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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Brute force solver for Problem Of The Day 2014/03/06
# Vigenere Cipher brute forcer
# Solution to
# By Andrew Williams (
import itertools, string
alpha = string.ascii_lowercase
def vigenere_encode(text, key):
k = key * (int(len(text) / len(key)) + 1)
k = k[:len(text)]
return ''.join([alpha[(alpha.index(x) + alpha.index(y)) % 26] for x, y in zip(text, k)])
def vigenere_decode(cypher, key):
k = key * (int(len(cypher) / len(key)) + 1)
k = k[:len(cypher)]
return ''.join([alpha[(alpha.index(x) - alpha.index(y)) % 26] for x, y in zip(cypher, k)])
freq = {
'E': 12.70, 'T': 9.06, 'A': 8.17, 'O': 7.51,
'I': 6.97, 'N': 6.75, 'S': 6.33, 'H': 6.09,
'R': 2.78, 'U': 2.76, 'M': 2.41, 'W': 2.36,
'F': 1.93, 'B': 1.29, 'V': 0.98, 'K': 0.77,
'J': 0.07
def count_letters(s):
count = dict([(c, 0) for c in alpha])
for l in s:
count[l] += 1
return count
def score_letters(s):
score = 0
c = count_letters(s)
for x in c:
if x.upper() in freq:
score += (c[x] * freq[x.upper()])
return score
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Self test
print 'Encode Test Passed? {}'.format(vigenere_encode('todayismybirthday', 'reddit') == 'KSGDGBJQBEQKKLGDG'.lower())
print 'Decode Test Passed? {}'.format(vigenere_decode('KSGDGBJQBEQKKLGDG'.lower(), 'reddit') == 'todayismybirthday')
# Source
# Process the keys and store the results
res = []
for i in range(1,5):
for p in itertools.product(string.ascii_lowercase, repeat=i):
c = 0
p = ''.join(p)
dec = vigenere_decode(ct, p)
res.append((p, dec, score_letters(dec)))
# Show the top 200 scoring results
for x, y, z in sorted(res, key=lambda tup: tup[2])[-200:]:
print '{} - {} ({})'.format(x, y, z)
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nikdoof commented Mar 7, 2014

Yep, using letter scoring my example gave the result in the top 200 results, scoring didn't work as good as I was expecting but it wasn't far down the list.

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