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Created July 13, 2017 10:05
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> Create
creates table
=> create table table_name(col1 datatype,col2 datatype);
> Drop =>
Permanently delete the table
example : drop table_name
> Rename =>
Rename the table_name
example : Rename old_table_name to new_table_name
> Alter =>
> Add column =>
SYNTAX : Alter table table_name
Add emp_name varchar(10);
> Delete column =>
SYNTAX : Alter table table_name
drop column emp_name;
> Rename col =>
SYNTAX : alter table table_name
rename column old_col_name to new_col_name;
> Modification of column =>
SYNTAX : alter table table_name
modify column_name new_dataType(new size)
> Truncate =>
Empty the table
exmple : truncate table_name
Alter table table_name
add constraint constraint_name(it is optional) Primary key (col_name) ** constraint can be applied on multiple cols by separating with comma
add constraint uni Unique (id)
add constraint FK Foreign Key (col_name) References table_name(primary key of this table)
add constraint chk check (condition)
modify col_name default default_value(give any default value) ** Data type of col_name and default_value should be same
drop constraint constraint_name(name given at time of creation) ** Default constraint cannot be default
disable constraint constraint_name(name given at time of creation)
enable constraint constraint_name(name given at time of creation)
select *
from user_constraints columns
where table_name='NAME_OF_TABLE' ** Table name should be in Capital leters
1. INSERT =>
> Insert rows into the table
> Adding new Row =>
insert into table_name (col_name1 ,col_name2 ......)
values (value1 , value2 .....);
insert into table_name // NOTE: If we do not specify the column name then it automatically chooses columns line wise
values(1,2,3,NULL) // NOTE: If null value is given on date then by default the systemdate is given using SYSDATE
// NOTE: SYSDATE s Special Value
values(1,'wff',SYSDATE,NULL,TO_DATE('02 3,1999'),(MON DD,YYYY))
OUPTUT >> 3 FEB 1999
values(&department_id , '&department_name' , &location) // NOTE: Used to get input from the user
// NOTE: & is a placeholder
> Copying rows from another table =>
insert into table_name(id,name)
select employee_id ,lastname , salary
from employees
where job_id = 5 // NOTE: where commnd is optional
or>> where job_id LIKE '%REP%' // NOTE: Select all job ids which includes the work REP
2. DELETE =>
3. UPDATE =>
1. Arithmetic =>
> + (unary) =>
select -emp_no from emp_table // NOTE: RESULT will be the values with negative sign
> - (unary)
> + (binary) =>
select lname + fname from emp // NOTE: RESULT IS ADDED DATA OF BOTH COLUMNS
select lname + fname as "new col_name" from emp // NOTE: give name for column generated by addition of 2 cols
> - (binry)
> *
> /
> %
select (marks/total)*100 from emp
2. Logical =>
> AND =>
select * from emp where emp_id = 1 AND lname = 'a' AND fname = 'b'
> OR
3. Comparison =>
> = (equality)
> != , <> , ^= (not equal)
where id <> 1 // NOTE: This condition will be true when id is not equal to 1
> > , >=
> < , <=
4. Special Operator =>
> Like ( _ , % ) => Also called wildcard operators
> _ takes single characters
> % uses multiple characters
| Lname |
| abc |
| xrd |
| a |
| de |
abc % // NOTE: will select all patterns starting with abc
ab % // NOTE: will select all pa tterns starting with ab
% ab % // NOTE: pattern should contain ab in between and can start and end with any character
_00 % // NOTE: 2nd and 3rd pos wshould contain 00 and minimum length will be 3
2_%_% // NOTE: start with 2 ,min length should be 3
%2 // NOTE: Ending should ne with 2
2____3 // NOTE: start with 2 , end with 3 and max length will be 5
_2%3 // NOTE: Endingwith 3
select * from emp_table where salary like _%1
> In =>
select * from emp where emp_id in (1,2,3) // NOTE: Result will be data with emp_id 1,2,3
select * from emp where emp_name in ('abc' , 'xyz') // NOTE: Result will be data with emp_name is abc , xyz
select * from emp where emp_name in (select l_name from emp where id > 10)
> Any ( = , < , > , <= , >=) =>
select * from emp where cn = any (10,20,30)
select * from emp where cn = NOT any (10,20,30)
> All =>
select * from emp where cn = all (10,20,30)
select * from emp where cn = NOT all (10,20,30)
> Between =>
select * from emp where col_name between value1 AND value2
select * from emp where col_name NOT between value1 AND value2
> Is Null =>
select * from emp where last_name is null // NOTE: Result will be the data wth null last_name
select * from emp where last_name is NOT null
> Using where clause : find emp_id , last_name , job# , dept# , from the table employees having dept# = 90
> Using Comparison op : find last name and salary from table employee having salary <=3000
> find last name and salary from table employee having range 2500 to 3500
> find emp# , last name , salary , manager# from the table employees having manager# between 100 , 101, 201
> Pattern matching using like operator : find first name from the table employee having the starting alphabet of the first name 's'
> combining wildcard characters : find the lastname from table employees having second char of lastname to be 'o'
> Using null condition : fnd lastname and manager id from table having managerid is null
> Logical operators =>
> using and operator : find empid, lastname,jobid of table employee havinf salary >= 10000 and there exist 'man' letters in job id
