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Tutorial Notes On Building A Blogger Theme
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Theme Basics

Theme Basics is a series of tutorial notes on building a Blogger theme.

Discover tips and learn how to start building your own Blogger theme:

  • Minimum code requirements.
  • Basic templates.
  • Tags & Data definitions.
  • Resources and examples.

Learn how you can create your own Blogger template.
It is easy - You will enjoy it.

Visit project site for details:

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nikahmadz commented Jul 25, 2017

<meta expr:content='data:blog.postImageThumbnailUrl' property='og:image'/>
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And then save template.

Facebook and other social networks use the OG info to decide what to show from shared items. You need to make sure that the images you are including in your posts are big enough to be picked up but not so big that they eat up all your storage space in Picasaweb. I generally upload images that are under 300KB and they all seem to be picked up okay.

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