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Created March 22, 2018 00:38
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Save nikki93/b28519c1d741c4eb4c873838b1b18fb6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
love + imgui + ffi!
+local ig = require 'imgui'
+function love.load()
+function love.mousemoved(x, y)
+, y)
+function love.mousepressed(x, y, button)
+, y, button)
+function love.mousereleased(x, y, button, istouch)
+, y, button, istouch)
+function love.wheelmoved(x, y)
+, y)
+function love.textinput(text)
+function love.keypressed(key)
+function love.keyreleased(key)
local scope = require 'scope'
+local ffi = require 'ffi'
+local C = ffi.C
local World = scope.create()
things = {}
@@ -19,11 +57,17 @@
function love.update(dt)
for _, thing in ipairs(things) do
if update then update(dt) end
+ C.igShowDemoWindow('bool[1]', { true }))
function love.draw()
@@ -39,6 +83,8 @@'fps: ' .. tostring(love.timer.getFPS()), 10, 10)
local ffi = require 'ffi'
local C = ffi.C
ffi.cdef [[
// #include <stdio.h>
// #if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
// #define API
// #else
// #define API __declspec(dllexport)
// #endif
// #ifndef __GNUC__
// #define snprintf sprintf_s
// #endif
// #else
// #define API
// #endif
// #if defined __cplusplus
// #define EXTERN extern "C"
// #else
// #include <stdarg.h>
// #include <stdbool.h>
// #define EXTERN extern
// #endif
// #define CONST const
struct ImGuiIO;
struct ImGuiStyle;
struct ImDrawData;
struct ImVec2;
struct ImVec4;
struct ImGuiTextEditCallbackData;
struct ImGuiSizeConstraintCallbackData;
struct ImDrawList;
struct ImGuiStorage;
struct ImFont;
struct ImFontConfig;
struct ImFontAtlas;
struct ImDrawCmd;
struct ImGuiListClipper;
struct ImGuiTextFilter;
struct ImGuiPayload;
// #if defined __cplusplus
// #define IMFONTGLYPH ImFontGlyph
// #else
// struct Glyph;
// #define IMFONTGLYPH Glyph
// #endif
typedef unsigned short ImDrawIdx;
typedef unsigned int ImU32;
typedef unsigned short ImWchar;
typedef void *ImTextureID;
typedef ImU32 ImGuiID;
typedef int ImGuiCol;
typedef int ImGuiStyleVar;
typedef int ImGuiKey;
typedef int ImGuiColorEditFlags;
typedef int ImGuiMouseCursor;
typedef int ImGuiWindowFlags;
typedef int ImGuiCond;
typedef int ImGuiColumnsFlags;
typedef int ImGuiInputTextFlags;
typedef int ImGuiSelectableFlags;
typedef int ImGuiTreeNodeFlags;
typedef int ImGuiHoveredFlags;
typedef int ImGuiComboFlags;
typedef int ImGuiDragDropFlags;
typedef int ImGuiFocusedFlags;
typedef int ImDrawCornerFlags;
typedef int ImDrawListFlags;
typedef int (*ImGuiTextEditCallback)(struct ImGuiTextEditCallbackData *data);
typedef void (*ImGuiSizeConstraintCallback)(struct ImGuiSizeConstraintCallbackData *data);
typedef void (*ImDrawCallback)(const struct ImDrawList *parent_list, const struct ImDrawCmd *cmd);
// #ifdef _MSC_VER
// typedef unsigned __int64 ImU64;
// #else
typedef unsigned long long ImU64;
// #endif
struct ImVec2
float x, y;
struct ImVec4
float x, y, z, w;
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar = 1 << 0,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize = 1 << 1,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove = 1 << 2,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar = 1 << 3,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse = 1 << 4,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse = 1 << 5,
ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize = 1 << 6,
//ImGuiWindowFlags_ShowBorders = 1 << 7,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings = 1 << 8,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs = 1 << 9,
ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar = 1 << 10,
ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar = 1 << 11,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing = 1 << 12,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus = 1 << 13,
ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysVerticalScrollbar = 1 << 14,
ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysHorizontalScrollbar = 1 << 15,
ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysUseWindowPadding = 1 << 16,
ImGuiWindowFlags_ResizeFromAnySide = 1 << 17,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsDecimal = 1 << 0,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsHexadecimal = 1 << 1,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsUppercase = 1 << 2,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsNoBlank = 1 << 3,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_AutoSelectAll = 1 << 4,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_EnterReturnsTrue = 1 << 5,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCompletion = 1 << 6,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackHistory = 1 << 7,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackAlways = 1 << 8,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCharFilter = 1 << 9,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_AllowTabInput = 1 << 10,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_CtrlEnterForNewLine = 1 << 11,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_NoHorizontalScroll = 1 << 12,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_AlwaysInsertMode = 1 << 13,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly = 1 << 14,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_Password = 1 << 15,
ImGuiInputTextFlags_NoUndoRedo = 1 << 16,
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Selected = 1 << 0,
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Framed = 1 << 1,
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_AllowItemOverlap = 1 << 2,
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoTreePushOnOpen = 1 << 3,
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoAutoOpenOnLog = 1 << 4,
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen = 1 << 5,
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnDoubleClick = 1 << 6,
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnArrow = 1 << 7,
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Leaf = 1 << 8,
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Bullet = 1 << 9,
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_FramePadding = 1 << 10,
ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_CollapsingHeader = ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_Framed | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoAutoOpenOnLog
ImGuiSelectableFlags_DontClosePopups = 1 << 0,
ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns = 1 << 1,
ImGuiSelectableFlags_AllowDoubleClick = 1 << 2
enum ImGuiComboFlags_
ImGuiComboFlags_PopupAlignLeft = 1 << 0,
ImGuiComboFlags_HeightSmall = 1 << 1,
ImGuiComboFlags_HeightRegular = 1 << 2,
ImGuiComboFlags_HeightLarge = 1 << 3,
ImGuiComboFlags_HeightLargest = 1 << 4,
ImGuiComboFlags_HeightMask_ = ImGuiComboFlags_HeightSmall | ImGuiComboFlags_HeightRegular | ImGuiComboFlags_HeightLarge | ImGuiComboFlags_HeightLargest
enum ImGuiFocusedFlags_
ImGuiFocusedFlags_ChildWindows = 1 << 0,
ImGuiFocusedFlags_RootWindow = 1 << 1,
ImGuiFocusedFlags_RootAndChildWindows = ImGuiFocusedFlags_RootWindow | ImGuiFocusedFlags_ChildWindows
enum ImGuiHoveredFlags_
ImGuiHoveredFlags_ChildWindows = 1 << 0,
ImGuiHoveredFlags_RootWindow = 1 << 1,
ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByPopup = 1 << 2,
//ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByModal = 1 << 3,
ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByActiveItem = 1 << 4,
ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenOverlapped = 1 << 5,
ImGuiHoveredFlags_RectOnly = ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByPopup | ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenBlockedByActiveItem | ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenOverlapped,
ImGuiHoveredFlags_RootAndChildWindows = ImGuiHoveredFlags_RootWindow | ImGuiHoveredFlags_ChildWindows
enum ImGuiDragDropFlags_
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceNoPreviewTooltip = 1 << 0,
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceNoDisableHover = 1 << 1,
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceNoHoldToOpenOthers = 1 << 2,
