax ;integer_x
mov [esp + 4], ebx ;flag
mov dword [esp + 8], 0 ;num_of_digits
;| { If flag = 1, that means the integer_x is long signed int. |
;| So, we have to check its sign value to determine whether |
;| it is a positive or negative number. |
;| |
;| If the integer_x is negative number, we have to find the |
;| value from its two's complement form. |
;| |
;| If the integer_x is positive number, no need to find the |
;| value from its two's complement form. |
;| |
;| Otherwise if the flag = 0, skip these instructions. } |
;| |
;| { Check whether integer_x is signed or unsigned int } |
;| IF flag = 1 THEN |
;| { If integer_x is signed, check its sign value } |
;| IF (integer_x and 0x80000000) <> 0 THEN |
;| { If integer_x is negative } |
;| { Invert all bits } |
;| integer_x := not integer_x; |
;| { Add 1 } |
;| integer_x := integer_x + 1; |
; if flag = 1 then continue to .integer_x_is_signed
mov eax, [esp + 4] ;eax := flag
cmp eax, 1 ;compare eax with 1
jne .integer_x_is_unsigned ;if <>, goto .integer_x_is_unsigned
;otherwise, continue below
; if integer_x & 0x80000000 <> 0 then continue to .integer_x_is_negative
mov eax, [esp] ;eax := integer_x
and eax, 0x80000000 ;eax := eax and 0x80000000
cmp eax, 0 ;compare eax with 1
je .integer_x_is_positive ;if =, goto .integer_x_is_positive
;otherwise, continue below
; integer_x := not integer_x
mov eax, [esp] ;eax := integer_x
not eax ;eax := not eax
mov [esp], eax ;integer_x := eax
; integer_x := integer_x + 1
mov eax, [esp] ;eax := integer_x
add eax, 1 ;eax := eax + 1
mov [esp], eax ;integer_x := eax
;| { The instructions below will find the number of digits |
;| from integer_x. } |
;| |
;| IF integer_x < 10 THEN |
;| num_of_digits := 1; |
;| ELSE IF integer_x < 100 THEN |
;| num_of_digits := 2; |
;| ELSE IF integer_x < 1000 THEN |
;| num_of_digits := 3; |
;| ELSE IF integer_x < 10000 THEN |
;| num_of_digits := 4; |
;| ELSE IF integer_x < 100000 THEN |
;| num_of_digits := 5; |
;| ELSE IF integer_x < 1000000 THEN |
;| num_of_digits := 6; |
;| ELSE IF integer_x < 10000000 THEN |
;| num_of_digits := 7; |
;| ELSE IF integer_x < 100000000 THEN |
;| num_of_digits := 8; |
;| ELSE IF integer_x < 1000000000 THEN |
;| num_of_digits := 9; |
;| ELSE |
;| num_of_digits := 10; |
; compares
mov eax, [esp] ;eax := integer_x
cmp eax, 10 ;compare eax with 10
jb .jumper_10 ;if <, goto .less_than_10
cmp eax, 100 ;compare eax with 100
jb .jumper_100 ;if <, goto .less_than_100
cmp eax, 1000 ;compare eax with 1000
jb .jumper_1000 ;if <, goto .less_than_1000
cmp eax, 10000 ;compare eax with 10000
jb .jumper_10000 ;if <, goto .less_than_10000
cmp eax, 100000 ;compare eax with 100000
jb .jumper_100000 ;if <, goto .less_than_100000
cmp eax, 1000000 ;compare eax with 1000000
jb .jumper_1000000 ;if <, goto .less_than_1000000
cmp eax, 10000000 ;compare eax with 10000000
jb .jumper_10000000 ;if <, goto .less_than_10000000
cmp eax, 100000000 ;compare eax with 100000000
jb .jumper_100000000 ;if <, goto .less_than_100000000
cmp eax, 1000000000 ;compare eax with 1000000000
jb .jumper_1000000000 ;if <, goto .less_than_1000000000
jmp .less_than_10000000000 ;else, goto .less_than_10000000000
; conditional jump cannot jump more than 128 bytes.
