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Last active January 17, 2020 09:52
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# Jenkins pipeline script in declarative snytax to run bandit on git repo
# Needs git token added to the jenkins server in credential store
# Runs the job in a docker so jekins should have docker installed.
# Need a third-party library called jenkinsci-unstashParam-library to fetch the baseline json uploaded as job parameter.
[string(defaultValue: 'NameofScan', description: 'Use only alphabets, without space', name: 'SCAN_NAME', trim: true), string(defaultValue: '', description: 'Enter the "Clone with SSH" url', name: 'REPO', trim: true),
string(defaultValue: 'dev', description: 'Select the release branch to run scans for particular release', name: 'Branch', trim: true),
choice(choices: ['YES', 'NO'], description: 'Run normal scan', name: 'NORMAL_SCAN'),
choice(choices: ['YES', 'NO'], description: 'Run baseline scan to hide previous found issues. If you choose YES you MUST upload baseline json file in next step.', name: 'BASELINE_SCAN'),
file(description: 'Upload the bandit baseline json file to ignore old issues', name: 'BASELINE_JSON'),
choice(choices: ['YES', 'NO'], description: 'Choose YES to generate baseline json file, which can be uploaded next time you run the scan to hide issues found in this scan.', name: 'CREATE_BASELINE')
pipeline {
agent {
docker { image 'python:2.7.17'
args '-u root:sudo'
stages {
stage('Install Bandit') {
steps {
sh "pip install bandit"
stage ('Run Bandit Scan') {
when {
expression {params.NORMAL_SCAN == "YES"}
steps {
timestamps{ echo ">>>>>>>>>>Running bandit on repo ${params.repo}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" }
git branch: "${params.Branch}",
credentialsId: "****",
url: "${params.REPO}"
sh label: '', returnStatus: true, script: """
bandit -r -f html -o bandit_report_${params.SCAN_NAME}.html .
stage ('Run Bandit Baseline Scan') {
when {
expression {params.BASELINE_SCAN == "YES"}
steps {
timestamps{ echo ">>>>>>>>>>Running bandit baseline scan on repo ${params.REPO}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" }
git branch: "${params.Branch}",
credentialsId: "****",
url: "${params.REPO}"
@Library('jenkinsci-unstashParam-library@master') _
def file_in_workspace = unstashParam "BASELINE_JSON"
sh label: '', returnStatus: true, script: """
bandit -r -f html -o bandit_report_${params.SCAN_NAME}.html -b ${file_in_workspace} .
sh "rm -rf ${file_in_workspace}"
stage ('Create Bandit baseline') {
when {
expression {params.CREATE_BASELINE == "YES"}
steps {
sh label: '', returnStatus: true, script: """
bandit -r -f json -o bandit_baseline_${params.SCAN_NAME}.json .
stage ('Archive report') {
steps {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'bandit_*.*'
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