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceAllowNullID = 1 << 3,
ImGuiDragDropFlags_SourceExtern = 1 << 4,
ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptBeforeDelivery = 1 << 10,
ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptNoDrawDefaultRect = 1 << 11,
ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptPeekOnly = ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptBeforeDelivery | ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptNoDrawDefaultRect
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoAlpha = 1 << 1,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoPicker = 1 << 2,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoOptions = 1 << 3,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoSmallPreview = 1 << 4,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoInputs = 1 << 5,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoTooltip = 1 << 6,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoLabel = 1 << 7,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoSidePreview = 1 << 8,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_AlphaBar = 1 << 9,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_AlphaPreview = 1 << 10,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_AlphaPreviewHalf = 1 << 11,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_HDR = 1 << 12,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_RGB = 1 << 13,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_HSV = 1 << 14,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_HEX = 1 << 15,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_Uint8 = 1 << 16,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_Float = 1 << 17,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueBar = 1 << 18,
ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueWheel = 1 << 19
ImGuiMouseCursor_None = -1,
ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow = 0,
ImGuiCond_Always = 1 << 0,
ImGuiCond_Once = 1 << 1,
ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver = 1 << 2,
ImGuiCond_Appearing = 1 << 3
enum ImDrawCornerFlags_
ImDrawCornerFlags_TopLeft = 1 << 0,
ImDrawCornerFlags_TopRight = 1 << 1,
ImDrawCornerFlags_BotLeft = 1 << 2,
ImDrawCornerFlags_BotRight = 1 << 3,
ImDrawCornerFlags_Top = ImDrawCornerFlags_TopLeft | ImDrawCornerFlags_TopRight,
ImDrawCornerFlags_Bot = ImDrawCornerFlags_BotLeft | ImDrawCornerFlags_BotRight,
ImDrawCornerFlags_Left = ImDrawCornerFlags_TopLeft | ImDrawCornerFlags_BotLeft,
ImDrawCornerFlags_Right = ImDrawCornerFlags_TopRight | ImDrawCornerFlags_BotRight,
ImDrawCornerFlags_All = 0xF
enum ImDrawListFlags_
ImDrawListFlags_AntiAliasedLines = 1 << 0,
ImDrawListFlags_AntiAliasedFill = 1 << 1
struct ImGuiStyle
float Alpha;
struct ImVec2 WindowPadding;
float WindowRounding;
float WindowBorderSize;
struct ImVec2 WindowMinSize;
struct ImVec2 WindowTitleAlign;
float ChildRounding;
float ChildBorderSize;
float PopupRounding;
float PopupBorderSize;
struct ImVec2 FramePadding;
float FrameRounding;
float FrameBorderSize;
struct ImVec2 ItemSpacing;
struct ImVec2 ItemInnerSpacing;
struct ImVec2 TouchExtraPadding;
float IndentSpacing;
float ColumnsMinSpacing;
float ScrollbarSize;
float ScrollbarRounding;
float GrabMinSize;
float GrabRounding;
struct ImVec2 ButtonTextAlign;
struct ImVec2 DisplayWindowPadding;
struct ImVec2 DisplaySafeAreaPadding;
bool AntiAliasedLines;
bool AntiAliasedFill;
float CurveTessellationTol;
struct ImVec4 Colors[ImGuiCol_COUNT];
struct ImGuiIO
struct ImVec2 DisplaySize;
float DeltaTime;
float IniSavingRate;
const char *IniFilename;
const char *LogFilename;
float MouseDoubleClickTime;
float MouseDoubleClickMaxDist;
float MouseDragThreshold;
int KeyMap[ImGuiKey_COUNT];
float KeyRepeatDelay;
float KeyRepeatRate;
void *UserData;
struct ImFontAtlas *Fonts;
float FontGlobalScale;
bool FontAllowUserScaling;
struct ImFont *FontDefault;
struct ImVec2 DisplayFramebufferScale;
struct ImVec2 DisplayVisibleMin;
struct ImVec2 DisplayVisibleMax;
bool OptMacOSXBehaviors;
bool OptCursorBlink;
void (*RenderDrawListsFn)(struct ImDrawData *data);
const char *(*GetClipboardTextFn)(void *user_data);
void (*SetClipboardTextFn)(void *user_data, const char *text);
void *ClipboardUserData;
void *(*MemAllocFn)(size_t sz);
void (*MemFreeFn)(void *ptr);
void (*ImeSetInputScreenPosFn)(int x, int y);
void *ImeWindowHandle;
struct ImVec2 MousePos;
bool MouseDown[5];
float MouseWheel;
bool MouseDrawCursor;
bool KeyCtrl;
bool KeyShift;
bool KeyAlt;
bool KeySuper;
bool KeysDown[512];
ImWchar InputCharacters[16 + 1];
bool WantCaptureMouse;
bool WantCaptureKeyboard;
bool WantTextInput;
float Framerate;
int MetricsAllocs;
int MetricsRenderVertices;
int MetricsRenderIndices;
int MetricsActiveWindows;
struct ImVec2 MouseDelta;
struct ImVec2 MousePosPrev;
bool MouseClicked[5];
struct ImVec2 MouseClickedPos[5];
float MouseClickedTime[5];
bool MouseDoubleClicked[5];
bool MouseReleased[5];
bool MouseDownOwned[5];
float MouseDownDuration[5];
float MouseDownDurationPrev[5];
struct ImVec2 MouseDragMaxDistanceAbs[5];
float MouseDragMaxDistanceSqr[5];
float KeysDownDuration[512];
float KeysDownDurationPrev[512];
struct ImGuiTextEditCallbackData
ImGuiInputTextFlags EventFlag;
ImGuiInputTextFlags Flags;
void *UserData;
bool ReadOnly;
ImWchar EventChar;
ImGuiKey EventKey;
char *Buf;
int BufTextLen;
int BufSize;
bool BufDirty;
int CursorPos;
int SelectionStart;
int SelectionEnd;
struct ImGuiSizeConstraintCallbackData
void *UserData;
struct ImVec2 Pos;
struct ImVec2 CurrentSize;
struct ImVec2 DesiredSize;
struct ImDrawCmd
unsigned int ElemCount;
struct ImVec4 ClipRect;
ImTextureID TextureId;
ImDrawCallback UserCallback;
void *UserCallbackData;
struct ImDrawData
bool Valid;
struct ImDrawList **CmdLists;
int CmdListsCount;
int TotalVtxCount;
int TotalIdxCount;
struct ImDrawVert
struct ImVec2 pos;
struct ImVec2 uv;
ImU32 col;
struct ImFontConfig
void *FontData;
int FontDataSize;
bool FontDataOwnedByAtlas;
int FontNo;
float SizePixels;
int OversampleH, OversampleV;
bool PixelSnapH;
struct ImVec2 GlyphExtraSpacing;
struct ImVec2 GlyphOffset;
const ImWchar *GlyphRanges;
bool MergeMode;
unsigned int RasterizerFlags;
float RasterizerMultiply;
char Name[32];
struct ImFont *DstFont;
struct ImGuiListClipper
float StartPosY;
float ItemsHeight;
int ItemsCount, StepNo, DisplayStart, DisplayEnd;
struct ImGuiPayload
const void *Data;
int DataSize;
ImGuiID SourceId;
ImGuiID SourceParentId;
int DataFrameCount;
char DataType[8 + 1];
bool Preview;
bool Delivery;
// Main
extern struct ImGuiIO *igGetIO();
extern struct ImGuiStyle *igGetStyle();
extern struct ImDrawData *igGetDrawData();
extern void igNewFrame();
extern void igRender();
extern void igEndFrame();
extern void igShutdown();
// Demo/Debug/Info
extern void igShowDemoWindow(bool *opened);
extern void igShowMetricsWindow(bool *opened);
extern void igShowStyleEditor(struct ImGuiStyle *ref);
extern void igShowStyleSelector(const char *label);
extern void igShowFontSelector(const char *label);
extern void igShowUserGuide();
// Window
extern bool igBegin(const char *name, bool *p_open, ImGuiWindowFlags flags);
//Is going to be obsolete,
//extern bool igBegin2(const char* name, bool* p_open, const struct ImVec2 size_on_first_use, float bg_alpha, ImGuiWindowFlags flags);
extern void igEnd();
extern bool igBeginChild(const char *str_id, const struct ImVec2 size, bool border, ImGuiWindowFlags extra_flags);
extern bool igBeginChildEx(ImGuiID id, const struct ImVec2 size, bool border, ImGuiWindowFlags extra_flags);
extern void igEndChild();
extern void igGetContentRegionMax(struct ImVec2 *out);
extern void igGetContentRegionAvail(struct ImVec2 *out);
extern float igGetContentRegionAvailWidth();
extern void igGetWindowContentRegionMin(struct ImVec2 *out);
extern void igGetWindowContentRegionMax(struct ImVec2 *out);
extern float igGetWindowContentRegionWidth();
extern struct ImDrawList *igGetWindowDrawList();
extern void igGetWindowPos(struct ImVec2 *out);
extern void igGetWindowSize(struct ImVec2 *out);
extern float igGetWindowWidth();
extern float igGetWindowHeight();
extern bool igIsWindowCollapsed();
extern bool igIsWindowAppearing();
extern void igSetWindowFontScale(float scale);
