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Created September 17, 2020 12:42
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Simulation of pre/provecommit + window post evolution
#!/usr/bin/env python3
precommitGas = 9000000
provecommitGas = 40000000
windowpostGas = 512265727
maxSectorsPerWindowPost = 10000
sectorSize = 32
blockLimitGas = 10e9
tipset = 5
def howManyTx(gasTx,available):
return available / gasTx
bb = 1000
def gbToEB(gb):
return gb/bb/bb/bb
def ebToGB(eb):
return eb * bb * bb * bb
def sectorsToWindowPost(nbSectors):
return max(1, nbSectors / maxSectorsPerWindowPost)
# we initially fill the block only with precommit and provecommit and gradually
# put window post in it
nbPreCommit = howManyTx(precommitGas, blockLimitGas/2)
nbProveCommit = howManyTx(provecommitGas, blockLimitGas/2)
nbWindowPost = 0
nbSectorsEmboarded = 0
maxdeadline= 48
roundsInDeadline= 30 * 2
toProve = {}
rounds = 0
for i in range(0,maxdeadline):
toProve[i] = 0
## We continue as long as we can still put some precommit / provecommit
while True:
## keep track of how many prove commit we have seen thus far
nbSectorsEmboarded += nbProveCommit
## howmany window post should I prove at this deadline
## we spread out the windowpost to do over all blocks of the deadline
nbWindowPost = sectorsToWindowPost(toProve[deadline] / roundsInDeadline)
gasWindow = windowpostGas * nbWindowPost
gasLeft = tipset * blockLimitGas - gasWindow
if gasLeft < 0:
# we put as many pre/prove commit as we can with the gas that's left
nbPreCommit = howManyTx(precommitGas, gasLeft/2)
nbProveCommit = howManyTx(provecommitGas, gasLeft/2)
# in 24h - a deadline we start proving those (easier to shift by one dl)
toProve[(deadline-1) % maxdeadline] += nbProveCommit
rounds += 1
## we are changing of deadline now
if rounds % roundsInDeadline == 0:
deadline = (deadline + 1) % maxdeadline
print("how many rounds until full of windowpost: ",rounds)
print("how much time does this represents (years): ", rounds / 2 / 60 / 24 / 365)
print("how many sectors emboarded: ", nbSectorsEmboarded)
print("how much storage in EB being proven: ",gbToEB(nbSectorsEmboarded*32))
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