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Forked from porsager/bss.js
Created May 16, 2021 11:31
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(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global.b = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
var popular = {
ai : 'alignItems',
b : 'bottom',
bc : 'backgroundColor',
br : 'borderRadius',
bs : 'boxShadow',
c : 'color',
d : 'display',
f : 'float',
fd : 'flexDirection',
ff : 'fontFamily',
fs : 'fontSize',
h : 'height',
jc : 'justifyContent',
l : 'left',
m : 'margin',
mb : 'marginBottom',
ml : 'marginLeft',
mr : 'marginRight',
mt : 'marginTop',
o : 'opacity',
p : 'padding',
pb : 'paddingBottom',
pl : 'paddingLeft',
pr : 'paddingRight',
pt : 'paddingTop',
r : 'right',
t : 'top',
ta : 'textAlign',
td : 'textDecoration',
tt : 'textTransform',
w : 'width',
const shorts = Object.create(null);
const cssProperties = Object.keys(
).filter(prop => typeof[prop] === 'string');
function findWidth(obj) {
return obj.hasOwnProperty('width')
? obj
: findWidth(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj))
const vendorMap = Object.create(null, {});
const vendorRegex = /^(o|O|ms|MS|Ms|moz|Moz|webkit|Webkit|WebKit)([A-Z])/;
const edge = window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Edge') > -1;
function endsWith(str, suffix) {
return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) > -1
function parse(input, value) {
if (typeof input === 'string') {
if (typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number')
return ({ [input] : value })
return stringToObject(input)
} else if (Array.isArray(input) && Array.isArray(input.raw)) {
arguments[0] = { raw: input };
return stringToObject(String.raw.apply(null, arguments))
return || sanitize(input)
// Figure out recognizing shorthands (eg gridGap)
const pxProperties = (function() {
const el = document.createElement('div');
return cssProperties.filter(prop => {
try {[prop] = '1px';, '1px');
} catch (err) {
return endsWith(!edge &&[prop] ||, 'px')
function lowercaseFirst(string) {
return string.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + string.slice(1)
function sanitize(styles) {
return Object.keys(styles).reduce((acc, key) => {
const value = styles[key];
if (!value && value !== 0 && value !== '')
return acc
if (key === 'content' && value.charAt(0) !== '"')
acc[key] = '"' + value + '"';
acc[key in vendorMap ? vendorMap[key] : key] = addPx(key, value);
return acc
}, {})
function assign(obj, obj2) {
for (const key in obj2) {
if (obj2.hasOwnProperty(key))
obj[key] = obj2[key];
function hyphenToCamelCase(hyphen) {
return hyphen.slice(hyphen.charAt(0) === '-' ? 1 : 0).replace(/-([a-z])/g, function(match) {
return match[1].toUpperCase()
function camelCaseToHyphen(camelCase) {
return camelCase.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase()
function initials(camelCase) {
return camelCase.charAt(0) + (camelCase.match(/([A-Z])/g) || []).join('').toLowerCase()
function short(prop) {
const acronym = initials(prop)
, short = popular[acronym] && popular[acronym] !== prop ? prop : acronym;
shorts[short] = prop;
return short
function objectToRules(style) {
const base = {}
, rules = [];
let hasBase = false;
Object.keys(style).forEach(key => {
if (key.charAt(0) === '@') {
rules.push(key + '{' + selectorBlock('.$', style[key]) + '}');
} else if (key.charAt(0) === ' ' || key.charAt(0) === ':') {
rules.push(selectorBlock('.$' + key, style[key]));
} else {
base[key] = style[key];
hasBase = true;
if (hasBase)
rules.unshift(selectorBlock('.$', base));
return rules
function selectorBlock(selector, style) {
return selector + '{'
+ stylesToCss((typeof style === 'string' ? stringToObject(style) : style))
+ '}'
function stylesToCss(style) {
return Object.keys(style).map(k => propToString(style, k)).join('')
function stringToObject(string) {
return string.split('\n').reduce((acc, line) => {
const tokens = line.replace(';', '').trim().split(/[: ]/);
if (tokens.length > 1) {
const key = hyphenToCamelCase(tokens.shift().trim());