extern void igSetNextWindowPos(const struct ImVec2 pos, ImGuiCond cond, const struct ImVec2 pivot);
extern void igSetNextWindowSize(const struct ImVec2 size, ImGuiCond cond);
extern void igSetNextWindowSizeConstraints(const struct ImVec2 size_min, const struct ImVec2 size_max, ImGuiSizeConstraintCallback custom_callback, void *custom_callback_data);
extern void igSetNextWindowContentSize(const struct ImVec2 size);
extern void igSetNextWindowCollapsed(bool collapsed, ImGuiCond cond);
extern void igSetNextWindowFocus();
extern void igSetWindowPos(const struct ImVec2 pos, ImGuiCond cond);
extern void igSetWindowSize(const struct ImVec2 size, ImGuiCond cond);
extern void igSetWindowCollapsed(bool collapsed, ImGuiCond cond);
extern void igSetWindowFocus();
extern void igSetWindowPosByName(const char *name, const struct ImVec2 pos, ImGuiCond cond);
extern void igSetWindowSize2(const char *name, const struct ImVec2 size, ImGuiCond cond);
extern void igSetWindowCollapsed2(const char *name, bool collapsed, ImGuiCond cond);
extern void igSetWindowFocus2(const char *name);
extern float igGetScrollX();
extern float igGetScrollY();
extern float igGetScrollMaxX();
extern float igGetScrollMaxY();
extern void igSetScrollX(float scroll_x);
extern void igSetScrollY(float scroll_y);
extern void igSetScrollHere(float center_y_ratio);
extern void igSetScrollFromPosY(float pos_y, float center_y_ratio);
extern void igSetStateStorage(struct ImGuiStorage *tree);
extern struct ImGuiStorage *igGetStateStorage();
// Parameters stacks (shared)
extern void igPushFont(struct ImFont *font);
extern void igPopFont();
extern void igPushStyleColorU32(ImGuiCol idx, ImU32 col);
extern void igPushStyleColor(ImGuiCol idx, const struct ImVec4 col);
extern void igPopStyleColor(int count);
extern void igPushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar idx, float val);
extern void igPushStyleVarVec(ImGuiStyleVar idx, const struct ImVec2 val);
extern void igPopStyleVar(int count);
extern void igGetStyleColorVec4(struct ImVec4 *pOut, ImGuiCol idx);
extern struct ImFont *igGetFont();
extern float igGetFontSize();
extern void igGetFontTexUvWhitePixel(struct ImVec2 *pOut);
extern ImU32 igGetColorU32(ImGuiCol idx, float alpha_mul);
extern ImU32 igGetColorU32Vec(const struct ImVec4 *col);
extern ImU32 igGetColorU32U32(ImU32 col);
// Parameters stacks (current window)
extern void igPushItemWidth(float item_width);
extern void igPopItemWidth();
extern float igCalcItemWidth();
extern void igPushTextWrapPos(float wrap_pos_x);
extern void igPopTextWrapPos();
extern void igPushAllowKeyboardFocus(bool v);
extern void igPopAllowKeyboardFocus();
extern void igPushButtonRepeat(bool repeat);
extern void igPopButtonRepeat();
// Cursor / Layout
extern void igSeparator();
extern void igSameLine(float pos_x, float spacing_w);
extern void igNewLine();
extern void igSpacing();
extern void igDummy(const struct ImVec2 *size);
extern void igIndent(float indent_w);
extern void igUnindent(float indent_w);
extern void igBeginGroup();
extern void igEndGroup();
extern void igGetCursorPos(struct ImVec2 *pOut);
extern float igGetCursorPosX();
extern float igGetCursorPosY();
extern void igSetCursorPos(const struct ImVec2 local_pos);
extern void igSetCursorPosX(float x);
extern void igSetCursorPosY(float y);
extern void igGetCursorStartPos(struct ImVec2 *pOut);
extern void igGetCursorScreenPos(struct ImVec2 *pOut);
extern void igSetCursorScreenPos(const struct ImVec2 pos);
extern void igAlignTextToFramePadding();
extern float igGetTextLineHeight();
extern float igGetTextLineHeightWithSpacing();
extern float igGetFrameHeight();
extern float igGetFrameHeightWithSpacing();
extern void igColumns(int count, const char *id, bool border);
extern void igNextColumn();
extern int igGetColumnIndex();
extern float igGetColumnWidth(int column_index); // get column width (in pixels). pass -1 to use current column
extern void igSetColumnWidth(int column_index, float width);
extern float igGetColumnOffset(int column_index);
extern void igSetColumnOffset(int column_index, float offset_x);
extern int igGetColumnsCount();
// ID scopes
// If you are creating widgets in a loop you most likely want to push a unique identifier so ImGui can differentiate them
// You can also use "##extra" within your widget name to distinguish them from each others (see 'Programmer Guide')
extern void igPushIDStr(const char *str_id);
extern void igPushIDStrRange(const char *str_begin, const char *str_end);
extern void igPushIDPtr(const void *ptr_id);
extern void igPushIDInt(int int_id);
extern void igPopID();
extern ImGuiID igGetIDStr(const char *str_id);
extern ImGuiID igGetIDStrRange(const char *str_begin, const char *str_end);
extern ImGuiID igGetIDPtr(const void *ptr_id);
// Widgets: Text
extern void igTextUnformatted(const char *text, const char *text_end);
extern void igText(const char *fmt, ...);
extern void igTextV(const char *fmt, va_list args);
extern void igTextColored(const struct ImVec4 col, const char *fmt, ...);
extern void igTextColoredV(const struct ImVec4 col, const char *fmt, va_list args);
extern void igTextDisabled(const char *fmt, ...);
extern void igTextDisabledV(const char *fmt, va_list args);
extern void igTextWrapped(const char *fmt, ...);
extern void igTextWrappedV(const char *fmt, va_list args);
extern void igLabelText(const char *label, const char *fmt, ...);
extern void igLabelTextV(const char *label, const char *fmt, va_list args);
extern void igBulletText(const char *fmt, ...);
extern void igBulletTextV(const char *fmt, va_list args);
extern void igBullet();
// Widgets: Main
extern bool igButton(const char *label, const struct ImVec2 size);
extern bool igSmallButton(const char *label);
extern bool igInvisibleButton(const char *str_id, const struct ImVec2 size);
extern void igImage(ImTextureID user_texture_id, const struct ImVec2 size, const struct ImVec2 uv0, const struct ImVec2 uv1, const struct ImVec4 tint_col, const struct ImVec4 border_col);
extern bool igImageButton(ImTextureID user_texture_id, const struct ImVec2 size, const struct ImVec2 uv0, const struct ImVec2 uv1, int frame_padding, const struct ImVec4 bg_col, const struct ImVec4 tint_col);
extern bool igCheckbox(const char *label, bool *v);
extern bool igCheckboxFlags(const char *label, unsigned int *flags, unsigned int flags_value);
extern bool igRadioButtonBool(const char *label, bool active);
extern bool igRadioButton(const char *label, int *v, int v_button);
extern void igPlotLines(const char *label, const float *values, int values_count, int values_offset, const char *overlay_text, float scale_min, float scale_max, struct ImVec2 graph_size, int stride);
extern void igPlotLines2(const char *label, float (*values_getter)(void *data, int idx), void *data, int values_count, int values_offset, const char *overlay_text, float scale_min, float scale_max, struct ImVec2 graph_size);
extern void igPlotHistogram(const char *label, const float *values, int values_count, int values_offset, const char *overlay_text, float scale_min, float scale_max, struct ImVec2 graph_size, int stride);
extern void igPlotHistogram2(const char *label, float (*values_getter)(void *data, int idx), void *data, int values_count, int values_offset, const char *overlay_text, float scale_min, float scale_max, struct ImVec2 graph_size);
extern void igProgressBar(float fraction, const struct ImVec2 *size_arg, const char *overlay);
extern bool igBeginCombo(const char *label, const char *preview_value, ImGuiComboFlags flags);
extern void igEndCombo();
extern bool igCombo(const char *label, int *current_item, const char *const *items, int items_count, int popup_max_height_in_items);
extern bool igCombo2(const char *label, int *current_item, const char *items_separated_by_zeros, int popup_max_height_in_items);
extern bool igCombo3(const char *label, int *current_item, bool (*items_getter)(void *data, int idx, const char **out_text), void *data, int items_count, int popup_max_height_in_items);
// Widgets: Drags (tip: ctrl+click on a drag box to input with keyboard. manually input values aren't clamped, can go off-bounds)
