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Created January 7, 2017 14:30
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017-01-07 15:29:06,151 - synapse.access.http.5240 - 91 - INFO - GET-18804- - 5240 - {} Processed r
equest: 303ms (23ms, 0ms) (0ms/0) 255B 200 "GET /_matrix/client/r0/sync?filter=10&timeout=30000&since=s119413_86181_159_6482_60_37_125&acces
s_token=<redacted> HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0"
2017-01-07 15:29:06,253 - synapse.access.https.8448 - 59 - INFO - PUT-18806- - 8448 - Received request: PUT /_matrix/federatio
2017-01-07 15:29:06,257 - synapse.federation.transport.server - 138 - INFO - PUT-18806- Request from
2017-01-07 15:29:06,258 - synapse.federation.transport.server - 244 - INFO - PUT-18806- Received txn 1483547122685 from (PDUs:
0, EDUs: 1, failures: 0)
2017-01-07 15:29:06,272 - synapse.access.https.8448 - 91 - INFO - PUT-18805- - 8448 - {} Processed request: 309ms (8
ms, 0ms) (282ms/3) 11B 200 "PUT /_matrix/federation/v1/send/1483764371820/ HTTP/1.1" "Synapse/0.18.7-rc2 (b=matrix-org-hotfixes,1d08de6)"
2017-01-07 15:29:06,516 - synapse.access.https.8448 - 91 - INFO - PUT-18806- - 8448 - {} Processed request: 262ms (
0ms, 0ms) (236ms/3) 11B 200 "PUT /_matrix/federation/v1/send/1483547122685/ HTTP/1.1" "Synapse/0.18.5"
2017-01-07 15:29:06,598 - synapse.access.http.5240 - 59 - INFO - GET-18807- - 5240 - Received request: GET /_matrix/client/r0
2017-01-07 15:29:06,603 - synapse.state - 126 - INFO - GET-18807- calling resolve_state_groups from get_current_state
2017-01-07 15:29:06,626 - synapse.state - 126 - INFO - GET-18807- calling resolve_state_groups from get_current_state
2017-01-07 15:29:06,649 - - 1087 - INFO - GET-18807- Loading 1 events
2017-01-07 15:29:06,651 - - 1090 - INFO - GET-18807- Loaded 1 events (1 rows)
2017-01-07 15:29:06,673 - synapse.http.outbound - 124 - INFO - GET-18807- {GET-O-38355} [] Sending request: GET matrix://matrix.or
2017-01-07 15:29:06,676 - synapse.access.http.5240 - 59 - INFO - GET-18808- - 5240 - Received request: GET /_matrix/client/r0
2017-01-07 15:29:06,678 - - 114 - INFO - GET-18808- /sync: user=DomainSpecificString(localpart=u'niklas',
domain=u''), timeout=30000, since='s119413_86184_159_6482_60_37_125', set_presence='online', filter_id='10', device_id=u'D
2017-01-07 15:29:06,679 - synapse.handlers.sync - 513 - INFO - GET-18808- Calculating sync response for DomainSpecificString(localpart=u'nik
las', domain=u'')
2017-01-07 15:29:06,684 - synapse.access.http.5240 - 91 - INFO - GET-18808- - 5240 - {} Processed r
equest: 7ms (8ms, 0ms) (0ms/0) 215B 200 "GET /_matrix/client/r0/sync?filter=10&timeout=30000&since=s119413_86184_159_6482_60_37_125&access_t
oken=<redacted> HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0"
2017-01-07 15:29:06,707 - synapse.http.outbound - 209 - INFO - GET-18807- {GET-O-38355} [] Result: 403 Forbidden
2017-01-07 15:29:06,712 - synapse.http.server - 126 - ERROR - GET-18807- 403: Forbidden
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/synapse/http/", line 116, in wrapped_request_handler
yield request_handler(self, request, request_metrics)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/", line 1297, in _inlineCallbacks
result = result.throwExceptionIntoGenerator(g)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/python/", line 389, in throwExceptionIntoGenerator
return g.throw(self.type, self.value, self.tb)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/synapse/http/", line 255, in _async_render
callback_return = yield callback(request, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/", line 1297, in _inlineCallbacks
result = result.throwExceptionIntoGenerator(g)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/python/", line 389, in throwExceptionIntoGenerator
return g.throw(self.type, self.value, self.tb)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/synapse/rest/client/v1/", line 434, in on_GET
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/", line 1297, in _inlineCallbacks
result = result.throwExceptionIntoGenerator(g)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/python/", line 389, in throwExceptionIntoGenerator
return g.throw(self.type, self.value, self.tb)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/synapse/handlers/", line 131, in get_messages
room_id, max_topo
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/", line 1297, in _inlineCallbacks
result = result.throwExceptionIntoGenerator(g)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/python/", line 389, in throwExceptionIntoGenerator
return g.throw(self.type, self.value, self.tb)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/synapse/handlers/", line 131, in get_messages
room_id, max_topo
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/", line 1297, in _inlineCallbacks
result = result.throwExceptionIntoGenerator(g)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/python/", line 389, in throwExceptionIntoGenerator
return g.throw(self.type, self.value, self.tb)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/synapse/handlers/", line 582, in maybe_backfill