acc[shorts[key] || key] = addPx(shorts[key] || key, tokens.join(' ').trim());
return acc
}, {})
function propToString(style, k) {
return (vendorRegex.test(k) ? '-' : '')
+ camelCaseToHyphen(k) + ':' + style[k] + ';'
function addPx(key, value) {
const result = value + (!isNaN(value) && pxProperties.indexOf(key) > -1 ? 'px' : '');
return result
const classes = Object.create(null, {});
const styleSheet = document.createElement('style');
const sheet = styleSheet.sheet;
let debug = false;
let rules = [];
let count$1 = 0;
const classPrefix = 'b' + ('000' + ((Math.random() * 46656) | 0).toString(36)).slice(-3) +
('000' + ((Math.random() * 46656) | 0).toString(36)).slice(-3);
function setDebug(d) {
debug = d;
function getSheet() {
const content = rules.join('');
rules = [];
return content
function insert(rule, index) {
if (debug)
return styleSheet.textContent += rule
sheet.insertRule(rule, arguments.length > 1
? index
: sheet.cssRules.length
function createClass(style) {
const rules = objectToRules(style)
, css = rules.join('');
if (css in classes)
return classes[css]
const className = classPrefix + (++count$1); =>
insert(rule.replace(/\.\$/, '.' + className))
classes[css] = className;
return className
let count = 0;
const keyframeCache = {};
var keyframes = function(props) {
const content = Object.keys(props).map(key =>
selectorBlock(key, props[key].style || props[key])
if (content in keyframeCache)
return keyframeCache[content]
const name = classPrefix + ++count;
keyframeCache[content] = name;
insert('@keyframes ' + name + '{' + content + '}');
return name
var pseudos = [
// With value
// Elements
function bss(input, value) {
assign(, parse.apply(null, arguments));
return chain(bss)
bss.setDebug = setDebug; = {};
bss.$keyframes = keyframes;
bss.getSheet = getSheet;
bss.helper = helper;
bss.css = css;
bss.classPrefix = classPrefix;
var handler = {
get: function(target, name) {
if (name === 'toString')
return () => '.' + createClass(
return name in target
? target[name]
: () => new Proxy(target, handler)
function chain(instance) {
const newInstance = Object.create(bss, { style: { value: } });
if (instance === bss) = {};
const proxy = new Proxy(newInstance, handler)
return proxy
cssProperties.forEach(prop => {
if (vendorRegex.test(prop)) {
const unprefixed = lowercaseFirst(prop.replace(vendorRegex, '$2'));
if (cssProperties.indexOf(unprefixed) === -1) {
vendorMap[unprefixed] = prop;
bss[unprefixed] = bss[short(unprefixed)] = setter(prop);
bss[prop] = bss[short(prop)] = setter(prop);
bss.content = function(arg) { = '"' + arg + '"';
return chain(this)
Object.defineProperty(bss, 'class', {
get: function() {
return createClass(
bss.$media = function(value, style) {['@media ' + value] = parse(style);
return chain(this)
bss.$nest = function(value, style) {[(value.charAt(0) === ':' ? '' : ' ') + value] = parse(style);
return chain(this)
pseudos.forEach(name =>
bss['$' + hyphenToCamelCase(name)] = function(value, b) {[':' + name + (b ? '(' + value + ')' : '')] = parse(b || value);
return chain(this)
function setter(prop) {
return function CssProperty(value) {
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (prop in[prop] += ' ' + addPx(prop, arguments[i]);
else if (arguments[i] || arguments[i] === 0)[prop] = addPx(prop, arguments[i]);
return chain(this)
function css(selector, style) {
if (arguments.length === 1)
return Object.keys(selector).forEach(key => css(key, selector[key]))
insert(selectorBlock(selector, parse(style)), 0);
function helper(name, styling) {
if (arguments.length === 1)
return Object.keys(name).forEach(key => helper(key, name[key]))
if (typeof styling === 'object') {
delete bss[name]; // Needed to avoid weird get calls in chrome
Object.defineProperty(bss, name, {
get: function() {
assign(, parse(styling));
return chain(this)
bss[name] = function Helper() {
const result = styling.apply(null, arguments);
return chain(this)
bss.helper('$animate', (value, props) =>
bss.animation(bss.$keyframes(props) + ' ' + value)
const proxy = new Proxy(bss, handler);
return proxy
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