// For all the Float2/Float3/Float4/Int2/Int3/Int4 versions of every functions, note that a 'float v[X]' function argument is the same as 'float* v', the array syntax is just a way to document the number of elements that are expected to be accessible. You can pass address of your first element out of a contiguous set, e.g. &myvector.x
extern bool igDragFloat(const char *label, float *v, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char *display_format, float power); // If v_max >= v_max we have no bound
extern bool igDragFloat2(const char *label, float v[2], float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char *display_format, float power);
extern bool igDragFloat3(const char *label, float v[3], float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char *display_format, float power);
extern bool igDragFloat4(const char *label, float v[4], float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char *display_format, float power);
extern bool igDragFloatRange2(const char *label, float *v_current_min, float *v_current_max, float v_speed, float v_min, float v_max, const char *display_format, const char *display_format_max, float power);
extern bool igDragInt(const char *label, int *v, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, const char *display_format); // If v_max >= v_max we have no bound
extern bool igDragInt2(const char *label, int v[2], float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, const char *display_format);
extern bool igDragInt3(const char *label, int v[3], float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, const char *display_format);
extern bool igDragInt4(const char *label, int v[4], float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, const char *display_format);
extern bool igDragIntRange2(const char *label, int *v_current_min, int *v_current_max, float v_speed, int v_min, int v_max, const char *display_format, const char *display_format_max);
// Widgets: Input with Keyboard
extern bool igInputText(const char *label, char *buf, size_t buf_size, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags, ImGuiTextEditCallback callback, void *user_data);
extern bool igInputTextMultiline(const char *label, char *buf, size_t buf_size, const struct ImVec2 size, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags, ImGuiTextEditCallback callback, void *user_data);
extern bool igInputFloat(const char *label, float *v, float step, float step_fast, int decimal_precision, ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags);
extern bool igInputFloat2(const char *label, float v[2], int decimal_precision, ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags);
extern bool igInputFloat3(const char *label, float v[3], int decimal_precision, ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags);
extern bool igInputFloat4(const char *label, float v[4], int decimal_precision, ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags);
extern bool igInputInt(const char *label, int *v, int step, int step_fast, ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags);
extern bool igInputInt2(const char *label, int v[2], ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags);
extern bool igInputInt3(const char *label, int v[3], ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags);
extern bool igInputInt4(const char *label, int v[4], ImGuiInputTextFlags extra_flags);
// Widgets: Sliders (tip: ctrl+click on a slider to input with keyboard. manually input values aren't clamped, can go off-bounds)
extern bool igSliderFloat(const char *label, float *v, float v_min, float v_max, const char *display_format, float power);
extern bool igSliderFloat2(const char *label, float v[2], float v_min, float v_max, const char *display_format, float power);
extern bool igSliderFloat3(const char *label, float v[3], float v_min, float v_max, const char *display_format, float power);
extern bool igSliderFloat4(const char *label, float v[4], float v_min, float v_max, const char *display_format, float power);
extern bool igSliderAngle(const char *label, float *v_rad, float v_degrees_min, float v_degrees_max);
extern bool igSliderInt(const char *label, int *v, int v_min, int v_max, const char *display_format);
extern bool igSliderInt2(const char *label, int v[2], int v_min, int v_max, const char *display_format);
extern bool igSliderInt3(const char *label, int v[3], int v_min, int v_max, const char *display_format);
extern bool igSliderInt4(const char *label, int v[4], int v_min, int v_max, const char *display_format);
extern bool igVSliderFloat(const char *label, const struct ImVec2 size, float *v, float v_min, float v_max, const char *display_format, float power);
extern bool igVSliderInt(const char *label, const struct ImVec2 size, int *v, int v_min, int v_max, const char *display_format);
// Widgets: Color Editor/Picker (tip: the ColorEdit* functions have a little colored preview square that can be left-clicked to open a picker, and right-clicked to open an option menu.)
// Note that a 'float v[X]' function argument is the same as 'float* v', the array syntax is just a way to document the number of elements that are expected to be accessible. You can the pass the address of a first float element out of a contiguous structure, e.g. &myvector.x
extern bool igColorEdit3(const char *label, float col[3], ImGuiColorEditFlags flags);
extern bool igColorEdit4(const char *label, float col[4], ImGuiColorEditFlags flags);
extern bool igColorPicker3(const char *label, float col[3], ImGuiColorEditFlags flags);
extern bool igColorPicker4(const char *label, float col[4], ImGuiColorEditFlags flags, const float *ref_col);
extern bool igColorButton(const char *desc_id, const struct ImVec4 col, ImGuiColorEditFlags flags, const struct ImVec2 size);
extern void igSetColorEditOptions(ImGuiColorEditFlags flags);
// Widgets: Trees
extern bool igTreeNode(const char *label);
extern bool igTreeNodeStr(const char *str_id, const char *fmt, ...);
extern bool igTreeNodePtr(const void *ptr_id, const char *fmt, ...);
extern bool igTreeNodeStrV(const char *str_id, const char *fmt, va_list args);
extern bool igTreeNodePtrV(const void *ptr_id, const char *fmt, va_list args);
extern bool igTreeNodeEx(const char *label, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags);
extern bool igTreeNodeExStr(const char *str_id, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags, const char *fmt, ...);
extern bool igTreeNodeExPtr(const void *ptr_id, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags, const char *fmt, ...);
extern bool igTreeNodeExV(const char *str_id, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags, const char *fmt, va_list args);
extern bool igTreeNodeExVPtr(const void *ptr_id, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags, const char *fmt, va_list args);
extern void igTreePushStr(const char *str_id);
extern void igTreePushPtr(const void *ptr_id);
extern void igTreePop();
extern void igTreeAdvanceToLabelPos();
extern float igGetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing();
extern void igSetNextTreeNodeOpen(bool opened, ImGuiCond cond);
extern bool igCollapsingHeader(const char *label, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags);
extern bool igCollapsingHeaderEx(const char *label, bool *p_open, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags);
// Widgets: Selectable / Lists
extern bool igSelectable(const char *label, bool selected, ImGuiSelectableFlags flags, const struct ImVec2 size);
extern bool igSelectableEx(const char *label, bool *p_selected, ImGuiSelectableFlags flags, const struct ImVec2 size);
extern bool igListBox(const char *label, int *current_item, const char *const *items, int items_count, int height_in_items);
extern bool igListBox2(const char *label, int *current_item, bool (*items_getter)(void *data, int idx, const char **out_text), void *data, int items_count, int height_in_items);
extern bool igListBoxHeader(const char *label, const struct ImVec2 size);
extern bool igListBoxHeader2(const char *label, int items_count, int height_in_items);
extern void igListBoxFooter();
// Widgets: Value() Helpers. Output single value in "name: value" format (tip: freely declare your own within the ImGui namespace!)
