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Created July 16, 2013 12:29
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Using the Dublin Core terms isFormatOf and isVersionOf to interlink some SchemaBibEx examples
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix pto: <> .
@prefix : <> .
## Altered parts of <> ##
<http://herbert.example/4> a :Book ;
:about <> ;
:author <> ;
:genre "Fiction" ;
:copyrightYear "1965" ;
:name "Dune" .
<http://herbert.example/6> a :Book, :ProductModel, pto:Hardcover ;
dc:isFormatOf <http://herbert.example/4> ;
:datePublished "1965" ;
:isbn "0801950775" .
<http://herbert.example/7> a :Book, :IndividualProduct, pto:Hardcover ;
:model <http://herbert.example/6> ;
:offer [ a :Offer; :inventoryLevel 1 ] ;
:itemCondition :DamagedCondition ;
:serialNumber "barcode:71176" .
<http://herbert.example/3> a :Movie ;
dc:isVersionOf <http://herbert.example/4> ;
:about <> ;
:director <> ;
:copyrightYear "2001" ;
:name "Dune" .
<http://herbert.example/5> a :Book, :ProductModel, pto:DVD ;
dc:isFormatOf <http://herbert.example/3> ;
:datePublished "2001" ;
:productID "upc:012236126297" .
<> a skos:Concept ;
owl:sameAs <> ;
:name "Dune (Imaginary place)" .
<> a :Person ;
:name "Lynch, David" .
<> a :Person ;
:name "Herbert, Frank" .
<> a skos:Concept;
foaf:focus <> .
## Altered <> ##
<> a :CreativeWork;
:name "War and Peace";
:about <>;
:author <>;
:author [ a :Person; :name "Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910."];
:inLanguage "en";
:genre "History";
:genre "Fiction";
:description "An epic novel featuring the Russian role in the Napoleonic wars and providing a complex panorama of the life of the time." .
dc:hasFormat <>;
dc:hasFormat <>;
dc:hasVersion <> .
<> a :Book;
:name "War and Peace";
:about <>;
:author <>;
:author [ a :Person; :name "Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910."];
:inLanguage "en";
:genre "History";
:genre "Fiction";
:description "An epic novel featuring the Russian role in the Napoleonic wars and providing a complex panorama of the life of the time.";
dc:isFormatOf <> .
<> a :Book, pto:Audiobook, pto:Compact_Cassette;
:isbn "9780553479430";
:isbn "0553479431";
:name "War and Peace";
:about <>;
:author <>;
:author [ a :Person; :name "Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910."];
:inLanguage "en";
:genre "History";
:genre "Fiction";
:description "An epic novel featuring the Russian role in the Napoleonic wars and providing a complex panorama of the life of the time.";
dc:isFormatOf <> .
<> a :Movie;
:name "War and Peace";
:about <>;
:contributor <>;
:contributor [ a :Person; :name "Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910."];
:inLanguage "en";
:genre "History";
:genre "War Films";
:genre "Feature Films";
dc:isVersionOf <>.
## Altered <> ##
[] a :Book;
:author <>;
dc:hasFormat <>;
dc:hasVersion <>;
:datePublished "1991-05-01";
:inLanguage "English";
:isbn "0316769487";
:name "The adventures of Tom Sawyer";
:numberOfPages "224";
:offers [ a :Offer;
:availability :notCheckedOut];
:publisher "Little, Brown, and Company" .
## Altered <> ##
</work/dune> a :Book;
:name "Dune";
:author <> .
</isbn/1427201439> a :Book, pto:Audiobook, pto:Compact_Disk;
#:name "Dune";
#:author <>;
:isbn "1427201439";
dc:isFormatOf </work/dune> .
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