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Created March 27, 2021 16:03
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CleanMVVM Examples
import android.view.View
import androidx.lifecycle.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collect
import timber.log.Timber
import javax.inject.Inject
* Make sure to have a proper encapsulation on your fields.
* If you need make duplicate just to pass the data to the view
* don't change the value of your data from the view directly.
* @property repository Repository
* @property data MutableLiveData<List<Device>>
* @property visibility MutableLiveData<Int>
* @constructor
class PhotoListViewModel @Inject constructor(private val repository: Repository, private val prefsRepository: PrefsRepository,
private val networkRepository: NetworkRepository):
var data: MediatorLiveData<List<Photo>> = MediatorLiveData()
val dataDB: MutableLiveData<List<Photos>> = MutableLiveData()
val dataNetwork: MutableLiveData<List<Photos>> = MutableLiveData()
* Please use DeviceActivity Flow Collection to check the example
// val dataFlow: Flow<List<Photo>?> = networkRepository.getNetworkFlow()
* Proper encapsulation example
val _visibility = MutableLiveData<Int>()
val visibility: LiveData<Int>
get() = _visibility
* New Implementation
var devices = liveData(Dispatchers.IO) {
val listDev = repository.getListDevices()
* Old Implementation
fun loadAsyncDevices() {
// viewModelScope.launch {
// var emps: List<Photos>?
// withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
// emps = repository.getListDevices()
// }
// data.value = emps
// }
* Another Implementation of await and suspend
fun loadItemsAsync(){
* You can remove async and await simply by adding withContext(Dispatchers.IO){}
viewModelScope.launch {
val smallList = async(Dispatchers.IO) { repository.getListDevices() }
// data.value = smallList.await()
* Change the method for different load
* loadDevices()
* getWebItemsRetry()
* workWithFile()
* transformWebItems()
// getWebItemsRetry()
// getWebFlowItems()
// getWebFlowCollection()
_visibility.value = it
* Write/Read File it is not a good practise to add context in the ViewModel but this is the option for the example
private fun workWithFile() {
// viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
// /**
// * Write to file
// */
// val written: Deferred<Boolean> = async { repository.writeToFile(context, "mhm") }
// Timber.d("File Written: " + written.await())
// /**
// * Read from file
// */
// val readFile: Deferred<String> = async { repository.readFromFile(context) }
// Timber.d("File Written: " + readFile.await())
// }
* We want to get the data from Realm here and update the visibility also
* we shouldn't pass any values
fun loadDevices(){
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
// data.value = prefsRepository.getDbRealmList()
// // observeForever is lifeCycleAware when you use it with ViewModelScope
// prefsRepository.getVisibilityUpdate().observeForever{
// _visibility.value = it
// }
// repository.executeManager()
* Get Mediator Data / change data to MediatorLiveData in order to use the method and observe the changes
* When would you use it well imagine you have items that you want in ASC/DESC you can add different order like
* and change the objects order simply. Or imagine that you have a singleton class and you want to observe other items.
* You would like to keep a single stream and changing only its value on the way
fun getMediatorData() {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
prefsRepository.getDbRealmList(dataDB, _visibility)
data.addSource(dataDB) {
it?.let { data.value = it }
Timber.d("WENT HERE")
networkRepository.getNewNetworkList(dataNetwork, _visibility)
data.addSource(dataNetwork) {
it?.let { data.value = it }
Timber.d("WENT HERE")
* Get Items from the Web
fun getWebItems(){
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
data.value = it
* Example of cold - stream with Flow
* Get Items from the web using Flow and converting it to LiveData.
* Flow is an alternative to RxJava2 but it is inside Kotlin and can be used
* as an example if you are creating SDK for something and you don't want to use any other libraries
* that may affect your clients builds and dependencies you may use it since it is straight out of the box
* If you want some more examples of Flow and more advanced operations using it please don't hesitate to ask me.
fun getWebFlowItems() {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
data.addSource(networkRepository.getNetworkFlow().asLiveData()) {
data.value = it!!.photos
* Flow collection in the ViewModel as it should be
* Example Path UI -> ViewModel Collection and LiveData -> Repository Flow -> Data Source Flow
fun getWebFlowCollection() {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
data.value = it!!.photos
* Flow collection in the ViewModel as it should be
* Example Path UI -> ViewModel Collection and LiveData -> Repository Flow -> Data Source Flow
fun getWebFlowCollectionMapped() {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
data.value = it
* Functions in both map() and switchMap() run on the Main Thread, so no long running operations should be done there!
* They are the way to transform liveData objects not to actually represent one and not the place for ViewModel logic
* Transformations contains MediatorLiveData inside! As for reference
fun transformWebItems() {
networkRepository.getNetworkData().observeForever {
data.value = it
_visibility.value = View.GONE
// sampl1 { list ->
data.value = list
list.forEach {
it.photographer = it.photographer + it.photographer_id
}.observeForever {
Timber.d("Data: $it")
// sampl2
Transformations.switchMap(data) {
}.observeForever {
Timber.d("Data: $it")
it.forEach {
it.photographer = it.photographer + it.photographer_id
data.value = it
* Get Items from web with Retry Coroutines
* setting liveData value should be on the main
* this is the correct way to do it instead of the rest you want to keep SOLID
* the rest are just examples of what you can do
fun getWebItemsRetry() {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
//networkRepository.getNewNetworkList(data, _visibility)
val items: List<Photo> = async(Dispatchers.IO) {
data.value = items
* @param value Int
fun changeVisibility(value: Int) {
_visibility.value = value
* Reverse LiveData order
fun reverseOrder() {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
data.value = data.value!!.reversed()
* Clear ViewModel you don't need this method if you are only using viewModelScope it should
* clear everything automatically! So in that order you have to be aware of the lifecycles you are using.
override fun onCleared() {
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These are just examples for the CleanMVVM project that i have i decided to clean it a bit since it was getting messier. Some of this code is not in good practise but it is an example of usage.

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