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Forked from karmats/RsaEncryption.cls
Last active May 2, 2024 21:49
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RSA encryption / decryption in salesforce apex
public class RSA {
private Key key;
// Hex digits
private static final String DIGITS = '0123456789abcdef';
private static final Decimal HEX_BASE = 16;
public abstract class Key {
private String modulus;
public Key(String modulus) {
this.modulus = modulus;
public virtual class PublicKey extends Key {
private String exponent;
public PublicKey(String modulus, String exponent) {
this.exponent = exponent;
public class PrivateKey extends PublicKey {
private String privateExponent;
public PrivateKey(String modulus, String privateExponent) {
super(modulus, null);
this.privateExponent = privateExponent;
public PrivateKey(String modulus, String exponent, String privateExponent) {
super(modulus, exponent);
this.privateExponent = privateExponent;
public RSA(Key key) {
this.key = key;
public String encrypt(String input) {
PublicKey publicKey = (PublicKey)this.key;
return modPow(input, publicKey.modulus, publicKey.exponent);
public String decrypt(String input) {
PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey)this.key;
return modPow(input, privateKey.modulus, privateKey.privateExponent);
public String modPow(String input, String modulus, String exponent) {
Blob mod = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(modulus);
Blob exp = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(exponent);
// Pad password.nonce
Blob pn = Blob.valueOf(String.fromCharArray(pkcs1Pad2(input, mod.size() - 1)));
Decimal modDec = hexToDecimal(EncodingUtil.convertToHex(mod));
Decimal expDec = hexToDecimal(EncodingUtil.convertToHex(exp));
Decimal pnDec = hexToDecimal(EncodingUtil.convertToHex(pn));
// Calcluate padded^exp % mod and convert to hex
Decimal result = modPow(pnDec, expDec, modDec);
String hexResult = decimalToHex(result);
// If length is uneven, add an extra 0
if ((hexResult.length() & 1) == 1) {
hexResult = '0' + hexResult;
// Generate the data to be encrypted.
Blob encodedData = EncodingUtil.convertFromHex(hexResult);
return EncodingUtil.base64Encode(encodedData);
private static Decimal hexToDecimal(String hex) {
Decimal result = 0;
integer length = hex.length();
integer i = 0;
while(i < length) {
integer hexByte = DIGITS.indexOf(hex.substring(i, i + 1).toLowerCase());
result += hexByte * HEX_BASE.pow(length - i);
return result;
private static String decimalToHex(Decimal d) {
String hex = '';
while (d > 0) {
Decimal digit = modulus(d, HEX_BASE); // rightmost digit
hex = DIGITS.substring(digit.intValue(), digit.intValue() + 1) + hex; // string concatenation
d = d.divide(16, 0, RoundingMode.FLOOR);
return hex;
// base^exp % mod
private static Decimal modPow(Decimal base, Decimal exp, Decimal mod) {
if (base < 1 || exp < 0 || mod < 1) {
return -1;
Decimal result = 1;
while (exp > 0) {
if ((exp.longValue() & 1) == 1) {
result = modulus((result * base), mod);
base = modulus((base * base), mod);
exp = exp.divide(2, 0, RoundingMode.FLOOR);
return result;
// dividend % divisor
private static Decimal modulus(Decimal dividend, Decimal divisor) {
Decimal d = dividend.divide(divisor, 0, RoundingMode.FLOOR);
return dividend - (d * divisor);
// Pad using PKCS#1 v.2. See
// s = String to pad
// n = bytes to fill must be bigger than s.length()
private static List<integer> pkcs1Pad2(String s, integer n) {
// Byte array
List<integer> ba = new List<integer>();
// Fill array with zeros to get the right size
for(integer i = 0; i < n; i++) {
integer i = s.length() - 1;
while(i >= 0 && n > 0) {
ba.set(--n, s.charAt(i--));
ba.set(--n, 0);
while(n > 2) { // random non-zero pad
// Since the array is converted to a string, choose integers that corresponds
// to a proper char code see
integer rnd = Math.round(Math.random() * (127 - 32) + 32);
ba.set(--n, rnd);
ba.set(--n, 2);
ba.set(--n, 0);
return ba;
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@nicolas1bruno any luck with encryption/decryption?

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I have moved to AES
I am using the decrypt method with a radom initializationVector
this guarantees a random answer

the initializationVector needs to be passed foward and back
but the secret key is the same ever

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Did you find any solution?

openssl rsa -in private_key.pem -noout -text

returns many exponents; I also am getting the same error

ERROR running force:apex:execute: Class.RSA.pkcs1Pad2: line 140, column 1 Class.RSA.modPow: line 57, column 1 Class.RSA.decrypt: line 48, column 1 AnonymousBlock: line 14, column 1 AnonymousBlock: line 14, column 1

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KennethJAnthony commented Jan 19, 2021


See my fork & comments.

Much thanks to original author.

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