jmp .less_than_10
jmp .less_than_100
jmp .less_than_1000
jmp .less_than_10000
jmp .less_than_100000
jmp .less_than_1000000
jmp .less_than_10000000
jmp .less_than_100000000
jmp .less_than_1000000000
; num_of_digits := 1
mov dword [esp + 8], 1 ;num_of_digits := 1
jmp .endcondition ;goto .endcondition
; num_of_digits := 2
mov dword [esp + 8], 2 ;num_of_digits := 2
jmp .endcondition ;goto .endcondition
; num_of_digits := 3
mov dword [esp + 8], 3 ;num_of_digits := 3
jmp .endcondition ;goto .endcondition
; num_of_digits := 4
mov dword [esp + 8], 4 ;num_of_digits := 4
jmp .endcondition ;goto .endcondition
; num_of_digits := 5
mov dword [esp + 8], 5 ;num_of_digits := 5
jmp .endcondition ;goto .endcondition
; num_of_digits := 6
mov dword [esp + 8], 6 ;num_of_digits := 6
jmp .endcondition ;goto .endcondition
; num_of_digits := 7
mov dword [esp + 8], 7 ;num_of_digits := 7
jmp .endcondition ;goto .endcondition
; num_of_digits := 8
mov dword [esp + 8], 8 ;num_of_digits := 8
jmp .endcondition ;goto .endcondition
; num_of_digits := 9
mov dword [esp + 8], 9 ;num_of_digits := 9
jmp .endcondition ;goto .endcondition
; num_of_digits := 10
mov dword [esp + 8], 10 ;num_of_digits := 10
mov eax, [esp + 8] ;eax := num_of_digits
sub ebp, 8 ;-8 bytes offsets to ebp
mov esp, ebp ;restore stack ptr to its initial value
mov ebp, [esp] ;restore ebp to its initial value
add esp, 4 ;restore 4 bytes of stack
; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
;| NAME: |
;| |
;| formula_hex2dec -- Convert hexadecimal number to decimal number. |
;| |
;| |
;| function formula_hex2dec( hexadecimal_num: Longword ): Longword; |
;| |
;| |
;| hexadecimal_num |
;| The hexadecimal number, can be data type of Longword or Longint.|
;| |
;| |
;| decimal number |
;| |
;| |
;| Converts 0x00bd0c32 to 0x12389426. |
;| |
sub esp, 4 ;reserve 4 bytes to store ebp value
mov [esp], ebp ;store ebp to stack
mov ebp, esp ;store current stack pointer to ebp
add ebp, 8 ;+8 offsets to ebp, to get arguments
mov eax, [ebp] ;hexadecimal_num
sub esp, 80 ;reserve 80 bytes of stack
mov [esp ], eax ;hexadecimal_num
mov dword [esp + 4], 0 ;decimal_num
mov dword [esp + 8], 0 ;A
mov dword [esp + 12], 0 ;B
mov dword [esp + 16], 0 ;C
mov dword [esp + 20], 0 ;D
mov dword [esp + 24], 0 ;E
mov dword [esp + 28], 0 ;F
mov dword [esp + 32], 0 ;G
mov dword [esp + 36], 0 ;H
mov dword [esp + 40], 0 ;I
mov dword [esp + 44], 0 ;J
mov dword [esp + 48], 0 ;K
mov dword [esp + 52], 0 ;L
mov dword [esp + 56], 0 ;M
mov dword [esp + 60], 0 ;N
mov dword [esp + 64], 0 ;O
mov dword [esp + 68], 0 ;P
mov dword [esp + 72], 0 ;Q
mov dword [esp + 76], 0 ;R
;| A := (hexadecimal_num / 1000000000); |
;| B := 16 * A; |
;| C := (hexadecimal_num / 100000000) + B; |
;| D := 16 * C; |
;| E := (hexadecimal_num / 10000000) + D; |
;| F := 16 * E; |
;| G := (hexadecimal_num / 1000000) + F; |
;| H := 16 * G; |
;| I := (hexadecimal_num / 100000) + H; |
;| J := 16 * I; |
;| K := (hexadecimal_num / 10000) + J; |
;| L := 16 * K; |
;| M := (hexadecimal_num / 1000) + L; |
;| N := 16 * M; |
;| O := (hexadecimal_num / 100) + N; |
