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Created July 19, 2011 13:37
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A proposal for proxy vocabularies mapped to a mix of vocabularies (using SPARQL 1.1), for use in RDFa.

For the basic case, given data like:

<html lang="en">
  <head><base href=""/></head>
  <body vocab="" typeof="Site" lang="sv">
    <h1 property="title">The Website</h1>
    <ul rel="author">
      <li about="/persons/doe" typeof="Person">
        <a rel="url" href="/persons/doe.html">Doe</a>

Or, in Turtle:

@prefix : <> .
@base <> .

<> a :Site;
  :title "The Website"@en;
  :author </persons/doe> .

</persons/doe> a :Person;
  :url </persons/doe.html> .

And a (site specific) proxy vocabulary (using the hypothetical "RDF map" vocabulary):

@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix map: <> . # EXPERIMENTAL
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix sioc: <> .
@prefix : <> .

:Site a map:ProxyClass;
  rdfs:subClassOf  sioc:Site .

:title a map:ProxyProperty;
  rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:title .

:author a map:ProxyProperty;
  rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:creator .

:Person a map:ProxyClass;
  rdfs:subClassOf  foaf:Person .

:url a map:ProxyProperty;
  rdfs:subPropertyOf foaf:homepage .

A SPARQL 1.1 query like:

PREFIX map: <>

  ?subject ?property ?value .

  GRAPH <given-data> {
    ?subject ?givenProperty ?givenValue .

    ?givenProperty a map:ProxyProperty;
      rdfs:subPropertyOf ?subProperty .
    FILTER(?givenProperty = rdf:type)
    ?givenValue a map:ProxyClass;
      rdfs:subClassOf ?subTypeValue .

  BIND(COALESCE(?subProperty, ?givenProperty) as ?property)
  BIND(COALESCE(?subTypeValue, ?givenValue) as ?value)


Will produce this new, mapped data out of the original:

@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix sioc: <> .
@base <> .

<> a sioc:Site;
  dct:title "The Website"@en;
  dct:creator </persons/doe> .

</persons/doe> a foaf:Person;
  foaf:homepage </persons/doe.html> .
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