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Created July 17, 2017 12:20
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Solution for signature server from CTFZone 2017
# Implementation based on attack from
import socket
import telnetlib
import random
from hashlib import sha1
from sage.all import inverse_mod, matrix, vector
TARGET = ('', 1337)
def ru(st):
while not st in buf:
c = sock.recv(1)
buf += c
return buf
q = 0x100000000000000000001f4c8f927aed3ca752257
bits = 5
n = 50
def oracle(msg):
ru('-> ')
ru('sign: ')
sock.sendall(msg + '\n')
r, s, klo = map(int,ru('\n').strip().split(', '))
return r, s, klo
def dot(a, b):
return sum(x*y for x, y in zip(a,b))
def babai(A, w):
''' '''
C = max(max(row) for row in A.rows())
B = matrix([list(row) + [0] for row in A.rows()] + [list(w) + [C]])
B = B.LLL(delta=0.99)
return w - vector(B.rows()[-1][:-1])
msg = 'foo'
h = int(sha1(msg).hexdigest(), 16)
M = 2**bits
sigs = []
print 'Filling buffer...'
iter = 0
while True:
iter += 1
n = 50
while len(sigs) < n+1:
print 'Iteration %d' % iter
(r0, s0, klo0) = sigs[-n-1]
r0inv = inverse_mod(r0, q)
svec, tvec = [], []
for idx in range(-n,0):
(r, s, klo) = sigs[idx]
t = inverse_mod(-s, q)
A = (h*(1-r*r0inv)*t)%q
B = (r*r0inv*s0*t)%q
inv = inverse_mod(M, q)
t = ((A + B*klo0 + klo)*inv)%q
s = (B*M*inv)%q
A = [[-1]+svec] + [[0]*i + [q] + [0]*(n-i) for i in range(1, n+1)]
A = matrix(A)
t = vector([0]+tvec)
w = babai(A,t)
z = w-t
k = z[0]*M + klo0
x = (s0*k - h) * inverse_mod(r0, q) % q
x = hex(int(x)).rstrip('L').lstrip('0x')
while len(x) %2 :
x = '0'+x
x = x.decode('hex')
if all(ord(c) >= 0x20 and ord(c) <= 0x7d for c in x):
print x
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