extern void igValueBool(const char *prefix, bool b);
extern void igValueInt(const char *prefix, int v);
extern void igValueUInt(const char *prefix, unsigned int v);
extern void igValueFloat(const char *prefix, float v, const char *float_format);
// Tooltip
extern void igSetTooltip(const char *fmt, ...);
extern void igSetTooltipV(const char *fmt, va_list args);
extern void igBeginTooltip();
extern void igEndTooltip();
// Widgets: Menus
extern bool igBeginMainMenuBar();
extern void igEndMainMenuBar();
extern bool igBeginMenuBar();
extern void igEndMenuBar();
extern bool igBeginMenu(const char *label, bool enabled);
extern void igEndMenu();
extern bool igMenuItem(const char *label, const char *shortcut, bool selected, bool enabled);
extern bool igMenuItemPtr(const char *label, const char *shortcut, bool *p_selected, bool enabled);
// Popup
extern void igOpenPopup(const char *str_id);
extern bool igOpenPopupOnItemClick(const char *str_id, int mouse_button);
extern bool igBeginPopup(const char *str_id);
extern bool igBeginPopupModal(const char *name, bool *p_open, ImGuiWindowFlags extra_flags);
extern bool igBeginPopupContextItem(const char *str_id, int mouse_button);
extern bool igBeginPopupContextWindow(const char *str_id, int mouse_button, bool also_over_items);
extern bool igBeginPopupContextVoid(const char *str_id, int mouse_button);
extern void igEndPopup();
extern bool igIsPopupOpen(const char *str_id);
extern void igCloseCurrentPopup();
// Logging: all text output from interface is redirected to tty/file/clipboard. Tree nodes are automatically opened.
extern void igLogToTTY(int max_depth);
extern void igLogToFile(int max_depth, const char *filename);
extern void igLogToClipboard(int max_depth);
extern void igLogFinish();
extern void igLogButtons();
extern void igLogText(const char *fmt, ...);
extern bool igBeginDragDropSource(ImGuiDragDropFlags flags, int mouse_button);
extern bool igSetDragDropPayload(const char *type, const void *data, size_t size, ImGuiCond cond);
extern void igEndDragDropSource();
extern bool igBeginDragDropTarget();
extern const struct ImGuiPayload *igAcceptDragDropPayload(const char *type, ImGuiDragDropFlags flags);
extern void igEndDragDropTarget();
// Clipping
extern void igPushClipRect(const struct ImVec2 clip_rect_min, const struct ImVec2 clip_rect_max, bool intersect_with_current_clip_rect);
extern void igPopClipRect();
// Styles
extern void igStyleColorsClassic(struct ImGuiStyle *dst);
extern void igStyleColorsDark(struct ImGuiStyle *dst);
extern void igStyleColorsLight(struct ImGuiStyle *dst);
extern void igSetItemDefaultFocus();
extern void igSetKeyboardFocusHere(int offset);
// Utilities
extern bool igIsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags flags);
extern bool igIsItemActive();
extern bool igIsItemClicked(int mouse_button);
extern bool igIsItemVisible();
extern bool igIsAnyItemHovered();
extern bool igIsAnyItemActive();
extern void igGetItemRectMin(struct ImVec2 *pOut);
extern void igGetItemRectMax(struct ImVec2 *pOut);
extern void igGetItemRectSize(struct ImVec2 *pOut);
extern void igSetItemAllowOverlap();
extern bool igIsWindowFocused(ImGuiFocusedFlags flags);
extern bool igIsWindowHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags falgs);
extern bool igIsAnyWindowFocused();
extern bool igIsAnyWindowHovered();
extern bool igIsRectVisible(const struct ImVec2 item_size);
extern bool igIsRectVisible2(const struct ImVec2 *rect_min, const struct ImVec2 *rect_max);
extern float igGetTime();
extern int igGetFrameCount();
extern struct ImDrawList *igGetOverlayDrawList();
extern struct ImDrawListSharedData *igGetDrawListSharedData();
extern const char *igGetStyleColorName(ImGuiCol idx);
extern void igCalcItemRectClosestPoint(struct ImVec2 *pOut, const struct ImVec2 pos, bool on_edge, float outward);
extern void igCalcTextSize(struct ImVec2 *pOut, const char *text, const char *text_end, bool hide_text_after_double_hash, float wrap_width);
extern void igCalcListClipping(int items_count, float items_height, int *out_items_display_start, int *out_items_display_end);
extern bool igBeginChildFrame(ImGuiID id, const struct ImVec2 size, ImGuiWindowFlags extra_flags);
extern void igEndChildFrame();
extern void igColorConvertU32ToFloat4(struct ImVec4 *pOut, ImU32 in);
extern ImU32 igColorConvertFloat4ToU32(const struct ImVec4 in);
extern void igColorConvertRGBtoHSV(float r, float g, float b, float *out_h, float *out_s, float *out_v);
extern void igColorConvertHSVtoRGB(float h, float s, float v, float *out_r, float *out_g, float *out_b);
// Inputs
extern int igGetKeyIndex(ImGuiKey imgui_key);
extern bool igIsKeyDown(int user_key_index);
extern bool igIsKeyPressed(int user_key_index, bool repeat);
extern bool igIsKeyReleased(int user_key_index);
extern int igGetKeyPressedAmount(int key_index, float repeat_delay, float rate);
extern bool igIsMouseDown(int button);
extern bool igIsMouseClicked(int button, bool repeat);
extern bool igIsMouseDoubleClicked(int button);
extern bool igIsMouseReleased(int button);
extern bool igIsMouseDragging(int button, float lock_threshold);
extern bool igIsMouseHoveringRect(const struct ImVec2 r_min, const struct ImVec2 r_max, bool clip);
extern bool igIsMousePosValid(const struct ImVec2 *mouse_pos);
extern void igGetMousePos(struct ImVec2 *pOut);
extern void igGetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup(struct ImVec2 *pOut);
extern void igGetMouseDragDelta(struct ImVec2 *pOut, int button, float lock_threshold);
extern void igResetMouseDragDelta(int button);
extern ImGuiMouseCursor igGetMouseCursor();
extern void igSetMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor type);
extern void igCaptureKeyboardFromApp(bool capture);
extern void igCaptureMouseFromApp(bool capture);
// Helpers functions to access functions pointers in ImGui::GetIO()
extern void *igMemAlloc(size_t sz);
extern void igMemFree(void *ptr);
extern const char *igGetClipboardText();
extern void igSetClipboardText(const char *text);
// Internal state access - if you want to share ImGui state between modules (e.g. DLL) or allocate it yourself
extern const char *igGetVersion();
extern struct ImGuiContext *igCreateContext(void *(*malloc_fn)(size_t), void (*free_fn)(void *));
extern void igDestroyContext(struct ImGuiContext *ctx);
extern struct ImGuiContext *igGetCurrentContext();
extern void igSetCurrentContext(struct ImGuiContext *ctx);
extern void ImFontConfig_DefaultConstructor(struct ImFontConfig *config);
// ImGuiIO
extern void ImGuiIO_AddInputCharacter(unsigned short c);
extern void ImGuiIO_AddInputCharactersUTF8(const char *utf8_chars);
extern void ImGuiIO_ClearInputCharacters();
// ImGuiTextFilter
extern struct ImGuiTextFilter *ImGuiTextFilter_Create(const char *default_filter);
extern void ImGuiTextFilter_Destroy(struct ImGuiTextFilter *filter);
extern void ImGuiTextFilter_Clear(struct ImGuiTextFilter *filter);
extern bool ImGuiTextFilter_Draw(struct ImGuiTextFilter *filter, const char *label, float width);
extern bool ImGuiTextFilter_PassFilter(const struct ImGuiTextFilter *filter, const char *text, const char *text_end);
extern bool ImGuiTextFilter_IsActive(const struct ImGuiTextFilter *filter);
extern void ImGuiTextFilter_Build(struct ImGuiTextFilter *filter);
extern const char *ImGuiTextFilter_GetInputBuf(struct ImGuiTextFilter *filter);
// ImGuiTextBuffer
extern struct ImGuiTextBuffer *ImGuiTextBuffer_Create();
extern void ImGuiTextBuffer_Destroy(struct ImGuiTextBuffer *buffer);
extern char ImGuiTextBuffer_index(struct ImGuiTextBuffer *buffer, int i);
extern const char *ImGuiTextBuffer_begin(const struct ImGuiTextBuffer *buffer);
extern const char *ImGuiTextBuffer_end(const struct ImGuiTextBuffer *buffer);
extern int ImGuiTextBuffer_size(const struct ImGuiTextBuffer *buffer);
extern bool ImGuiTextBuffer_empty(struct ImGuiTextBuffer *buffer);
extern void ImGuiTextBuffer_clear(struct ImGuiTextBuffer *buffer);
extern const char *ImGuiTextBuffer_c_str(const struct ImGuiTextBuffer *buffer);
extern void ImGuiTextBuffer_appendf(struct ImGuiTextBuffer *buffer, const char *fmt, ...);
extern void ImGuiTextBuffer_appendfv(struct ImGuiTextBuffer *buffer, const char *fmt, va_list args);
// ImGuiStorage
extern struct ImGuiStorage *ImGuiStorage_Create();