> using or operator : same query
> using not operator : find lastname and job id from the table employee having job id not existing between id_programmer , st_clerk, sp_rep
> extra queries : create a query to display all data from employees table . separate each column by a ',' name the comumn "THE OUTPUT"
answer : select empid||','||fname||','||lastname from employees // NOTE: || is called conjunction operator
output : 101,abc,fed
> create a query to display unique job id from the employees table
> write a query by selecting all atributes of employee table and name the col headings as "EMP#" for empid , "Employee" LastName , "Job" jobid , "HIRE DATE" hire_date
> display lastname concatenated with jobid , separated by ',' and space and name the col "Emp and Title"
> display the lastname and salary for all employees whose salary is not in the range of $5000 and $12000
> wite a query to diplay current date
> wite a query to diplay current date. label the column "Date" , "dATE" , "date"
>> Display name of existing names of tables and database :
select table_name from user_tables
Types : Single valued >> result one result per row
Multivalued >> (Group by functions) >> result one result per set of rows
> Manipulate data
> Accept arguments
Singe row finctions --> character
CHARACTER : case conversion : lower ('string'),
upper ('string'),
initcap ('string')
character manipulation : concat (string1,string2),
substr (sting ,start , end),
length (string),
instr (string1 , string2),
ex : instr("helloworld","w") --> 6
lpad|rpad (salary , 10 , '*') --> *****24000(lpad) --> 25000*****(rpad),
trim('h' from 'hello') --> ello,
replace ('jack ad jue' , 'j' ,'bl') --> black and blue
NUMBER : ROUND (45.926, 2) --> 45.93
ROUND (value1 , +ve or -ve or 0 or default , optional)
> round(2000.6 , 1) -> 2000.6
> round(2000.5,-1) -> 2000
> round(2001.6,-2) -> 2000
> round(23456.789 , -1) -> 23460.000
TRUNC (45.926 , 2) --> 45.92
MOD (1600 , 300 ) --> 10
> to_date -> ('date to convert' , 'format mask eg:yyyy-mm-dd') there are 40 format mask available
> to_char -> convert date or timestamp to string
> to_number -> convert string to number.
date'2016-03-16' -> to convert ot date format.
> Count : Count no of rows in a column. (it will ignore the null values)
ex : count(salary) : it will not include null values
count(*) : it will include null values
count(all salary) : it will also not include null values
count(distinct salary) : exclude the duplicate values
> Sum : Addition of rows of column
ex : sum(salary) : it will sum all the rows in salary column
> Avg : Average of rows
> Max : Maximum value in the column
> Min : Minimum value in column
> Clauses :
> group by clause : groupby(serialNo)
It cannot be applied on multiple columns
> having : check condition just like where clause
aggregate functions cannot be used in where clause but they can be used in having clause.
> order by : Order by asc col_name : ascending order
Order by dsc col_name : ascending order
Order by null last col_name : ascending order
> Subquery must be enclosed between parenthesis.
> It must be placed on the right side of comparison operator
> We cannot use order by clause in subquery
> Use single row operator with single row subquery
> If a subquery returns a null value to outer query , the outer query will not return any rows when using certain compariosn operator in where clause
> Single Row
> find detail of all employees whose salary is more than blake
> Multiple Row
> Multiple column
Tcl statements(transaction control language)
Tcl is used to change behaviour of DML
1 . commit -> saving of data is done .permanently saving of data . in future no changes can be done.
2 . rollback-> recover data from last savepoint/committed point . rest data is overwrited.
3. savepoint -> rollback to specific save point.
4 . set transaction
-> create user1 in sysdba
-> when try to login(conn user1/user1)...logon denied will come
-> we will provide create session permission
conn / as sysdba (go in sysdba and grant user1)
grant create session,create table to user1
-> conn user1/user1
-> create table table1 (name varchar(30))
-> above command will not work. There will be error : no privileges on tablespace 'SYSTEM'
-> this happens as sysdba and hr have a mermory allocated in oracle by default but we didnot allocate for user1
-> now login into sysdba
conn / as sysdba
alter user user1 quota 50m on users (50m means 50 megabits and users is the default tablespace)
alter database default tablespace users ( all tables created wil be allocated by default into the users tableespace )
conn / as sysdba;
create user user2 identified by user2;
grant create table,create session to user2;
alter user user2 quota 50m on users;
alter database default tablespace users;
conn user2/user2;
conn / as sysdba;
grant select,insert on usr2.sample to user1;
conn user1/user1;
select * from user2.sample;
conn user2/user2;
revoke insert on user2.sammple from user1;
Views :
These are virtual tables generated to display particular data from database to particular user.
to create :
create view view_name as select * from employees
to update :
create or replace view_name as select * from employees
drop :
drop view_name
insert :
insert into view_name (col) values (value)
read only view :
create view view1 as select * from employees with read only
insert,update cannot be performed on read-only view
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