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Created June 25, 2023 10:06
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Drawing Minute Second Overlay
//drawing minute-second overlay
val minuteHandOverlayPath = Path().apply {
val startOffset = Offset(
x = center.x + (outerRadius * cos(8f * Math.PI / 180f)).toFloat(),
y = center.y - (outerRadius * sin(8f * Math.PI / 180f)).toFloat(),
val endOffset = Offset(
x = center.x + (outerRadius * cos(-8f * Math.PI / 180f)).toFloat(),
y = center.y - (outerRadius * sin(-8f * Math.PI / 180f)).toFloat(),
val overlayRadius = (endOffset.y - startOffset.y) / 2f
val secondsLabelMaxWidth = textMeasurer.measure(
text = buildAnnotatedString { append("60") },
style = clockStyle.secondsDialStyle.stepsTextStyle
val minutesLabelMaxWidth = textMeasurer.measure(
text = buildAnnotatedString { append("60") },
style = clockStyle.minutesDialStyle.stepsTextStyle
val overlayLineX =
size.width - clockStyle.secondsDialStyle.fiveStepsLineHeight.toPx() - clockStyle.secondsDialStyle.stepsLabelTopPadding.toPx() - secondsLabelMaxWidth - clockStyle.minutesDialStyle.fiveStepsLineHeight.toPx() - clockStyle.minutesDialStyle.stepsLabelTopPadding.toPx() - (minutesLabelMaxWidth /2f)
moveTo(x = startOffset.x, y = startOffset.y)
lineTo(x = overlayLineX, y = startOffset.y)
x1 = overlayLineX - overlayRadius,
y1 = startOffset.y,
x2 = overlayLineX - overlayRadius,
y2 = endOffset.y,
x3 = overlayLineX,
y3 = endOffset.y
lineTo(endOffset.x, endOffset.y)
path = minuteHandOverlayPath,
color = clockStyle.overlayStrokeColor,
style = Stroke(width = clockStyle.overlayStrokeWidth.toPx(),)
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