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Last active November 30, 2023 07:33
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Leftmost (Start (0, 4))
Leftmost (Start (1, 5))
Leftmost (Start (1, 5))
Leftmost (Start (1, 7))
#nowarn "3535"
type Reg<'char, 'semiring> =
{ Empty : 'semiring;
Final : 'semiring;
Reg : Re<'char, 'semiring> }
and Re<'char, 'semiring> =
| Eps
| Sym of ('char -> 'semiring)
| Alt of (Reg<'char, 'semiring> * Reg<'char, 'semiring>)
| Seq of (Reg<'char, 'semiring> * Reg<'char, 'semiring>)
| Rep of (Reg<'char, 'semiring>)
type Semiring<'self when 'self :> Semiring<'self> and 'self : equality> =
static abstract Zero : 'self
static abstract One : 'self
static abstract Add : 'self -> 'self -> 'self
static abstract Mul : 'self -> 'self -> 'self
let eps<'c, 's when 's :> Semiring<'s>> : Reg<'c, 's> =
{ Empty = 's.One; Final = 's.Zero; Reg = Eps }
let sym<'c, 's when 's :> Semiring<'s>> (f: ('c -> 's)) : Reg<'c, 's> =
{ Empty = 's.Zero; Final = 's.Zero; Reg = Sym f }
let alt<'c, 's when 's :> Semiring<'s>> (p: Reg<'c, 's>) (q: Reg<'c, 's>) =
{ Empty = 's.Add p.Empty q.Empty;
Final = 's.Add p.Final q.Final;
Reg = Alt (p, q) }
let seq<'c, 's when 's :> Semiring<'s>> (p: Reg<'c, 's>) (q: Reg<'c, 's>) : Reg<'c, 's> =
{ Empty = 's.Mul p.Empty q.Empty;
Final = 's.Add ('s.Mul p.Final q.Empty) q.Final;
Reg = Seq (p, q) }
let rep<'c, 's when 's :> Semiring<'s>> (r: Reg<'c, 's>) : Reg<'c, 's> =
{ Empty = 's.One;
Final = r.Final;
Reg = Rep r }
let rec shift<'c, 's when 's :> Semiring<'s>> (m:'s) (r:Re<'c,'s>) (c:'c) : Reg<'c,'s> =
match r with
| Eps -> eps
| Sym f -> let fin = 's.Mul m (f c) in { (sym f) with Final = fin }
| Alt (p, q) -> alt (shift m p.Reg c) (shift m q.Reg c)
| Seq (p, q) -> seq (shift m p.Reg c) (shift ('s.Add ('s.Mul m p.Empty) p.Final) q.Reg c)
| Rep r -> rep (shift ('s.Add m r.Final) r.Reg c)
let re_match<'c, 's when 's :> Semiring<'s>> (r: Reg<'c, 's>) (s: seq<'c>) : 's =
if Seq.isEmpty s then
(shift 's.Zero << _.Reg)
(shift 's.One r.Reg (Seq.head s))
(Seq.tail s)).Final
module Seq = let inline enumerate<'a> (seq: 'a seq) : seq<int*'a> = System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(seq, fun it i -> i,it)
let re_submatch<'c, 's when 's :> Semiring<'s>> (r: Reg<int*'c, 's>) (s: 'c seq) : 's =
let arb = rep (sym (fun t -> 's.One))
re_match (seq arb (seq r arb)) (Seq.enumerate s)
type Start = NoStart | Start of int*int
type Leftmost =
NoLeft | Leftmost of Start
interface Semiring<Leftmost> with
static member Zero = NoLeft
static member One = Leftmost NoStart
static member Add l r =
let leftmost l r =
match l, r with
| NoStart, NoStart -> NoStart
| NoStart, Start(a,b) -> Start(a,b)
| Start(a,b), NoStart -> Start(a,b)
| Start(la,lb), Start(ra,rb) -> Start(min la ra, max lb rb)
match l, r with
| NoLeft, r -> r
| l, NoLeft -> l
| Leftmost l, Leftmost r -> Leftmost (leftmost l r)
static member Mul l r =
let start l r =
match l, r with
| NoStart, r -> r
| Start(l,r), NoStart -> Start(l,r)
| Start(la,ra), Start(lb,rb) -> Start(min la ra, max lb rb)
match l, r with
| NoLeft, _ -> NoLeft
| _, NoLeft -> NoLeft
| Leftmost l, Leftmost r -> Leftmost (start l r)
let lsym<'c when 'c : equality> (c:'c) =
let weight (pos, x) =
match x with
| x when x = c -> Leftmost (Start (pos,pos))
| _ -> NoLeft
sym weight
let a = lsym 'a'
let ab = rep (a |> alt <| lsym 'b')
let aaba = seq a (seq ab a)
let m1 : Leftmost = re_submatch aaba "ab"
let m2 : Leftmost = re_submatch aaba "aaaba"
let m3 : Leftmost = re_submatch aaba "bababa"
let m4 : Leftmost = re_submatch aaba "bababab"
let m5 : Leftmost = re_submatch aaba "babababa"
printf "%A\n" m1
printf "%A\n" m2
printf "%A\n" m3
printf "%A\n" m4
printf "%A\n" m5
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