;| P := 16 * O; |
;| Q := (hexadecimal_num / 10) + P; |
;| R := 6 * Q; |
;| decimal_num := hexadecimal_num + R; |
; A := (hexadecimal_num / 1000000000)
mov eax, [esp ] ;eax := hexadecimal_num
mov ebx, 1000000000 ;ebx := 1000000000
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
div ebx ;eax := eax / ebx
mov [esp + 8], eax ;A := eax
; B := 16 * A
mov eax, [esp + 8] ;eax := A
mov ebx, 16 ;ebx := 16
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
mul ebx ;eax := eax * ebx
mov [esp + 12], eax ;B := eax
; C := (hexadecimal_num / 100000000) + B
mov eax, [esp ] ;eax := hexadecmal_num
mov ebx, 100000000 ;ebx := 100000000
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
div ebx ;eax := eax / ebx
mov ebx, [esp + 12] ;ebx := B
add eax, ebx ;eax := eax + ebx
mov [esp + 16], eax ;C := eax
; D := 16 * C
mov eax, [esp + 16] ;eax := C
mov ebx, 16 ;ebx := 16
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
mul ebx ;eax := eax * ebx
mov [esp + 20], eax ;D := eax
; E := (hexadecimal_num / 10000000) + D
mov eax, [esp ] ;eax := hexadecimal_num
mov ebx, 10000000 ;ebx := 10000000
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
div ebx ;eax := eax / ebx
mov ebx, [esp + 20] ;ebx := D
add eax, ebx ;eax := eax + ebx
mov [esp + 24], eax ;E := eax
; F := 16 * E
mov eax, [esp + 24] ;eax := E
mov ebx, 16 ;ebx := 16
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
mul ebx ;eax := eax * ebx
mov [esp + 28], eax ;F := eax
; G := (hexadecimal_num / 1000000) + F
mov eax, [esp ] ;eax := hexadecimal_num
mov ebx, 1000000 ;ebx := 1000000
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
div ebx ;eax := eax / ebx
mov ebx, [esp + 28] ;ebx := F
add eax, ebx ;eax := eax + ebx
mov [esp + 32], eax ;G := eax
; H := 16 * G
mov eax, [esp + 32] ;eax := G
mov ebx, 16 ;ebx := 16
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
mul ebx ;eax := eax * ebx
mov [esp + 36], eax ;H := eax
; I := (hexadecimal_num / 100000) + H
mov eax, [esp ] ;eax := hexadecimal_num
mov ebx, 100000 ;ebx := 100000
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
div ebx ;eax := eax / ebx
mov ebx, [esp + 36] ;ebx := H
add eax, ebx ;eax := eax + ebx
mov [esp + 40], eax ;I := eax
; J := 16 * I
mov eax, [esp + 40] ;eax := I
mov ebx, 16 ;ebx := 16
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
mul ebx ;eax := eax * ebx
mov [esp + 44], eax ;J := eax
; K := (hexadecimal_num / 10000) + J
mov eax, [esp ] ;eax := hexadecimal_num
mov ebx, 10000 ;ebx := 10000
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
div ebx ;eax := eax / ebx
mov ebx, [esp + 44] ;ebx := J
add eax, ebx ;eax := eax + ebx
mov [esp + 48], eax ;K := eax
; L := 16 * K
mov eax, [esp + 48] ;eax := K
mov ebx, 16 ;ebx := 16
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
mul ebx ;eax := eax * ebx
mov [esp + 52], eax ;L := eax
; M := (hexadecimal_num / 1000) + L
mov eax, [esp ] ;eax := hexadecimal_num
mov ebx, 1000 ;ebx := 1000
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
div ebx ;eax := eax / ebx
mov ebx, [esp + 52] ;ebx := L
add eax, ebx ;eax := eax + ebx