extern void ImGuiStorage_Destroy(struct ImGuiStorage *storage);
extern int ImGuiStorage_GetInt(struct ImGuiStorage *storage, ImGuiID key, int default_val);
extern void ImGuiStorage_SetInt(struct ImGuiStorage *storage, ImGuiID key, int val);
extern bool ImGuiStorage_GetBool(struct ImGuiStorage *storage, ImGuiID key, bool default_val);
extern void ImGuiStorage_SetBool(struct ImGuiStorage *storage, ImGuiID key, bool val);
extern float ImGuiStorage_GetFloat(struct ImGuiStorage *storage, ImGuiID key, float default_val);
extern void ImGuiStorage_SetFloat(struct ImGuiStorage *storage, ImGuiID key, float val);
extern void *ImGuiStorage_GetVoidPtr(struct ImGuiStorage *storage, ImGuiID key);
extern void ImGuiStorage_SetVoidPtr(struct ImGuiStorage *storage, ImGuiID key, void *val);
extern int *ImGuiStorage_GetIntRef(struct ImGuiStorage *storage, ImGuiID key, int default_val);
extern bool *ImGuiStorage_GetBoolRef(struct ImGuiStorage *storage, ImGuiID key, bool default_val);
extern float *ImGuiStorage_GetFloatRef(struct ImGuiStorage *storage, ImGuiID key, float default_val);
extern void **ImGuiStorage_GetVoidPtrRef(struct ImGuiStorage *storage, ImGuiID key, void *default_val);
extern void ImGuiStorage_SetAllInt(struct ImGuiStorage *storage, int val);
// ImGuiTextEditCallbackData
extern void ImGuiTextEditCallbackData_DeleteChars(struct ImGuiTextEditCallbackData *data, int pos, int bytes_count);
extern void ImGuiTextEditCallbackData_InsertChars(struct ImGuiTextEditCallbackData *data, int pos, const char *text, const char *text_end);
extern bool ImGuiTextEditCallbackData_HasSelection(struct ImGuiTextEditCallbackData *data);
// ImGuiListClipper
extern bool ImGuiListClipper_Step(struct ImGuiListClipper *clipper);
extern void ImGuiListClipper_Begin(struct ImGuiListClipper *clipper, int count, float items_height);
extern void ImGuiListClipper_End(struct ImGuiListClipper *clipper);
extern int ImGuiListClipper_GetDisplayStart(struct ImGuiListClipper *clipper);
extern int ImGuiListClipper_GetDisplayEnd(struct ImGuiListClipper *clipper);
extern int ImDrawList_GetVertexBufferSize(struct ImDrawList *list);
extern struct ImDrawVert *ImDrawList_GetVertexPtr(struct ImDrawList *list, int n);
extern int ImDrawList_GetIndexBufferSize(struct ImDrawList *list);
extern ImDrawIdx *ImDrawList_GetIndexPtr(struct ImDrawList *list, int n);
extern int ImDrawList_GetCmdSize(struct ImDrawList *list);
extern struct ImDrawCmd *ImDrawList_GetCmdPtr(struct ImDrawList *list, int n);
extern void ImDrawList_Clear(struct ImDrawList *list);
extern void ImDrawList_ClearFreeMemory(struct ImDrawList *list);
extern void ImDrawList_PushClipRect(struct ImDrawList *list, struct ImVec2 clip_rect_min, struct ImVec2 clip_rect_max, bool intersect_with_current_clip_rect);
extern void ImDrawList_PushClipRectFullScreen(struct ImDrawList *list);
extern void ImDrawList_PopClipRect(struct ImDrawList *list);
extern void ImDrawList_PushTextureID(struct ImDrawList *list, const ImTextureID texture_id);
extern void ImDrawList_PopTextureID(struct ImDrawList *list);
extern void ImDrawList_GetClipRectMin(struct ImVec2 *pOut, struct ImDrawList *list);
extern void ImDrawList_GetClipRectMax(struct ImVec2 *pOut, struct ImDrawList *list);
// Primitives
extern void ImDrawList_AddLine(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 a, const struct ImVec2 b, ImU32 col, float thickness);
extern void ImDrawList_AddRect(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 a, const struct ImVec2 b, ImU32 col, float rounding, int rounding_corners_flags, float thickness);
extern void ImDrawList_AddRectFilled(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 a, const struct ImVec2 b, ImU32 col, float rounding, int rounding_corners_flags);
extern void ImDrawList_AddRectFilledMultiColor(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 a, const struct ImVec2 b, ImU32 col_upr_left, ImU32 col_upr_right, ImU32 col_bot_right, ImU32 col_bot_left);
extern void ImDrawList_AddQuad(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 a, const struct ImVec2 b, const struct ImVec2 c, const struct ImVec2 d, ImU32 col, float thickness);
extern void ImDrawList_AddQuadFilled(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 a, const struct ImVec2 b, const struct ImVec2 c, const struct ImVec2 d, ImU32 col);
extern void ImDrawList_AddTriangle(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 a, const struct ImVec2 b, const struct ImVec2 c, ImU32 col, float thickness);
extern void ImDrawList_AddTriangleFilled(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 a, const struct ImVec2 b, const struct ImVec2 c, ImU32 col);
extern void ImDrawList_AddCircle(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 centre, float radius, ImU32 col, int num_segments, float thickness);
extern void ImDrawList_AddCircleFilled(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 centre, float radius, ImU32 col, int num_segments);
extern void ImDrawList_AddText(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 pos, ImU32 col, const char *text_begin, const char *text_end);
extern void ImDrawList_AddTextExt(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImFont *font, float font_size, const struct ImVec2 pos, ImU32 col, const char *text_begin, const char *text_end, float wrap_width, const struct ImVec4 *cpu_fine_clip_rect);
extern void ImDrawList_AddImage(struct ImDrawList *list, ImTextureID user_texture_id, const struct ImVec2 a, const struct ImVec2 b, const struct ImVec2 uv_a, const struct ImVec2 uv_b, ImU32 col);
extern void ImDrawList_AddImageQuad(struct ImDrawList *list, ImTextureID user_texture_id, const struct ImVec2 a, const struct ImVec2 b, const struct ImVec2 c, const struct ImVec2 d, const struct ImVec2 uv_a, const struct ImVec2 uv_b, const struct ImVec2 uv_c, const struct ImVec2 uv_d, ImU32 col);
extern void ImDrawList_AddImageRounded(struct ImDrawList *list, ImTextureID user_texture_id, const struct ImVec2 a, const struct ImVec2 b, const struct ImVec2 uv_a, const struct ImVec2 uv_b, ImU32 col, float rounding, int rounding_corners);
extern void ImDrawList_AddPolyline(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 *points, const int num_points, ImU32 col, bool closed, float thickness);
extern void ImDrawList_AddConvexPolyFilled(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 *points, const int num_points, ImU32 col);
extern void ImDrawList_AddBezierCurve(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 pos0, const struct ImVec2 cp0, const struct ImVec2 cp1, const struct ImVec2 pos1, ImU32 col, float thickness, int num_segments);
// Stateful path API, add points then finish with PathFill() or PathStroke()
extern void ImDrawList_PathClear(struct ImDrawList *list);
extern void ImDrawList_PathLineTo(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 pos);
extern void ImDrawList_PathLineToMergeDuplicate(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 pos);
extern void ImDrawList_PathFillConvex(struct ImDrawList *list, ImU32 col);
extern void ImDrawList_PathStroke(struct ImDrawList *list, ImU32 col, bool closed, float thickness);
extern void ImDrawList_PathArcTo(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 centre, float radius, float a_min, float a_max, int num_segments);
extern void ImDrawList_PathArcToFast(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 centre, float radius, int a_min_of_12, int a_max_of_12); // Use precomputed angles for a 12 steps circle
extern void ImDrawList_PathBezierCurveTo(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 p1, const struct ImVec2 p2, const struct ImVec2 p3, int num_segments);
extern void ImDrawList_PathRect(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 rect_min, const struct ImVec2 rect_max, float rounding, int rounding_corners_flags);
// Channels
extern void ImDrawList_ChannelsSplit(struct ImDrawList *list, int channels_count);
extern void ImDrawList_ChannelsMerge(struct ImDrawList *list);
extern void ImDrawList_ChannelsSetCurrent(struct ImDrawList *list, int channel_index);
// Advanced
extern void ImDrawList_AddCallback(struct ImDrawList *list, ImDrawCallback callback, void *callback_data); // Your rendering function must check for 'UserCallback' in ImDrawCmd and call the function instead of rendering triangles.
