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Created May 9, 2021 12:16
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/// Property wrapper to introduce indirection into your property.
/// Indirection is very useful to introduce recursion into `structs`, which don't usually support it. This is very similar to using the `indirect` modifier on enum cases.
/// struct Person: Identifiable {
/// let id = UUID()
/// @Indirect var father: Person?
/// @Indirect var mother: Person?
/// }
enum Indirect<Value> {
indirect case value(Value)
var wrappedValue: Value {
get {
guard case .value(let value) = self else { fatalError("Can't reach indirect value") }
return value
set {
self = .value(newValue)
init(wrappedValue: Value) {
self = .value(wrappedValue)
import Foundation
struct Person: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
@Indirect var mother: Person?
@Indirect var father: Person?
let person1: Person = .init(mother: Person(mother: Person(mother: nil, father: nil), father: nil), father: Person(mother: nil, father: Person(mother: Person(mother: nil, father: nil), father: nil)))
// person1
// mother
// mother
// nil
// nil
// nil
// father
// nil
// father
// mother
// nil
// nil
// nil
person1.father = nil // Cannot assign to property: 'person1' is a 'let' constant -> advantage of using structs over classes
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