mov [esp + 56], eax ;M := eax
; N := 16 * M
mov eax, [esp + 56] ;eax := M
mov ebx, 16 ;ebx := 16
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
mul ebx ;eax := eax * ebx
mov [esp + 60], eax ;N := eax
; O := (hexadecimal_num / 100) + N
mov eax, [esp ] ;eax := hexadecimal_num
mov ebx, 100 ;ebx := 100
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
div ebx ;eax := eax / ebx
mov ebx, [esp + 60] ;ebx := N
add eax, ebx ;eax := eax + ebx
mov [esp + 64], eax ;O := eax
; P := 16 * O
mov eax, [esp + 64] ;eax := O
mov ebx, 16 ;ebx := 16
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
mul ebx ;eax := eax * ebx
mov [esp + 68], eax ;P := eax
; Q := (hexadecimal_num / 10) + P
mov eax, [esp ] ;eax := hexadecimal_num
mov ebx, 10 ;ebx := 10
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
div ebx ;eax := eax / ebx
mov ebx, [esp + 68] ;ebx := P
add eax, ebx ;eax := eax + ebx
mov [esp + 72], eax ;Q := eax
; R := 6 * Q
mov eax, [esp + 72] ;eax := Q
mov ebx, 6 ;ebx := 6
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
mul ebx ;eax := eax * ebx
mov [esp + 76], eax ;R := eax
; decimal_num := hexadecimal_num + R
mov eax, [esp ] ;eax := hexadecimal_num
mov ebx, [esp + 76] ;ebx := R
add eax, ebx ;eax := eax + ebx
mov [esp + 4], eax ;decimal_num := eax
mov eax, [esp + 4] ;eax := decimal_num
sub ebp, 8 ;-8 offsets to ebp, to get initial esp value
mov esp, ebp ;restore stack pointer to its initial value
mov ebp, [esp] ;restore ebp to its initial value
add esp, 4 ;restore 4 bytes of stack memory
; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
;| NAME: |
;| |
;| write_dec2string -- Fill the string with the decimal number. |
;| |
;| |
;| procedure write_dec2string(decimal_x_ptr^: Longword, |
;| num_of_blocks: Longword, |
;| ascii_x_ptr^: Longword, |
;| ascii_x_len_ptr^: Longword) |
;| |
;| |
;| decimal_x_ptr |
;| The address to decimal number block 0. |
;| num_of_blocks |
;| Number of decimal number blocks. |
;| ascii_x_ptr |
;| The address to ascii block 0. |
;| ascii_x_len_ptr |
;| The address to length of ascii. |
;| |
;| |
;| Nothing |
;| |
;| |
;| For example, fill 0x00000042 into string, becomes 0x00003234. |
;| |
sub esp, 4 ;reserve 4 bytes to store ebp
mov [esp], ebp ;store ebp to stack
mov ebp, esp ;store current stack pointer value to ebp
add ebp, 8 ;+8 offset to ebp, to get arguments
mov eax, [ebp ] ;get address decimal_x_b0
mov ebx, [ebp + 4] ;get num_of_blocks
mov ecx, [ebp + 8] ;get address ascii_x_b0
mov edx, [ebp + 12] ;get address ascii_x_len
sub esp, 52 ;reserve 52 bytes
mov [esp ], eax ;decimal_x_ptr
mov [esp + 4], ebx ;num_of_blocks
mov [esp + 8], ecx ;ascii_x_ptr
mov [esp + 12], edx ;ascii_x_len_ptr
mov dword [esp + 16], 0 ;ascii_x_len
mov dword [esp + 20], 0 ;decimal_x_b0
mov dword [esp + 24], 0 ;decimal_x_b1
mov dword [esp + 28], 0 ;decimal_x_b0_len
mov dword [esp + 32], 0 ;decimal_x_b1_len
mov dword [esp + 36], 0 ;temp
mov dword [esp + 40], 0 ;counter
mov dword [esp + 44], 0 ;ascii_char
mov dword [esp + 48], 0 ;byte_position
;| { If there are 2 blocks of decimal_x } |
;| If num_of_blocks = 2 Then |
