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Last active February 18, 2022 11:59
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Slow Query Logging
// firestoreFetchSingle - This is our logger and timer function which will log if the fetch took more than 60 seconds to return the result
// locations - fetch document by id
public static getById(id): Promise<Location> {
return new Promise<Location>(async(resolve, reject) => {
try {
const snapshot = await firestoreFetchSingle(Location.collectionRef().doc(id), 'location', id)
if (!snapshot.exists) return reject("location not found");
const doc = new Location(snapshot);
} catch (ex) {
// contacts - fetch document by id
public static getById(id): Promise<Contact> {
return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => {
try {`fetching contact by id ${id}`);
const snapshot = await firestoreFetchSingle(Contact.collectionRef().doc(id), 'contact', id)
if (!snapshot.exists) return resolve();
if ( {
log.warn(`Contact ${id} is deleted`);
return resolve();
resolve(new Contact(snapshot));
} catch (ex) {
import { firestore } from 'firebase-admin';
import config from '../config';
import { IElasticIndexForDelay, sendElasticLoggingEvent } from '../util/es_logging';
import { log } from '../util/logger';
interface ISlowTimerParams {
locationId?: string;
id?: string;
const startSlowTimer = (counterObj: any, property: string) => {
// General function to be used by all Timers.
if (counterObj && property) {
if (counterObj[property]) {
counterObj[property] += 1;
} else {
counterObj[property] = 1;
const endSlowTimer = (counterObj: any, time1: number, property: string, suffix: string, slowTimerParams: ISlowTimerParams, error = false) => {
// General function to be used by all Timers.
if (counterObj && property) {
try {
if (config.slowFetchLogForSeconds && error === false) {
const time2 =;
const timeTaken = Math.round((time2 - time1) / 1000);
const slowTimeSec = config.slowFetchLogForSeconds;
if (timeTaken >= slowTimeSec) {
log.warn(`#slow - ${property} timer took ${timeTaken} which is more than limit of ${slowTimeSec}. Counter: ${counterObj[property]}`);
const info = {
namespace: 'infra_delay',
type: `${property}_${suffix}`,
podName: process.env.HOSTNAME,
processTime: timeTaken,
documentsBeingFetched: counterObj[property]
} as IElasticIndexForDelay;
if (slowTimerParams?.id) { =;
} catch (err) {`An error ocurred while saving data to ES in endSlowTimer for ${property}_${suffix}`);
if (counterObj[property]) {
counterObj[property] -= 1;
} else {
counterObj[property] = 0; // reset
const documentsBeingFetched = {};
export const startSlowFetchTimer = (dataType: string) => {
return startSlowTimer(documentsBeingFetched, dataType);
export const endSlowFetchTimer = (time1: number, dataType: string, locationId?: string, id?: string, error = false) => {
endSlowTimer(documentsBeingFetched, time1, dataType, 'fetch', {
}, error);
const endpointsBeingCalled = {};
export const startSlowRequestTimer = (endpoint: string) => {
return startSlowTimer(endpointsBeingCalled, endpoint);
export const endSlowRequestTimer = (time1: number, endpoint: string, locationId?: string, error = false) => {
endSlowTimer(endpointsBeingCalled, time1, endpoint, 'endpoint', {
}, error);
export async function firestoreFetchSingle(query: firestore.DocumentReference, dataType: string, id: string) {
let locationId: string;
const time1 = startSlowFetchTimer(dataType);
try {
const snapshot = await query.get();
if (snapshot.exists) locationId =;
endSlowFetchTimer(time1, dataType, locationId, id);
return snapshot;
} catch (err) {
endSlowFetchTimer(time1, dataType, locationId, id, true);
throw err;
export async function firestoreFetchMultiple(query: firestore.Query, dataType: string, locationId?: string) {
const time1 = startSlowFetchTimer(dataType);
try {
const snapshot = await query.get();
endSlowFetchTimer(time1, dataType, locationId);
return snapshot;
} catch (err) {
endSlowFetchTimer(time1, dataType, locationId, undefined, true);
throw err;
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