success = yield try_backfill(likely_domains)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/", line 1297, in _inlineCallbacks
result = result.throwExceptionIntoGenerator(g)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/python/", line 389, in throwExceptionIntoGenerator
return g.throw(self.type, self.value, self.tb)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/synapse/handlers/", line 549, in try_backfill
extremities=[e for e in extremities.keys()]
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/", line 1297, in _inlineCallbacks
result = result.throwExceptionIntoGenerator(g)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/python/", line 389, in throwExceptionIntoGenerator
return g.throw(self.type, self.value, self.tb)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/synapse/handlers/", line 328, in backfill
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/", line 1297, in _inlineCallbacks
result = result.throwExceptionIntoGenerator(g)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/python/", line 389, in throwExceptionIntoGenerator
return g.throw(self.type, self.value, self.tb)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/synapse/federation/", line 169, in backfill
dest, context, extremities, limit)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/", line 1297, in _inlineCallbacks
result = result.throwExceptionIntoGenerator(g)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/python/", line 389, in throwExceptionIntoGenerator
return g.throw(self.type, self.value, self.tb)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/synapse/http/", line 390, in get_json
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/", line 1299, in _inlineCallbacks
result = g.send(result)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/synapse/http/", line 219, in _create_request
response.code, response.phrase, body
HttpResponseException: 403: Forbidden
2017-01-07 15:29:06,714 - synapse.access.http.5240 - 91 - INFO - GET-18807- - 5240 - {} Processed request: 114ms (52ms, 3ms) (16ms/2) 59B 403 "GET /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/!<redacted> HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0"
2017-01-07 15:29:06,743 - synapse.access.http.5240 - 59 - INFO - GET-18809- - 5240 - Received request: GET /_matrix/client/r0/sync?filter=10&timeout=30000&since=s119413_86185_159_6482_60_37_125&access_token=<redacted>
2017-01-07 15:29:06,746 - - 114 - INFO - GET-18809- /sync: user=DomainSpecificString(localpart=u'niklas', domain=u''), timeout=30000, since='s119413_86185_159_6482_60_37_125', set_presence='online', filter_id='10', device_id=u'DJFBJCJNJF'
2017-01-07 15:29:06,748 - synapse.handlers.sync - 513 - INFO - GET-18809- Calculating sync response for DomainSpecificString(localpart=u'niklas', domain=u'')
2017-01-07 15:29:09,321 - synapse.http.matrixfederationclient - 183 - WARNING - - {PUT-O-37788} Sending request failed to PUT matrix:// TimeoutError - TimeoutError:
2017-01-07 15:29:09,322 - twisted - 131 - INFO - - Stopping factory <twisted.web.client._HTTP11ClientFactory instance at 0x7f4f21588710>
2017-01-07 15:29:09,581 - synapse.handlers.typing - 79 - INFO - - Checking for typing timeouts
2017-01-07 15:29:09,582 - synapse.handlers.presence - 328 - INFO - - Handling presence timeouts
2017-01-07 15:29:09,620 - - 207 - INFO - - Total database time: 13.039% {set_received_txn_response(4): 5.217%, update_presence(3): 4.444%, insert_linearized_receipt(1): 1.771%} {}
2017-01-07 15:29:10,707 - synapse.access.https.8448 - 59 - INFO - PUT-18810- - 8448 - Received request: PUT /_matrix/federation/v1/send/1483649256267/
2017-01-07 15:29:10,713 - synapse.federation.transport.server - 138 - INFO - PUT-18810- Request from
2017-01-07 15:29:10,714 - synapse.federation.transport.server - 244 - INFO - PUT-18810- Received txn 1483649256267 from (PDUs: 0, EDUs: 1, failures: 0)
2017-01-07 15:29:10,716 - synapse.metrics - 162 - INFO - - Collecting gc 0
2017-01-07 15:29:10,730 - synapse.access.https.8448 - 59 - INFO - PUT-18811- - 8448 - Received request: PUT /_matrix/federation/v1/send/1483764371969/
2017-01-07 15:29:10,734 - synapse.federation.transport.server - 138 - INFO - PUT-18811- Request from
2017-01-07 15:29:10,735 - synapse.federation.transport.server - 244 - INFO - PUT-18811- Received txn 1483764371969 from (PDUs: 0, EDUs: 1, failures: 0)
2017-01-07 15:29:10,896 - synapse.handlers.sync - 513 - INFO - GET-18809- Calculating sync response for DomainSpecificString(localpart=u'niklas', domain=u'')
2017-01-07 15:29:10,908 - synapse.access.http.5240 - 91 - INFO - GET-18809- - 5240 - {} Processed request: 4164ms (19ms, 0ms) (0ms/0) 206B 200 "GET /_matrix/client/r0/sync?filter=10&timeout=30000&since=s119413_86185_159_6482_60_37_125&access_token=<redacted> HTTP/1.0" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0"
2017-01-07 15:29:10,938 - twisted - 131 - INFO - - DNSDatagramProtocol starting on 1870
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