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Last active December 11, 2018 18:36
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Powershell script for backup Xenserver and XCP-ng VMs while running (tested with Xenserver 7.0 and XCP-ng 7.5 VMs)
# This script reads virtual machines to backup from an xml
# configuration file by default named XenBackup.xml.
# The configuration file can be given as parameter -config, for example
# XenBackup.ps1 -config "XenBackup-test.xml"
# [If not given is used the file XenBackup.xml]
# The values of maxBackups and backupDir
# can be overridden on specific machine.
# This is an example:
# <?xml version="1.0"?>
# <XenBackup>
# <backupDir>C:\BACKUPS</backupDir>
# <maxBackups>2</maxBackups>
# <logFile>XenBackup.log</logFile>
# <server host="xenserver001" user="root" password="password">
# <vm name="TEST2"/>
# <!-- override maxBackups and backupDir -->
# <vm name="Test VM" maxBackups="2" backupDir="C:\BACKUPS2"/>
# <vm name="Ubuntu Xenial" />
# <vm name="Knoppix" />
# </server>
# <server host="xenserver002" user="root" password="password">
# <vm name="Knoppix2" />
# </server>
# </XenBackup>
param (
[string]$config = "XenBackup.xml"
$configFile = $config
[xml]$config = Get-Content $configFile
Import-Module XenServerPSModule
function go() {
Write-Log("CONFIGURATION LOADED FROM: " + $configFile)
foreach( $server in $config.XenBackup.server ) {
Connect-XenServer -NoWarnCertificates -NoWarnNewCertificates -url ("https://" + $ $server.user $server.password
foreach($vm in $server.vm) {
Write-Log("BACKUPING VM: " + $
backupVm $server $vm
cleanOldBackups $vm
function backupVm($server, $vm) {
$bckdir = $config.XenBackup.backupDir
if ($vm.backupDir) { $bckdir = $vm.backupDir }
$timestamp = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-ddTHHmmss")
$snapshot_name = $ + "_bck_$timestamp"
#Create temporary snapshot for hot backup
Invoke-XenVM -Name $ -XenAction Snapshot -NewName $snapshot_name
$snapshot = Get-XenVM -Name $snapshot_name
#Set is-a-template and ha-always-run to false
Set-XenVM -Uuid $snapshot.uuid -IsATemplate $false -HaAlwaysRun $false
#Export snapshot
setTempDir $bckdir
Export-XenVM -Uuid $snapshot.uuid -XenHost $ -Path ($bckdir + "\" + $ + "-${timestamp}.xva")
#Get disk snapshots (for removal)
$vdis = @()
foreach($vbd in $snapshot.VBDs) {
if((Get-XenVBDProperty -Ref $vbd -XenProperty Mode) -eq [XenAPI.vbd_mode]::RW) {
$vdis += Get-XenVBDProperty -Ref $vbd -XenProperty VDI
#Remove vm snapshot (this does not remove disk snapshots)
Remove-XenVM -Uuid $snapshot.uuid
#Remove disks snapshots
foreach($vdi in $vdis) {
Remove-XenVDI -VDI $vdi
function setTempDir($newdir) {
$env:TMP = $newdir
$env:TEMP = $newdir
function cleanOldBackups($vm) {
$maxbkps = $config.XenBackup.maxBackups
$bckdir = $config.XenBackup.backupDir
if ($vm.maxBackups) { $maxbkps = $vm.maxBackups }
if ($vm.backupDir) { $bckdir = $vm.backupDir }
Write-Log("MAXBACKUPS: " + $maxbkps)
$vmbackupfiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $bckdir -File -Filter ($ + "-*.xva") | sort name -Descending
$count = 0
foreach( $f in $vmbackupfiles ) {
if ($count -gt $maxbkps) {
Write-Log("DELETING " + $f)
Remove-Item -Path ($bckdir + "\" + $f)
} else {
Write-Log("LEAVING " + $f)
Function Write-Log {
Param ([string]$message)
$logfile = $config.XenBackup.logFile
$stamp = (Get-Date).toString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")
$line = "$stamp - $message"
Add-content $logfile -Value $line
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<server host="xenserver001" user="root" password="password">
<vm name="TEST2"/>
<!-- override maxBackups and backupDir -->
<vm name="Test VM" maxBackups="2" backupDir="C:\BACKUPS2"/>
<server host="xenserver002" user="root" password="password">
<vm name="Filemaker" maxBackups="3"/>
<server host="xenserver003" user="root" password="password">
<vm name="Ubuntu Xenial" />
<vm name="Knoppix" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.2" xmlns="">
<Triggers />
<Principal id="Author">
<Actions Context="Author">
<Arguments>-file XenBackup.ps1 -config XenBackup.xml</Arguments>
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