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Created May 5, 2020 03:29
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Custom windows build script, uninstalling AWS SDK libs
#requires -version 3
PowerShell script for ask-cli's Python-pip code building flow.
This is the PowerShell version of the build script, for building the AWS Lambda deployable skill code that is written in Python language. This script is only run by the ask-cli whenever a 'requirements.txt' file is found alongside the skill code. The dependencies are installed using 'pip', and are packaged using 'zip'.
This example showcases how to run the build script, to create an AWS Lambda deployable package called ''.
build.ps1 $true
This example showcases how to run the previous example, with additional debug information.
#----------------[ Parameters ]----------------------------------------------------
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
HelpMessage = "Name for the AWS Lambda deployable archive")]
$script:OutFile = "",
# Provide additional debug information during script run
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
HelpMessage = "Enable verbose output")]
$script:Verbose = $false
#----------------[ Declarations ]----------------------------------------------------
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
#----------------[ Functions ]----------------------------------------------------
function Show-Log() {
Function to log information/error messages to output
Show-Log "Test"
This will log the message as an Information, only if the script is run in Verbose mode
Show-Log "Test" "Error"
This will log the message as an Error and STOP the script execution
$Severity = 'Info'
begin {}
process {
if ($Severity -eq 'Info') {
if ($Verbose) {
Write-Host $Message
} else {
Write-Error $Message
end {}
function New-Py3Venv() {
Function to create virtual environment using Python3 'venv' module.
begin {
Show-Log "Creating virtualenv using python3 venv."
process {
$PythonVersion = & python -V 2>&1
if($PythonVersion -match "2\.\d\.\d+") {
Show-Log "Current python ($PythonVersion) is not supported. Please make sure you are using python3, or use your custom script to build the code." "Error"
Invoke-Expression -Command "python -m venv venv"
if(!($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0)) {
Show-Log "Failed to create python virtual environment using venv." "Error"
end {}
function Install-Dependencies() {
Function to install dependencies in requirements.txt from PyPI, in the current folder.
begin {
Show-Log "Installing skill dependencies based on the requirements.txt."
process {
$DepCmd = "venv/Scripts/pip3 --disable-pip-version-check install -r requirements.txt -t ./"
if (-not $Verbose) {
$DepCmd += " -qq"
Invoke-Expression -Command $DepCmd
if(!($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0)) {
Show-Log "Failed to install the dependencies in the project" "Error"
return $true
end {}
function Uninstall-Dependencies() {
Function to uninstall boto* libs in current folder.
begin {
Show-Log "Removing AWS SDK libs."
process {
$DepCmd = "Remove-Item -Path boto3 -Force -Recurse"
$DepCmd1 = "Remove-Item -Path botocore -Force -Recurse"
Invoke-Expression -Command $DepCmd
Invoke-Expression -Command $DepCmd1
if(!($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0)) {
Show-Log "Failed to uninstall the dependencies in the project" "Error"
return $true
end {}
function Compress-Dependencies() {
Function to compress source code and dependencies for lambda deployment.
begin {
Show-Log "Zipping source files and dependencies to $OutFile."
process {
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Path .\ -Exclude venv
Compress-Archive -Path $Files -DestinationPath $OutFile
return $?
end {}
#----------------[ Main Execution ]----------------------------------------------------
Show-Log "###########################"
Show-Log "####### Build Code ########"
Show-Log "###########################"
Show-Log "Virtual environment set up successfully."
if (Install-Dependencies) {
Show-Log "Pip install dependencies successfully."
if (Uninstall-Dependencies) {
Show-Log "Pip uninstall dependencies successfully."
if (-Not (Compress-Dependencies)) {
Show-Log "Failed to zip the artifacts to $OutFile" "Error"
Show-Log "###########################"
Show-Log "Codebase built successfully"
Show-Log "###########################"
exit 0
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