; If num_of_blocks = 2 Then continue to .decimal_x_2_blocks
mov eax, [esp + 4] ;eax := num_of_blocks
cmp eax, 2 ;compare eax with 2
jne .decimal_x_1_block ;if <>, goto .decimal_x_1_block
;| decimal_x_b0 := decimal_x_ptr^; |
;| decimal_x_b1 := (decimal_x_ptr+4)^; |
; decimal_x_b0 := decimal_x_ptr^
mov eax, [esp] ;eax := decimal_x_ptr
mov eax, [eax] ;eax := eax^
mov [esp + 20], eax ;decimal_x_b0 := eax
; decimal_x_b1 := (decimal_x_ptr+4)^
mov eax, [esp] ;eax := decimal_x_ptr
add eax, 4 ;eax := eax + 4
mov eax, [eax] ;eax := eax^
mov [esp + 24], eax ;decimal_x_b1 := eax
;| decimal_x_b0_len := 8; |
; decimal_x_b0_len := 8
mov eax, 8 ;eax := 8
mov [esp + 28], eax ;decimal_x_b0_len := eax
;| { Find the number of nipples in decimal_x_b1 } |
;| temp := decimal_x_b1; |
;| While temp <> 0 Do |
;| Begin |
;| temp := temp >> 4; |
;| ++ decimal_x_b1_len; |
;| End; |
; temp := decimal_x_b1
mov eax, [esp + 24] ;eax := decimal_x_b1
mov [esp + 36], eax ;temp := eax
; temp := temp >> 4
mov eax, [esp + 36] ;eax := temp
shr eax, 4 ;eax := eax >> 4
mov [esp + 36], eax ;temp := eax
; ++ decimal_x_b1_len
mov eax, [esp + 32] ;eax := decimal_x_b1_len
add eax, 1 ;eax := eax + 1
mov [esp + 32], eax ;decimal_x_b1_len := eax
; While temp <> 0, goto .loop_1
mov eax, [esp + 36] ;eax := temp
cmp eax, 0 ;compare eax with 0
jne .loop_1 ;if <>, goto .loop_1
;| { Fill ascii_x with decimal_x block 1 } |
;| counter := decimal_x_b1_len; |
;| While counter <> 0 Do |
;| Begin |
;| ascii_char := |
;| ((decimal_x_b1 >> ((counter-1)*4)) and 0x0f) or |
;| 0x30; |
;| ascii_x_ptr^ := |
;| ascii_x_ptr^ or (ascii_char << (byte_position*8));|
;| ++ ascii_x_len; |
;| ++ byte_position; |
;| -- counter; |
;| End; |
; counter := decimal_x_b1_len
mov eax, [esp + 32] ;eax := decimal_x_b1_len
mov [esp + 40], eax ;counter := eax
; ascii_char := ((decimal_x_b1 >> ((counter-1)*4)) and 0x0f) or 0x30
mov eax, [esp + 40] ;eax := counter
sub eax, 1 ;eax := eax - 1
mov ebx, 4 ;ebx := 4
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
mul ebx ;eax := eax * ebx
mov ecx, eax ;ecx := eax
mov eax, [esp + 24] ;eax := decimal_x_b1
shr eax, cl ;eax := eax >> cl
and eax, 0x0f ;eax := eax and 0x0f
or eax, 0x30 ;eax := eax or 0x30
mov [esp + 44], eax ;ascii_char := eax
; ascii_x_ptr^ := ascii_x_ptr^ or (ascii_char << (byte_position*8))
mov eax, [esp + 48] ;eax := byte_position
mov ebx, 8 ;ebx := 8
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
mul ebx ;eax := eax * ebx
mov ecx, eax ;ecx := eax
mov eax, [esp + 44] ;eax := ascii_char
shl eax, cl ;eax := eax << cl
mov ecx, [esp + 8] ;ecx := ascii_x_ptr
mov ebx, [ecx] ;ebx := ecx^
or eax, ebx ;eax := eax or ebx
mov [ecx], eax ;ecx^ := eax
; ++ ascii_x_len
mov eax, [esp + 16] ;eax := ascii_x_len
add eax, 1 ;eax := eax + 1
mov [esp + 16], eax ;ascii_x_len := eax
; ++ byte_position
mov eax, [esp + 48] ;eax := byte_position
add eax, 1 ;eax := eax + 1
mov [esp + 48], eax ;byte_position := eax
; -- counter
mov eax, [esp + 40] ;eax := counter
sub eax, 1 ;eax := eax - 1
mov [esp + 40], eax ;counter := eax
; While counter <> 0, goto .loop_2