extern void ImDrawList_AddDrawCmd(struct ImDrawList *list); // This is useful if you need to forcefully create a new draw call (to allow for dependent rendering / blending). Otherwise primitives are merged into the same draw-call as much as possible
// Internal helpers
extern void ImDrawList_PrimReserve(struct ImDrawList *list, int idx_count, int vtx_count);
extern void ImDrawList_PrimRect(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 a, const struct ImVec2 b, ImU32 col);
extern void ImDrawList_PrimRectUV(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 a, const struct ImVec2 b, const struct ImVec2 uv_a, const struct ImVec2 uv_b, ImU32 col);
extern void ImDrawList_PrimQuadUV(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 a, const struct ImVec2 b, const struct ImVec2 c, const struct ImVec2 d, const struct ImVec2 uv_a, const struct ImVec2 uv_b, const struct ImVec2 uv_c, const struct ImVec2 uv_d, ImU32 col);
extern void ImDrawList_PrimWriteVtx(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 pos, const struct ImVec2 uv, ImU32 col);
extern void ImDrawList_PrimWriteIdx(struct ImDrawList *list, ImDrawIdx idx);
extern void ImDrawList_PrimVtx(struct ImDrawList *list, const struct ImVec2 pos, const struct ImVec2 uv, ImU32 col);
extern void ImDrawList_UpdateClipRect(struct ImDrawList *list);
extern void ImDrawList_UpdateTextureID(struct ImDrawList *list);
// ImDrawData
extern void ImDrawData_DeIndexAllBuffers(struct ImDrawData *drawData);
extern void ImDrawData_ScaleClipRects(struct ImDrawData *drawData, const struct ImVec2 sc);
// ImFontAtlas
extern void ImFontAtlas_GetTexDataAsRGBA32(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas, unsigned char **out_pixels, int *out_width, int *out_height, int *out_bytes_per_pixel);
extern void ImFontAtlas_GetTexDataAsAlpha8(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas, unsigned char **out_pixels, int *out_width, int *out_height, int *out_bytes_per_pixel);
extern void ImFontAtlas_SetTexID(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas, ImTextureID id);
extern struct ImFont *ImFontAtlas_AddFont(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas, const struct ImFontConfig *font_cfg);
extern struct ImFont *ImFontAtlas_AddFontDefault(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas, const struct ImFontConfig *font_cfg);
extern struct ImFont *ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromFileTTF(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas, const char *filename, float size_pixels, const struct ImFontConfig *font_cfg, const ImWchar *glyph_ranges);
extern struct ImFont *ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryTTF(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas, void *font_data, int font_size, float size_pixels, const struct ImFontConfig *font_cfg, const ImWchar *glyph_ranges);
extern struct ImFont *ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas, const void *compressed_font_data, int compressed_font_size, float size_pixels, const struct ImFontConfig *font_cfg, const ImWchar *glyph_ranges);
extern struct ImFont *ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas, const char *compressed_font_data_base85, float size_pixels, const struct ImFontConfig *font_cfg, const ImWchar *glyph_ranges);
extern void ImFontAtlas_ClearTexData(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas);
extern void ImFontAtlas_Clear(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas);
extern const ImWchar *ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesDefault(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas);
extern const ImWchar *ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesKorean(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas);
extern const ImWchar *ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesJapanese(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas);
extern const ImWchar *ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesChinese(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas);
extern const ImWchar *ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesCyrillic(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas);
extern const ImWchar *ImFontAtlas_GetGlyphRangesThai(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas);
extern ImTextureID ImFontAtlas_GetTexID(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas);
extern unsigned char *ImFontAtlas_GetTexPixelsAlpha8(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas);
extern unsigned int *ImFontAtlas_GetTexPixelsRGBA32(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas);
extern int ImFontAtlas_GetTexWidth(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas);
extern int ImFontAtlas_GetTexHeight(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas);
extern int ImFontAtlas_GetTexDesiredWidth(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas);
extern void ImFontAtlas_SetTexDesiredWidth(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas, int TexDesiredWidth_);
extern int ImFontAtlas_GetTexGlyphPadding(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas);
extern void ImFontAtlas_SetTexGlyphPadding(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas, int TexGlyphPadding_);
extern void ImFontAtlas_GetTexUvWhitePixel(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas, struct ImVec2 *pOut);
// ImFontAtlas::Fonts;
extern int ImFontAtlas_Fonts_size(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas);
extern struct ImFont *ImFontAtlas_Fonts_index(struct ImFontAtlas *atlas, int index);
// ImFont
extern float ImFont_GetFontSize(const struct ImFont *font);
extern void ImFont_SetFontSize(struct ImFont *font, float FontSize_);
extern float ImFont_GetScale(const struct ImFont *font);
extern void ImFont_SetScale(struct ImFont *font, float Scale_);
extern void ImFont_GetDisplayOffset(const struct ImFont *font, struct ImVec2 *pOut);
extern const struct Glyph *ImFont_GetFallbackGlyph(const struct ImFont *font);
extern void ImFont_SetFallbackGlyph(struct ImFont *font, const struct Glyph *FallbackGlyph_);
extern float ImFont_GetFallbackAdvanceX(const struct ImFont *font);
extern ImWchar ImFont_GetFallbackChar(const struct ImFont *font);
extern short ImFont_GetConfigDataCount(const struct ImFont *font);
extern struct ImFontConfig *ImFont_GetConfigData(struct ImFont *font);
extern struct ImFontAtlas *ImFont_GetContainerAtlas(struct ImFont *font);
extern float ImFont_GetAscent(const struct ImFont *font);
extern float ImFont_GetDescent(const struct ImFont *font);
