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Created September 15, 2022 18:52
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import dbus
import sys
def get_object(bus):
return bus.get_object('org.gnome.Shell.Screencast', '/org/gnome/Shell/Screencast')
def main(filename: str):
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
iface = dict(dbus_interface='org.gnome.Shell.Screencast')
options = {
"draw-cursor": True,
"pipeline": ' ! '.join([
"framerate": 60,
(status, filename) = get_object(bus).Screencast(filename, options, **iface)
if not status:
raise Exception("Failed to start recording, look through logs `journalctl --user -afu dbus.service`")
input(f"writing to {filename}. press enter to stop")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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