mov eax, [esp + 40] ;eax := counter
cmp eax, 0 ;compare eax with 0
jne .loop_2 ;if <>, goto .loop_2
;| { Fill ascii_x with decimal_x block 0 } |
;| counter := decimal_x_b0_len; |
;| While counter <> 0 Do |
;| Begin |
;| ascii_char := |
;| ((decimal_x_b0 >> ((counter-1)*4)) and 0x0f) or |
;| 0x30; |
;| ascii_x_ptr^ := |
;| ascii_x_ptr^ or (ascii_char << (byte_position*8));|
;| ++ ascii_x_len; |
;| ++ byte_position; |
;| If byte_position = 4 Then |
;| ascii_x_ptr := ascii_x_ptr + 4; |
;| byte_position := 0; |
;| -- counter; |
;| End; |
; counter := decimal_x_b0_len
mov eax, [esp + 28] ;eax := decimal_x_b0_len
mov [esp + 40], eax ;counter := eax
; ascii_char := ((decimal_x_b0 >> ((counter-1)*4)) and 0x0f) or 0x30
mov eax, [esp + 40] ;eax := counter
sub eax, 1 ;eax := eax - 1
mov ebx, 4 ;ebx := 4
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
mul ebx ;eax := eax * ebx
mov ecx, eax ;ecx := eax
mov eax, [esp + 20] ;eax := decimal_x_b0
shr eax, cl ;eax := eax >> cl
and eax, 0x0f ;eax := eax and 0x0f
or eax, 0x30 ;eax := eax or 0x30
mov [esp + 44], eax ;ascii_char := eax
; ascii_x_ptr^ := ascii_x_ptr^ or (ascii_char << (byte_position*8))
mov eax, [esp + 48] ;eax := byte_position
mov ebx, 8 ;ebx := 8
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
mul ebx ;eax := eax * ebx
mov ecx, eax ;ecx := eax
mov eax, [esp + 44] ;eax := ascii_char
shl eax, cl ;eax := eax << cl
mov ecx, [esp + 8] ;ecx := ascii_x_ptr
mov ebx, [ecx] ;ebx := ecx^
or eax, ebx ;eax := eax or ebx
mov [ecx], eax ;ecx^ := eax
; ++ ascii_x_len
mov eax, [esp + 16] ;eax := ascii_x_len
add eax, 1 ;eax := eax + 1
mov [esp + 16], eax ;ascii_x_len := eax
; ++ byte_position
mov eax, [esp + 48] ;eax := byte_position
add eax, 1 ;eax := eax + 1
mov [esp + 48], eax ;byte_position := eax
; If byte_position = 4 Then continue to .ascii_x_block_is_full
mov eax, [esp + 48] ;eax := byte_position
cmp eax, 4 ;compare eax with 4
;if <>, goto .cond1_ascii_x_block_is_not_full
jne .cond1_ascii_x_block_is_not_full
; ascii_x_ptr := ascii_x_ptr + 4
mov eax, [esp + 8] ;eax := ascii_x_ptr
add eax, 4 ;eax := eax + 4
mov [esp + 8], eax ;ascii_x_ptr := eax
; byte_position := 0
xor eax, eax ;eax := 0
mov [esp + 48], eax ;byte_position := eax
; -- counter
mov eax, [esp + 40] ;eax := counter
sub eax, 1 ;eax := eax - 1
mov [esp + 40], eax ;counter := eax
; While counter <> 0, goto .loop_3
mov eax, [esp + 40] ;eax := counter
cmp eax, 0 ;compare eax with 0
jne .loop_3 ;if <>, goto .loop_3
; skip .decimal_x_1_block:
jmp .save_ascii_x_len
;| { If number of blocks is 1, or other than 2 } |
;| Else |
;| decimal_x_b0 := decimal_x_ptr^; |
mov eax, [esp ] ;eax := decimal_x_ptr
mov eax, [eax] ;eax := eax^
mov [esp + 20], eax ;decimal_x_b0 := eax
;| { Find the number of nipples in decimal_x block 0 } |
;| temp := decimal_x_b0; |
;| While temp <> 0 Do |
;| Begin |
;| temp := temp >> 4; |
;| ++ decimal_x_b0_len; |
;| End; |
; temp := decimal_x_b0
mov eax, [esp + 20] ;eax := decimal_x_b0
mov [esp + 36], eax ;temp := eax
; temp := temp >> 4
mov eax, [esp + 36] ;eax := temp
shr eax, 4 ;eax := eax >> 4