extern int ImFont_GetMetricsTotalSurface(const struct ImFont *font);
extern void ImFont_ClearOutputData(struct ImFont *font);
extern void ImFont_BuildLookupTable(struct ImFont *font);
extern const struct Glyph *ImFont_FindGlyph(const struct ImFont *font, ImWchar c);
extern void ImFont_SetFallbackChar(struct ImFont *font, ImWchar c);
extern float ImFont_GetCharAdvance(const struct ImFont *font, ImWchar c);
extern bool ImFont_IsLoaded(const struct ImFont *font);
extern const char *ImFont_GetDebugName(const struct ImFont *font);
extern void ImFont_CalcTextSizeA(const struct ImFont *font, struct ImVec2 *pOut, float size, float max_width, float wrap_width, const char *text_begin, const char *text_end, const char **remaining); // utf8
extern const char *ImFont_CalcWordWrapPositionA(const struct ImFont *font, float scale, const char *text, const char *text_end, float wrap_width);
extern void ImFont_RenderChar(const struct ImFont *font, struct ImDrawList *draw_list, float size, struct ImVec2 pos, ImU32 col, unsigned short c);
extern void ImFont_RenderText(const struct ImFont *font, struct ImDrawList *draw_list, float size, struct ImVec2 pos, ImU32 col, const struct ImVec4 *clip_rect, const char *text_begin, const char *text_end, float wrap_width, bool cpu_fine_clip);
// ImFont::Glyph
extern int ImFont_Glyphs_size(const struct ImFont *font);
extern struct Glyph *ImFont_Glyphs_index(struct ImFont *font, int index);
// ImFont::IndexXAdvance
extern int ImFont_IndexXAdvance_size(const struct ImFont *font);
extern float ImFont_IndexXAdvance_index(const struct ImFont *font, int index);
// ImFont::IndexLookup
extern int ImFont_IndexLookup_size(const struct ImFont *font);
extern unsigned short ImFont_IndexLookup_index(const struct ImFont *font, int index);
local igIO = C.igGetIO()
local ig = {}
-- Love + ImGui implementation = {}
local fontAtlasTexture
local scrollVelocityY = 0
local touchJustReleased = false
local keyMap = {
tab = C.ImGuiKey_Tab,
left = C.ImGuiKey_LeftArrow,
right = C.ImGuiKey_RightArrow,
up = C.ImGuiKey_UpArrow,
down = C.ImGuiKey_DownArrow,
pageup = C.ImGuiKey_PageUp,
pagedown = C.ImGuiKey_PageDown,
home = C.ImGuiKey_Home,
['end'] = C.ImGuiKey_End,
delete = C.ImGuiKey_Delete,
backspace = C.ImGuiKey_Backspace,
['return'] = C.ImGuiKey_Enter,
['kpenter'] = C.ImGuiKey_Enter,
escape = C.ImGuiKey_Escape,
a = C.ImGuiKey_A,
c = C.ImGuiKey_C,
v = C.ImGuiKey_V,
x = C.ImGuiKey_X,
y = C.ImGuiKey_Y,
z = C.ImGuiKey_Z,
local modifierMap = {
rshift = 'KeyShift',
lshift = 'KeyShift',
rctrl = 'KeyCtrl',
lctrl = 'KeyCtrl',
ralt = 'KeyAlt',
lalt = 'KeyAlt',
rgui = 'KeySuper',
lgui = 'KeySuper',
local keysJustReleased = {}
-- C.ImFontAtlas_AddFontFromFileTTF(igIO.Fonts, './assets/fonts/inconsolata.ttf', 13, nil, nil)
local pixels ='unsigned char *[1]')
local width, height ='int[1]'),'int[1]')
local bytesPerPixel ='int[1]')
C.ImFontAtlas_GetTexDataAsRGBA32(igIO.Fonts, pixels, width, height, bytesPerPixel)
local pixelsStr = ffi.string(pixels[0], width[0] * height[0] * bytesPerPixel[0])
local imgData = love.image.newImageData(width[0], height[0], pixelsStr)
fontAtlasTexture =
fontAtlasTexture:setFilter('nearest', 'nearest')
for key, mapping in pairs(keyMap) do
igIO.KeyMap[mapping] = mapping
function, y)
local scale = love.window.getPixelScale()
igIO.MousePos = { x = x / scale, y = y / scale }
function, y, button)
scrollVelocityY = 0
if button >= 1 and button <= 6 then
igIO.MouseDown[button - 1] = true
function, y, button, istouch)
if button >= 1 and button <= 6 then
igIO.MouseDown[button - 1] = false
if istouch then
touchJustReleased = true
function, y)
scrollVelocityY = 0.18 * y
if keyMap[key] ~= nil then
igIO.KeysDown[keyMap[key]] = true
if modifierMap[key] ~= nil then
igIO[modifierMap[key]] = true
-- Save for later instead of updating immediately, so that keypresses last across at least one
-- ImGui frame even if the press and release happened 'simultaneously'. In practice this is
-- important for the iOS keyboard.
if keyMap[key] ~= nil or modifierMap[key] ~= nil then
table.insert(keysJustReleased, key)
local width, height =
local scale = love.window.getPixelScale()
igIO.DisplaySize = { x = width / scale, y = height / scale }
igIO.MouseWheel = scrollVelocityY
scrollVelocityY = scrollVelocityY * 0.63
if math.abs(scrollVelocityY) < 0.008 then
scrollVelocityY = 0
igIO.DeltaTime = dt or love.timer.getDelta()
for mod, mapping in pairs(modifierMap) do
igIO[mapping] = igIO[mapping] or love.keyboard.isDown(mod)
for _, key in pairs(keysJustReleased) do
local igIO = C.igGetIO()
if keyMap[key] ~= nil then
igIO.KeysDown[keyMap[key]] = false
if modifierMap[key] ~= nil then
igIO[modifierMap[key]] = false
-- This resets the hover state when a touch is released.
-- See
if touchJustReleased then
igIO.MousePos = { x = -math.huge, y = -math.huge }
touchJustReleased = false
-- Apply pixel scaling
local scale = love.window.getPixelScale()
-- Get `ImDrawData`
local drawData = C.igGetDrawData()
-- Tell ImGui about pixel scaling
igIO.DisplayFramebufferScale = { x = scale, y = scale }
C.ImDrawData_ScaleClipRects(drawData, igIO.DisplayFramebufferScale)
-- Iterate through `ImDrawList`s
for drawListId = 0, (drawData.CmdListsCount - 1) do
local drawList = drawData.CmdLists[drawListId]
-- Convert index buffer to Lua sequence
local indexBufferPtr = C.ImDrawList_GetIndexPtr(drawList, 0)
local vertexMap = {}
for i = 0, (C.ImDrawList_GetIndexBufferSize(drawList) - 1) do
table.insert(vertexMap, indexBufferPtr[i] + 1)
-- Convert vertex buffer to Love `ImageData`
local vertexPtr = C.ImDrawList_GetVertexPtr(drawList, 0)
local vertexBufferSize = C.ImDrawList_GetVertexBufferSize(drawList)
local vertexBufferBytes = vertexBufferSize * ffi.sizeof('struct ImDrawVert')
local vertexStr = ffi.string(vertexPtr, vertexBufferBytes)
local vertexData = love.image.newImageData(vertexBufferBytes / 4, 1, vertexStr)
-- Create Love `Mesh`
local mesh ={
{ 'VertexPosition', 'float', 2 },
{ 'VertexTexCoord', 'float', 2 },
{ 'VertexColor', 'byte', 4 },
}, vertexData, 'triangles')
-- Iterate through `ImDrawCmd`s
local drawCmds = C.ImDrawList_GetCmdPtr(drawList, 0)
for drawCmdId = 0, (C.ImDrawList_GetCmdSize(drawList)) do
local drawCmd = drawCmds[drawCmdId]
local elemCount = drawCmd.ElemCount
if elemCount > 0 then
-- scissor draw area to `ClipRect`
local clip = drawCmd.ClipRect, clip.y,
clip.z - clip.x, clip.w - clip.y)
-- TODO: use `drawCmd.TextureId` if set
-- select next range in `Mesh` and draw!
local _, currMax = mesh:getDrawRange()
mesh:setDrawRange((currMax or 0) + 1, (currMax or 0) + elemCount)
return ig
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