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Created January 10, 2013 21:41
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Scripting Vim - From Moves to Tools [A Vim Presentation]
Scripting Vim - From Moves to Tools
* Customizing Vim
* Mappings
* Commands
* Batching with Vim
* Case: plugin
" Common Behaviour
Any sufficiently advanced use of Vim
is indistinguishable from scripting.
* Map your common moves
* Create high-level actions as commands
* Compose sequences and flow as functions
" Moves: less writing, more *editing*
" Pour some Coffee in your JS
console.log("hello", "world")
console.log "hello", "world"
" Macros: just for now
" Customize Vim
- $HOME/.vim
A plethora of settings
* plugin: options, mappings, commands...
* ftplugin: -||- by filetype (e.g. completion)
* indent, syntax, compiler, spell, colors...
" Help
:help <topic, keyword, option, command, function, ...>
:help 'encoding'
:help f
" A Note on Plugin Management
Pathogen - Extending the runtime path
" Your mappings and commands
- <~/.vimrc>
- <~/.gvimrc>
- <~/.vim/>
- <~/.vim/plugin/>
- <~/.vim/bundle/vimheap/plugin/abbrs_maps.vim>
- <~/.vim/bundle/vimheap/plugin/cleanup.vim>
" Mappings
" delete parens of call
nnoremap dC f(%x``r<Space>b
" "Delete Lisp": delete list-style function calls
nnoremap dl F(%x``xdw=``
noremap <Leader>tw :%s/\s\+$//g<CR>``:noh<CR>
inoremap ^/ <ESC>T<yt>o</<ESC>pF<EylD"0pa>
inoremap ^> <Esc>:s/.*<\([^ ]\+\)[^>]*>.*/&<\/\1>/ \| noh \| <CR>A
nnoremap <F3> :if &buftype == "quickfix"<Bar>cclose<Bar>else<Bar>botright copen<Bar>endif<CR>
nnoremap <S-F3> :silent make <Bar> botright cwindow<CR>
" Commands: high-level actions
command! -nargs=0 ImportCleanup :g/^import \|^from /exec "norm $b"|if(!search('\<'.expand("<cword>").'\>', 'nWp'))|d|en|noh
" Scripts: just source them
" Scripts: This Presentation
- <pres.vim>
- <bundle/vimheap/plugin/presfold.vim>
" Batching: run scripts with vim
:cd your-project/
:arg **/*.py
:arg `ack -l simplejson`
:argdo %s/^import\s+simplejson\>/import json/ge | up
" opt. :set hidden -> argdo -> preview -> :wa
" cmdline mode
$ vim -esc '%s/Item/ITEM/ | upd' FILE
$ vim -es < modify.vim FILE
" Mail your edits
$ vim -es FILE <<-EOF
normal ~
$ curl -O
$ vim -E -s examples.txt <<-EOF
%s/itemscope itemtype="[^"]*\/\([^"]\+\)"/typeof="\1"/g
%s#WITH\s\+MARKUP:\_s\+<\w\+#& vocab=""#
%s/property="itemListElement"/& inlist/g
g/<meta.\+property="\(url\|contentURL\|thumbnail\)"/s/<meta \(.*\)content\s*\(="[^"]\+"\)/<link \1href\2/
:saveas examples-rdfa.txt
" Outside the box
Filter through shell cmd
:%!sort | uniq -d
" Case: An example plugin
* Documentation
* Configurability
* VimScript OO using dicts
- <bundle/vim-toner/>
" vim: ft=vim
set ls=1
set cmdheight=2
set nonumber
set guioptions=gmteA
set guifont=Menlo\ Regular:h32
"set fullscreen
"set showtabline=0
set columns=72
set transparency=64
colorscheme tinfoil
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