mov [esp + 36], eax ;temp := eax
; ++ decimal_x_b0_len
mov eax, [esp + 28] ;eax := decimal_x_b0_len
add eax, 1 ;eax := eax + 1
mov [esp + 28], eax ;decimal_x_b0_len := eax
; While temp <> 0, goto .loop_4
mov eax, [esp + 36] ;eax := temp
cmp eax, 0 ;compare eax with 0
jne .loop_4 ;if <>, goto .loop_4
;| { Fill the ascii_x with decimal_x block 0 } |
;| counter := decimal_x_b0_len; |
;| While counter <> 0 Do |
;| Begin |
;| ascii_char := |
;| ((decimal_x_b0 >> ((counter-1)*4)) and 0x0f) or |
;| 0x30; |
;| ascii_x_ptr^ := |
;| ascii_x_ptr^ or (ascii_char << (byte_position*8));|
;| ++ ascii_x_len; |
;| ++ byte_position; |
;| If byte_position = 4 Then |
;| ascii_x_ptr := ascii_x_ptr + 4; |
;| byte_position := 0; |
;| -- counter; |
;| End; |
; counter := decimal_x_b0_len
mov eax, [esp + 28] ;eax := decimal_x_b0_len
mov [esp + 40], eax ;counter := eax
; ascii_char := ((decimal_x_b0 >> ((counter-1)*4)) and 0x0f) or 0x30
mov eax, [esp + 40] ;eax := counter
sub eax, 1 ;eax := eax - 1
mov ebx, 4 ;ebx := 4
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
mul ebx ;eax := eax * ebx
mov ecx, eax ;ecx := eax
mov eax, [esp + 20] ;eax := decimal_x_b0
shr eax, cl ;eax := eax >> cl
and eax, 0x0f ;eax := eax and 0x0f
or eax, 0x30 ;eax := eax or 0x30
mov [esp + 44], eax ;ascii_char := eax
; ascii_x_ptr^ := ascii_x_ptr^ or (ascii_char << (byte_position*8))
mov eax, [esp + 48] ;eax := byte_position
mov ebx, 8 ;ebx := 8
xor edx, edx ;edx := 0
mul ebx ;eax := eax * ebx
mov ecx, eax ;ecx := eax
mov eax, [esp + 44] ;eax := ascii_char
shl eax, cl ;eax := eax << cl
mov ecx, [esp + 8] ;ecx := ascii_x_ptr
mov ebx, [ecx] ;ebx := ecx^
or eax, ebx ;eax := eax or ebx
mov [ecx], eax ;ecx^ := eax
; ++ ascii_x_len
mov eax, [esp + 16] ;eax := ascii_x_len
add eax, 1 ;eax := eax + 1
mov [esp + 16], eax ;ascii_x_len := eax
; ++ byte_position
mov eax, [esp + 48] ;eax := byte_position
add eax, 1 ;eax := eax + 1
mov [esp + 48], eax ;byte_position := eax
; If byte_position = 4 Then continue to .ascii_x_block_is_full
mov eax, [esp + 48] ;eax := byte_position
cmp eax, 4 ;compare eax with 4
;if <>, goto .cond2_ascii_x_block_is_not_full
jne .cond2_ascii_x_block_is_not_full
; ascii_x_ptr := ascii_x_ptr + 4
mov eax, [esp + 8] ;eax := ascii_x_ptr
add eax, 4 ;eax := eax + 4
mov [esp + 8], eax ;ascii_x_ptr := eax
; byte_position := 0
xor eax, eax ;eax := 0
mov [esp + 48], eax ;byte_position := eax
; -- counter
mov eax, [esp + 40] ;eax := counter
sub eax, 1 ;eax := eax - 1
mov [esp + 40], eax ;counter := eax
; While counter <> 0, goto .loop_5
mov eax, [esp + 40] ;eax := counter
cmp eax, 0 ;compare eax with 0
jne .loop_5 ;if <>, goto .loop_5
;| { Save the length of ascii_x } |
;| ascii_x_len_ptr^ := ascii_x_len; |
; ascii_x_len_ptr^ := ascii_x_len
mov eax, [esp + 16] ;eax := ascii_x_len
mov ebx, [esp + 12] ;ebx := ascii_x_len_ptr
mov [ebx], eax ;ebx^ := eax
sub ebp, 8 ;-8 offset to ebp
mov esp, ebp ;restore stack pointer to its initial value
mov ebp, [esp] ;restore ebp to its initial value
add esp, 4 ;restore 4 bytes
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