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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Kurze Form der allgemeinen Katamorphismenfaltung.
import Data.Foldable ( Foldable, foldMap )
import Data.Function ( on )
import Data.Monoid ( Monoid ( .. ) )
type Algebra f a = f a -> a
newtype Mu f = Fix ( f (Mu f) )
inject :: f (Mu f) -> Mu f
inject = Fix
eject :: Mu f -> f (Mu f)
eject (Fix x) = x
data ListF a f = ConsF a f | NilF -- nicht induktiv!
type List a = Mu (ListF a) -- induktiv
-- Smart-Konstruktoren
cons :: a -> List a -> List a
cons x xs = Fix (ConsF x xs)
infixr 7 <:>
(<:>) :: a -> List a -> List a
(<:>) = cons
nil :: List a
nil = Fix NilF
instance Functor (ListF a) where
fmap f NilF = NilF
fmap f (ConsF xa yb) = ConsF xa (f yb)
cata :: Functor f => Algebra f b -> Mu f -> b
cata g = g . fmap (cata g) . eject
hello :: List Char
hello = 'h' <:> 'e' <:> 'l' <:> 'l' <:> 'o' <:> nil
mkListAlgebra :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Algebra (ListF a) b
mkListAlgebra c _ (ConsF x xs) = c x xs
mkListAlgebra _ n NilF = n
showAlgebra :: Show a => Algebra (ListF a) String
showAlgebra = mkListAlgebra (\x xs -> unwords [show x, ":", show xs]) "[]"
lengthAlgebra :: Algebra (ListF a) Int
lengthAlgebra = mkListAlgebra (\_ -> (1 +)) 0
numbers :: List Int
numbers = 4 <:> 8 <:> 15 <:> 16 <:> 23 <:> 42 <:> nil
sumAlgebra :: Num n => Algebra (ListF n) n
sumAlgebra = mkListAlgebra (+) 0
andAlgebra :: Algebra (ListF Bool) Bool
andAlgebra = mkListAlgebra (&&) True
mapAlgebra :: (a -> b) -> Algebra (ListF a) (List b)
mapAlgebra f = mkListAlgebra (cons . f) nil
data TreeF a b f = BranchF f a f | LeafF b | EmptyF
instance Functor (TreeF a b) where
fmap f (BranchF l v r) = BranchF (f l) v (f r)
fmap _ (LeafF x) = LeafF x
fmap _ EmptyF = EmptyF
type Tree a b = Mu (TreeF a b)
data TreeU a = BranchU (TreeU a) a (TreeU a) | LeafU a | EmptyU
deriving Show
transform :: Tree a b -> TreeU (Either a b)
transform = trafo . eject where
trafo EmptyF = EmptyU
trafo (LeafF x) = LeafU (Right x)
trafo (BranchF l x r) = BranchU (transform l) (Left x) (transform r)
branch :: Tree a b -> a -> Tree a b -> Tree a b
branch left v right = Fix (BranchF left v right)
leaf :: b -> Tree a b
leaf x = Fix (LeafF x)
empty :: Tree a b
empty = Fix EmptyF
data Arith = Mult | Plus | Pow
instance Show Arith where
show Mult = "*"
show Plus = "+"
show Pow = "^"
toFun :: Num n => Arith -> n -> n -> n
toFun Mult = (*)
toFun Plus = (+)
compTree :: Tree Arith Int
compTree = branch (branch (leaf 2) Plus (leaf 3)) Mult (leaf 4)
mkTreeAlgebra :: (c -> a -> c -> c) -> (b -> c) -> c -> Algebra (TreeF a b) c
mkTreeAlgebra br le em (BranchF l v r) = br l v r
mkTreeAlgebra br le em (LeafF x) = le x
mkTreeAlgebra br le em EmptyF = em
depthAlgebra :: Algebra (TreeF a b) Int
depthAlgebra = mkTreeAlgebra (\l _ r -> 1 + max l r) (const 1) 0
showAlgebraTree :: (Show a, Show b) => Algebra (TreeF a b) String
showAlgebraTree = mkTreeAlgebra (\l v r -> concat ["(", unwords [l, show v, r], ")"]) show "°"
evalAlgebra :: Num n => Algebra (TreeF Arith n) n
evalAlgebra = mkTreeAlgebra (flip toFun) id 0
-- Transformation: Foldable.foldr vs. cata
-- The free monoid
data Free a = Free a :*: Free a | Single a | One
-- Answers the question, whether the value is the abstract product of two other values or not.
isComposite :: Free a -> Bool
isComposite (_ :*: _) = True
isComposite _ = False
instance Show a => Show (Free a) where
showsPrec _ One = showString "<1>"
showsPrec _ (Single a) = shows a
showsPrec p (x :*: y) = showParen (isComposite x) (showsPrec p x)
. showString " <*> "
. showParen (isComposite y) (showsPrec p y)
-- The free monoid can be turned into a list.
toList :: Free a -> [a]
toList (x :*: y) = toList x ++ toList y
toList (Single x) = [x]
toList One = []
-- Eq instance that satisfies the monoid properties (see below).
instance Eq a => Eq (Free a) where
(==) = (==) `on` toList
instance Monoid (Free a) where
mappend = (:*:)
mempty = One
instance Foldable TreeU where
foldMap f = go where
go EmptyU = mempty
go (LeafU val) = f val
go (BranchU l val r) = go l `mappend` f val `mappend` go r
cataLikeFoldTree :: (c -> a -> c -> c) -> (b -> c) -> c -> Tree a b -> c
cataLikeFoldTree br le em = g . foldMap Single . transform where
g (x :*: Single (Left val) :*: y) = br (g x) val (g y)
g (Single (Right x)) = le x
g One = em
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